
Placement of defensive structures in a game

I am working on an AI bot for the game Defcon. The game has cities, with varying populations, and defensive structures with limited range. I'm trying to work out a good algorithm for placing defence towers. Cities with higher populations are more important to defend Losing a defence tower is a blow, so towers should be placed reasonabl...

make a charater follow an uneven terrain (2D)

I'd like to make a game where the terrain is not even and is based on a png. How s this done in theory, given the object's vec2 and its angle, because if for instance there is a hill, the character will rotate based on the angle of the hill. Thanks 2d like mario ...

Object-Oriented Black Jack in

Alright, so I want to improve my programming and object orientation skills. I want to program a fully object oriented blackjack game in under Visual Studio 2008. The first thing I did was learn all the rules of BlackJack. I've been brainstorming about it. What (I think) I need is a Card class that has a number value and its repr...

how to develop a multi player chess ?

Hi , I wana develop a multi-player chess using c# but I don't have any idea of how to implement the restriction rules of chess with c# to be honest i've never done even a little bit of game programming in my life so that I don't have any idea of how to work in this area. is there any simple sample of chess program source code out there...

Issue with number guessing game c#

I keep getting a stackOverflow error (no pun intended):" An unhandled exception of type 'System.StackOverflowException' occurred in NumberGuessingGame.exe " I'm guessing it would help if you saw my code and alswo where its ocurring: Source - testClass: namespace NumberGuessingGame_08029490 { public class testClass : Form1 { public...

2D game programming tutorials in C#

I want to learn about programming 2D games in C#. What are the best tutorials that are beginner oriented, written for C#, and preferably use GDI+ (or something equally simple)? I am relying on the experience this community has to direct me towards the best. ...

Ideas for a simple game

I want to improve my programming skills especially object programming. I want to write a simple game, but it shouldn't be too simple. I actually wrote classic Tetris and I want to try something more demanding. I need your help. Could you give me some idea or titles of games to look up to? Thanks for all of the answers but I need a more ...

How to increse performance of raster scrolling on Mac ?

I have a game with a big raster map Now we are using jpeg (4900x4200) And durring the game we need to scroll through this map. We use the following: Class Map extends mx.containers.Canvas and mx.controls.Image on it In constructor we have: public function Map() { super(); image.source = ResourceManager.interactiveM...

How to get current milliseconds on flex application fast? Especially when SWF runs in browser on Mac or Linux

We have a simple flex game. And I want to keep my FPS constantly. Now I use: (new Date()).getTime(); It's OK in windows and it's OK in flashplayer on Mac and Linux. But in browsers in Mac and Linux this method is too slow. What can I use instead? ...

Resource Contention

While profiling my app using Pix, I noticed that the GPU is passing (in DX10 mode) most of its time in idle waiting for a resource not available. (and is always in row with the CPU (for example if the CPU is processing frame X, the GPU is also processing frame X) for this problem) Some note : 1) The app is GPU limited (the CPU is basic...

Calculate Angle of 2 points

Given P1 and P2, how can I get the angle from P1 to P2? Thanks ...

Is it safe to ignore the read-write race condition of a smoothly changing floating point value?

While I try to put the animation update function and physics simulation of a game engine into a seperate thread for execution, I realize the potential race condition of some floating point values (say, position of an object) between the writer thread (animation,physics) and the reader thread (renderer) if both threads are going to access...

im writing a small (2D) java game - what java library should i use?

I want to write a small java game (snake like game) but im not sure what graphics library to use. Ive heard about SWT and Swing and I have a little bit of experience with both but I dont know what is best for a simple 2D game... what do you recommend? thanks :) ...

Techniques for generating a 2D game world

I want to make a 2D game in C++ using the Irrlicht engine. In this game, you will control a tiny ship in a cave of some sort. This cave will be created automatically (the game will have random levels) and will look like this: Suppose I already have the the points of the polygon of the inside of the cave (the white part). How should I ...

Getting an image from a game model

So I'm not 100% sure if it's possible, but what I'd like to do is take a model that someone has created for a game, say in Blender or something similar, in various formats, and from that create an image to show on a website. Are there any Java libraries around that could help me with that? Java3D maybe? Or even something in Flash? Ideal...

Beginning games programming with C++

Hello all. I've been learning C++ for quite a while and a thought flashed in my mind to do a very simple game. What is my first step? Any libraries available? What books/sites you recommend? Finally, is c++ ok to start with games programming? ...

Excessive number of touch events slows down Android app

I'm writing an Android game that needs to receive touch events. My problem is that, whenever the user drags their finger along the screen, so many touch events get sent to the touch event handler (which I think runs as a separate thread) that my frame rate plummets! What's the best way I can limit the number of touch events that are hand...

OpenGL: How do I avoid rounding errors when specifying UV co-ordinates

I'm writing a 2D game using OpenGL. When I want to blit part of a texture as a sprite I use glTexCoord2f(u, v) to specify the UV co-ordinates, with u and v calculated like this: GLfloat u = (GLfloat)xpos_in_texture/(GLfloat)width_of_texture; GLfloat v = (GLfloat)ypos_in_texture/(GLfloat)height_of_texture; This works perfectly most of ...

minimax depth first search game tree

Hi I want to build a game tree for nine men's morris game. I want to apply minimax algorithm on the tree for doing node evaluations. Minimax uses DFS to evaluate nodes. So should I build the tree first upto a given depth and then apply minimax or can the process of building the tree and evaluation occur together in recursive minimax DFS...

Java Scripting storing and loading state

I currently write a small game engine for 2D games in java. As part of the engine I want to support scripts as the main way to implement in-game events. the scripts may run a long time several scripts can run parallel calls to java code are limited As I want to implement a save-game function I will have to get the current state of ...