
Filters are not loaded to graph after installation

I am installing my in-house filters (audio codecs DMO) on a windows 7 machine (on XP this does not happen). Installation is MSI and registration of the filters is done using the MSI registry table (MSI is WIX). After installing, I cannot playback any file that requires one of the installed filters. When trying to render in graphedit, I ...

Adding 3D effects to a 2D object - DirectX

I wrote a simple program to load a directX .x mesh file. My loaded image is displayed like this. But the one which the MeshViewer shows is like this. What should be done to get the 3D look? Which call in the DirectX library should I make? ...

Get hidden IvideoWindow Image

Hi, i need to get Image of hidden IvideoWindow ("ActiveMovie Window"), which shows webcam preview. As far as i can tell preview isn't overlay, it doesn't have overlay features, i can use printscreen on it, but i need window to stay hidden all the time, so that won't help. Also PrintWindow() api function returns me black screen. Program...

Drawing text with C++ directx

I'm creating an application overlay via Direct3D hooking, however I can't draw any text. I've started with this sample. The library itself seems to replace all D3D calls with own functions (and in the end it calls the original ones). I've tried all variations of DrawText without any result visible result. On the other hand, I can draw pr...

Get resolution of DirectX device

Where should I be looking for resolution of DirectX (3D) device? getViewport seems to have Width and Height, yet as far as I know viewport is supposed to be an area, not 2D "canvas" with these attributes. (I hope "resolution" applies to the device, not D3D directly. Please correct me if this part is wrong.) Simple MSDN link will be goo...

Basic DirectX11 problem, code crashes as soon as I begin drawing anything to the screen. Also help with Netbeans configuration.

So, I started programming in DirectX11 today, I've had a lot experience with coding, but not specifically DirectX, so I went and look at some tutorials. All was going swell, I could initialize a window, set a background color, but then as soon as I tried to define a shader and draw an object, it just crashes on load. This code is extreme...

Flickering UI problems - what causes the DWM in windows 7 to decide to refresh immediately upon calling SetWindowPos?

I have a custom tabbed style control, and internally it works by showing or hiding the relevant page when you click on a tab. The basic order of things that happen when you click a tab is Bring relevant page to front Show relevant page (by calling SetWindowPos with the appropriate flags) Hide the old page that we just covered up Repai...

Math methods in the not managed DirectX

Hi! I am curious if there are defined some math methods in not managed DX such as RotationAxis in the managed one (converts a pair of angle and vetor to a quatenion - I have realized that in managed DX You can use a lot of predefined math methods, but is it true at not man...

direct3D 10 & 11

Is there a big difference (in the way of coding, ...) between the direct3d sdk 10 and 11, like "it was" between direct3d 9 and 10 ? Thank you ...

Can I have an dynamic array of IDirect3DVertexBuffer9?

Hello, I am working with Delphi and DirectX. I want an dynamic array of IDirect3DVertexBuffer9. Is it possible? If yes then how? I have written a code for it. But, it seems to be problematic. My code is shown below - totalBuffer := 4; SetLength(g_pVB,totalBuffer); for cnt := 0 to totalBuffer - 1 do begin if FAILED(g_pd3dDevice.C...

How can I expose a uniform interface to a template class ?

Hi everyone, I have implemented a templated buffer class like this: template <class T, class Impl> class base_hardware_buffer : Impl { public: typedef const T& const_reference; typedef T* pointer; void push_back(reference r) { // Do some generic operation, call impl when needed // ... } pointer...

Best way to learn about Direct X

I want to begin looking at Direct X, but don't just want to try and throw myself into it. What are some good resources to get ones feet wet? ...

Collada and Skeletal Animation

I am attempting to implement a skeletal animation setup within a game engine I am currently coding for my practicum at school. The engine is coded in c++ and directx 10 using a right handed system. Currently I am using collada for importing and loading meshes (I know it's not the best solution available). The setup I am using uses quate...

HLSL: Using arrays inside a struct

I came across a weird behavior of HLSL. I am trying to use an array that is contained within a struct, like this (Pixel Shader code): struct VSOUT { float4 projected : SV_POSITION; float3 pos: POSITION; float3 normal : NORMAL; }; struct Something { float a[17]; }; float4 shMain (VSOUT input) : SV_Target { Someth...

Fullscreen DirectX Overlay? Yes.. again C#

It looks like this question has been asked multiple times each in a different context and I have made some strides in making an overlay for a game (This is for informational data, etc..). I Would also like to make it inter-actable like Steam and XFire. I have managed to get an overlay for a directx game while its in window mode... ki...

SlimDX: Cannot see Direct3D debug output in Visual Studio 2010

I've installed the June 2010 SDK Enabled the Debug Runtime in the DirectX Control Panel set the Debug Output Level to maximum (More) Enabled unmanaged code debugging. Result: The debug output from Direct3D is missing However if I start the application externally and use dbgview.exe, the output is shown there. What could be the rea...

Quaternion Camera with DirectX

Hi! I would like to write quaternion camera. But unfortunatelly it gets "NULLED". I don't know where I was wrong. I have 3 additional quaternion for easy moving (up, look, thirdA) The bad code: void _camera::rotateX(float angle) { thirdA.w = angle; D3DXQUATERNION tmp; D3DXQUATERNION tmp2; D3DXQuaternionConjugate(&tmp, &...

Primitive thickness - DX10

Hello, i recently stepped into primitive rendering in directX10. I need that because i want to convert my ingame chat from directx9 to 10 due my huge performance lag being forced by the games weak dx9 support. The lines are being rendered fine on the positions i want. My actual problem is that they doesnt appear as thin as in directX9 ...

Managed DirectX Camera Issue

I am a bit new to the DirectX library and I am wondering if anyone can help me with a camera issue. In my main form I load a set of polygon data representing a 3D object and then pass that polygon data to another form and want to draw the polygon as a triangle list. Unfortunately I cannot seem to get the camera to either 1) Have the prop...

Drawing sprites on D3D device

I have a hooked DirectX used in C++ code that draws text and sprite. I tested it and it drew well onto 2D application. However, when I tried it with 3D application (some complex game actually), only text was visible. From that I deduced the sprite is not being overdrawn by something else, hence the text would be too. I set flags Set...