
Silverlight - Sending variables between the frame

I have one main page in my Silverlight project. I have two frame inside this page. The one called Contents and the other called Footer. What I wonder is, how can I change the variables in the content in the Content of whether that's a click event in the Footer? In Mainpage.xaml: <UserControl x:Class="SilverlightApplication10.MainPa...

Programmatically extracting a frame from a video in Flash

I need to write a small Flash app that will need to extract a video frame from a playing video. It will not need to be saved to the HDD of the user. I just need to get the image data and display it in the Flash movie. The frame to extract will be chosen by the user, which is why I'd like to do this purely on the client side (though I kno...

HTML Frame problem

Hi got a simple frame problem. I have 2 frames a top and a bottom frame. A html file opens in the top frame(final.html) and a php file in the bottom frame(final.php) When i enter data it the top frame it should post to the bottom frame but it doesnt. It just loads final.php in the top frame with the search results. The frame html code ...

UIView : frame size different of bounds size?

Hi guys. Is it possible to have an UIView with its bounds size different of its frame size? I'm trying to create an UIView with "{{0,0},{320,367}}" frame and "{{0,15},{320,337}}" bounds but i can't get it done using setBounds() and setFrame(). I got from the doc that changing bounds or frame changes frame or bounds accordingly but i t...

OpenGL Frame Buffer Object for rendering to textures, renders weirdly

I'm using python but OpenGL is pretty much done exactly the same way as in any other language. The problem is that when I try to render a texture or a line to a texture by means of a frame buffer object, it is rendered upside down, too small in the bottom left corner. Very weird. I have these pictures to demonstrate: This is how it loo...

How do I set the line width in OpenGL relative to the viewing area of a frame buffer?

glLineWidth rasterises the width so it shows as that width on the screen. I want it to be that width on a frame buffer. Thank you. ...

java - get mouse events outside of a component

i'm having the same issue as the person here, in that i need to track a frame location while it is being dragged on OS X. The question had not been resolved there, so: how do i tell a frame that a mouse down event happened on its (OS-native) title bar or, more generally, that a mouse down event happened somewhere on the screen? ...

Grab VLC frames through HTTP protocol

Hello, Is there any way to access a movie plaing in VLC through HTTP in jpeg/png format. You see, what I want, is to have a movie playing in my local VLC player, and access currently playing frame through something like http://localhost:9999/current.jpg Is there sucha way, or maybe someother tool can provide it? Thanx a lot in advan...

Running Emacs in the same window as command line

How to make Emacs to be started by emacs in the same window as command line? I can do it by typing emacs -nw, but can I put a line into .emacs so that it would work automatically? ...

i need help to make a text frame

is any body knows a code to make a java text frame.,,please i need help ...

Regarding stack reuse of a function calling itself?

if a function calls itself while defining variables at the same time would it result in stack overflow? Is there any option in gcc to reuse the same stack. void funcnew(void) { int a=10; int b=20; funcnew(); return ; } can a function reuse the stack-frame which it used earlier? What is the option in gcc to reuse the same...

I can't figure out why this fps counter is inaccurate.

I'm trying to track frames per second in my game. I don't want the fps to show as an average. I want to see how the frame rate is affected when I push keys and add models etc. So I am using a variable to store the current time and previous time, and when they differ by 1 second, then I update the fps. My problem is that it is showing ...

Is it possible to define a wx.Panel as a class in Python?

I want to define several plugins. They all inherit from the superclass Plugin. Each plugin consists on a wx.Panel that have a more specific method called "draw". How can I define a class as a Panel and afterwards call that class in my frame? I've tried like this: class Panel(wx.Panel): def __init__(self, parent): wx.Panel...

How can I scroll a single frame in Perl Tk?

Hi everybody. I'm trying to create a GUI for a conversion program. I want to create a frame containing the log file, but I can't get it. I found some codes to make the entire window scrollable, but it's not what I want. I just want to scroll a frame containing a label with a chainging text-variable. I've even tried the following code: ...

how to close a java frame with threads

I have a java frame that I want to close it automatically after 3 or 4 seconds. I found out I must used threads. but I dont know how exactly to do it, this a dumy part of my code : package intro; import java.awt.*; import; //import view.LangMenu; public class IntroClass extends Frame { private int _screenWidth...

How to set the activity indicator in the navigation bar?

I am new to iphone development.I want to set an activity indicator in the navigation bar.I see my activity indicator below the navigation bar.My code is here -(IBAction) gomethod : (id) sender { xxMapSubviewcontroller = [[XxMapSubviewcontroller alloc] init]; [self.navigationController pushViewController:xxMapSubviewcontroller animate...

Is it possable to change the frame of a UIAlertView

I want to move a UIAlertView's frame because I am adding a UITextFied to it and when the keypad is hiding the Cancel and Ok buttons that are apart of my alertView ...

How to get an x and a y for a CGRect to initialize a control with a frame?

I'm programming an iPhone app and I'm wondering how programmers properly position controls without using Interface Builder. More or less, this is because I want to position a couple of controls without using Interface Builder. Thanks! ...

use a value returned from javascript in xsl to set the href of anchor element.

i want to set the href for an anchor. Anchor element is present in a frame. This url is of the form a.xml#section_a. Clicking on this <a> will take me to section_a of a.xml rendered using xsl. name of file is determined dynamically from a parameter available in the browser url. I can get this parameter using a javascript function. I w...

display of a chart within a panel

hi!i am trying to display a chart within a panel such that i need to divide the chart into 2 halves...the line in the middle is a reference line from where i need to take 30 pixels above and below...plz help ...