
Very long tree control inside a <frame>

I have an tree control inside of a frame. It's quite tall, around 2000 pixels. Right now, we use the frame's scroll bars, which is mostly good. Unfortunately, when you select an item near the bottom of the list, the page reloads and the view goes back to the top of the list. I tried calling the tree control's ScrollNodeIntoView() fun...

Post parameters to a frame of new window

I have to modify an existing web search page. There is a page, where all the search filters are (form with name "searchform"). When the search button is pressed, results are shown in new window. Because the search takes up to 30 seconds, and while searching the window stays blank, I have to add a label "Searching. Please wait..." at the ...

Targeting an iFrame once with jQuery

Hi, I have a series of frames (4) which are used in a page to create loading of dynamic content through Ajax calls. In each of these frames I target parent level elements and update them with there respective content e.g. $("#loadingGrid1",top.document).show(); $("#frameSkills",top.document).hide(); In jQuery is there a way to inste...

Problems with registering click event listener to a frame-element

Hi everybody, I ran into a problem with adding an event listener. I wrote a Firefox plugin a while ago for my bachelor thesis. It was based on a different attacker model than you would normally expect. In this scenario the attacker was the service provider (like Facebook, Google,...), who reads all your private data stored on their site...

Parse and read data frame in C?

I am writing a program that reads the data from the serial port on Linux. The data are sent by another device with the following frame format: |start | Command | Data | CRC | End | |0x02 | 0x41 | (0-127 octets) | | 0x03| ---------------------------------------------------- The Data field contains 127 octet...

Extract wrong data from a frame in C?

I am writing a program that reads the data from the serial port on Linux. The data are sent by another device with the following frame format: |start | Command | Data | CRC | End | |0x02 | 0x41 | (0-127 octets) | | 0x03| ---------------------------------------------------- The Data field contains 127 oct...

Web Video Player with frame seek capability

Hi folks, Am trying to build a webpage showing search results identified within a video sample. So when the video sample is played on the webpage there will be option to jump to marked frames within the video file. Is there any open source player that provides this jump capability. I tried FlowPlayer but its seek capability didn't se...

Confused about UIView frame property

I'm building a prototype iPad app that draws diagrams. I have the following view hierarchy: UIView UIScrollView DiagramView : UIView TabBar NavigationBar And a UIViewController subclass holding all that together. Before drawing the diagram the first time I calculate the dimensions of the diagram, and set the DiagramView frame to t...

target="_top" emulation using JavaScript

Suppose we have frameset of with 2 frames, one frame is kind a tiny horizontal header and second is kind of "content" frame with 3rd-party html page inside. When user clicks on some link inside "content" frame, the whole page (frameset) should be reloaded with this link, the same behavior if "content" frame has "target=_top" attribute. H...

WPF frame source questions

Hi, I've created a WPF application with a frame inside. I can attach some other pages to this frame like frame1.Source = new Uri("Page1.xaml", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); The question is after loading this page (Page1.xaml) an Load another page in the same frame (Page2.xaml) is the Page1.xaml disposed automaticly or is it still runni...

Position a UIView at the middle of a UITableView with CGRectZero frame

Hi, I have a UITableViewController view a UITableView that I alloc/init with a frame of CGRectZero : self.tableView = [[UITableView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero style:UITableViewStyleGrouped]; I want to add a view at the middle of the tableView (a loading view with a UIActivityIndicatorView and a UILabel), but I don't know how to ...

IPhone sdk, more accurate collision detection and set the frame/bounds of UIImageView...

Hey, Im having a big problem with my app at the moment, its all too inaccurate. I have a image of a ballooon, And i have a dart which if it collides into the balloon the game ends. At the moment i am populating the image of the balloon with 8 UIImageViews. and i am detecting if the dart...

how to handle iframes/frames dom in the iphone uiwebview

in (void) webViewDidFinishLoad: (UIWebView*)webView I inject some javascript to handle the iframes. e.g. stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString: @"try { var document = window.document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0].contentWindow.document.getElementsByTagName('frame'); } catch (e) { alert (e.message); }" It t...

HTML Frameset with just one frame and a body

Hello, I am trying to create the following layout: an HTML file with a body, that has a certain width, and a frame, that fills the rest, so, more or less like this: <frameset cols="150px,*"> <body></body> <frame src="source.html" /> </frameset> The thing is, I need the body to have a certain width, not wider, but I also need its ele...

getframe from swf with php\js

How i can getframe from swf and save as jpeg\png ...

"Incorrect" frame / window size after re-orientation in iPhone or iPad

In my iPhone OS application I want (need) to watch for chances in the device orientation in order to rearrange certain portions of the screen. The approach I used was to use GRect frame = [UIScreen mainScreen].applicationFrame to get the screen size, and from there calculate the size and / or positioning of other controls. (I also tried ...

Can you use data binding with the Content property of a WPF Frame?

I can use data binding to set the initial Content of a WPF Frame, but subsequent changes to the the bound property (implemented using INotifyPropertyChange) do not seem to change the content. Also, does anyone know if binding directly to the Content property in this way will cause the bound item to appear in the Frame or NavigationWindo...

How to improve the use of Delphi Frames

I've used frames in Delphi for years, and they are one of the most powerful features of the VCL, but standard use of them seems to have some risk such as: It's easy to accidentally move or edit the frame sub-components on a frame's host form without realising that you are 'tweaking' with the frame - I know this does not affect the o...

[Python/Tkinter] Grid within a frame?

Is it possible to place a grid of buttons in Tkinter inside another frame? I'm wanting to create a tic-tac-toe like game and want to use the grid feature to put gamesquares (that will be buttons). However, I'd like to have other stuff in the GUI other than just the game board so it's not ideal to just have everything in the one grid. ...

Placing arrow of uipopovercontroller at annotation point on mapkit

I am trying to get a popover to appear at a map kit annotation point but cannot find a "rect" in the annotation view properties to use the rect method of calling uipopovercontroller. If given an annotation on map kit how does one find the appropriate "frame"? To give paul more information, here is my attempt: I have already used: -...