
How to calculate positions of holes in a game board?

I'm making a game with Python->PyGame->Albow and ran into a problem with board generation. However I'll try to explain the problem in a language agnostic way. I believe it's not related to python. I've split the game board generation into several parts. Part one generates the board holes. Holes are contained in a list/array. Each hole...

Flash programming tutorials

I want to use Flash to write games. I don't want to learn about how to create glossy buttons for my 2005 website, or how to use the motion tween interface-- I just want to learn ActionScript 3 and the development environment. Suggestions? EDIT: I already know plenty about game programming; I'm just new to flash. EDIT: I found this sit...

How to get gluLookAt parameters out of a 4x4 matrix

Sorry in advance if this is a really basic Matrix/OpenGl question. I have a situation where I have a 4x4 matrix that I would like to translate to, but don't want to use glMultMatrixf. I would rather use a gluLookAt method I've been using for most other translations. Is getting the values needed from the 4x4 matrix as simple as just pulli...

Android game loop, how to control speed and frame rate

I've written a game for Android, and I've tested it on the Dev Phone 1. It works perfectly, the speed is just right. However, I'm sure phone CPU's are getting faster. They may already be faster than the dev phone. How do I make sure that my game runs at the exact same speed no matter what the device or how fast it runs? Do you know ...

ajax safety in javascript games

In my JavaScript game (made with jQuery) I have player position stored in a database. When character is moving, i just send request to specyfic URL, I.E. (where a character's position is x=1, y=3). That url send coordinates to the database and checks to see if any other players are near ours. If yes, it sends also...

<canvas> VS DOM in javascript game dev

what are adventages and disadventages of creating games in 'pure' DOM and using canvas? ...

Algorithm to choose random letters for word search game that allows many words to be spelled

I'm making a boggle-like word game. The user is given a grid of letters like this: O V Z W X S T A C K Y R F L Q The user picks out a word using any adjacent chains of letters, like the word "STACK" across the middle line. The letters used are then replaced by the machine e.g. (new letters in lowercase): O V Z W X z e x o p Y R F L Q...

Scaling sprites in SDL

Hi. How can i scale sprites in SDL? ...

<canvas> javascript game frameworks

Do you know any except GameJS, which actualy isn't working on my pc, in FF3.5 i try to start attached jetris demo and i see nothing, even firebug console is clear. I tried something called GameQuery, looks nice but it's working on pure DOM, im interested in CANVAS. ...

Graphics primitive generators

I'm looking for something that can generate primitives (e.g. rounded rectangles for dialog boxes etc) so I can load them into a DirectX textured Sprite. Functionality is like SPriG. ...

Find boundaries of an array of objects with only the boundaries of the objects

New Programmer here. Trying space invaders. I have a 2 dimensional array of objects stored in a one dimensional array (using modulo to determine rows and columns). Each object will return its boundaries in graphical space. I need to determine the boundaries (top, bottom, left, right) of the whole array for collision detection. I feel l...

OpenGL ES recommended way of displaying a background image

Whats the recommended way of displaying a background image in an OpenGL ES app. UIImage added to view hierarchy underneath glview? image drawn in OpenGL draw routine from texture in memory? Are there any performance / memory considerations to take account of? ...

Writing a C++ version of the algebra game 24

I am trying to write a C++ program that works like the game 24. For those who don't know how it is played, basically you try to find any way that 4 numbers can total 24 through the four algebraic operators of +, -, /, *, and parenthesis. As an example, say someone inputs 2,3,1,5 ((2+3)*5) - 1 = 24 It was relatively simple to code the...

License of popular dictionary word lists (e.g. SOWPODS, TWL)? Copyright? Trademarks?

(I'm not sure if this off-topic. I found a lot of voted-up questions about software licenses and this is related. Plus, I'm sure many of us have had the situation that we need to use a dictionary in our code) I'm making a (maybe commercial) word game and need to use a good word dictionary for checking words. The most common dictionaries...

Pause flash game using javascript

I'm working on a flash gaming site, I just recently implemented a "Panic" button that makes the entire site display: none and display: block's a iframe with a allowed in school website of the user's choice. It works well so far, but the user's flash game still runs in the background while hidden. Is there a way to paus...

I'm looking for free 3d game engine for D language

On I found only RealmForge. Is this the only choice? Are C/C++ game engines suitable for D? If yes, what difficulties I need to overcome to work with them? ...

Android: How to make game asset files readable from c++ code using ndk

I am creating a game using the irrlicht c++ 3D graphics engine port to android platform. The graphics engine is written in c++. I need to be able to load meshes and textures etc from c++ code. My current plan is to place all the game asset files in either the res/raw directory or the assets directory then on startup copy these files to t...

I'm designing a game for my forum. Not very sure about my strategy...

I have a small community of members inside a forum. For the sake of entertainment, I a planning to introduce a small game based on reputations. The idea is that send updates to a user (X) about another user (Y) based on how much X ranks Y. This is just a fun game, but the way I thought of implementing it was in one of the following ways:...

Any way to "save state" in a C# game?

It's ok if the answer to this is "it's impossible." I won't be upset. But I'm wondering, in making a game using C#, if there's any way to mimic the functionality of the "save state" feature of console emulators. From what I understand, emulators have it somewhat easy, they just dump the entire contents of the virtualized memory, instruct...

Why should we use database over files for games.

This question always arises in my mind when I play simulation sports games.Football Manager for example has tons of stats and information about almost everything in the world of football. Countries leagues players regional players and so much more....DO they use database or files if database how do they model it....relational or object b...