
Stencil Buffer Read/Write mask.

In Direct3D10 the Stencil Read/Write mask is a byte (from 0x00 to 0xFF) In Direct3D9 the Stencil Read/Write mask is a int (from 0x00000000 to 0xFFFFFFFF) The question is : How the stencil read/write mask in Direct3D10 relate to the Direct3D9 one? Direct3D10 | 0x00FFFFFF or Direct3D10 | 0xFFFFFF00 ? And another question : Why the Di...

Java tiled paint

I'm writing a game, and I want an area of the screen to have a tiled paint drawn on it. Using a TexturePaint java supports texturing a Shape with a tiled texture, this is really simple and performs pretty well. However, I want my tiled texture to be rotated before drawing it as a fill to the shape - this is theoretically possible by subc...

What are some good Flash game frameworks?

Pretty straightforward. Open source is good, but organization and documentation is better. Actionscript 3 is a must, I don't really want to start working with the older versions. I guess that's the crux of my problem using Google, because there are vast quantities of how to do thing "the old way" out there, but I'm having trouble getting...

Java swing small 2D game: how to modelize the view?

In a small java swing 2D game, what is the best solution for creating the board view? Use a component for the board and custom paint it and each square of the checker at once? Use a component for the board and create another component modelizing the square with its own paint component doing the job for the square only. Use a layout to ...

Example of modular game engine?

I found this a very interesting read: The author repeatedly says "Wow, this could be great, if implemented carefully. This is the future!". Well, not very useful. I need code, and most of all, I need a proof that this kind of design actually works. Do you know of an example which implem...

Android game with constant FPS?

Hi, I'm implementing a game loop with constant FPS. I'm thinking about 25-30 FPS should be enough. Any ideas from your own experience? Should I even restrict FPS at all? Thanks in advance! ...

"AI Game Programming Wisdom Series" Questions

I am wanting to buy the book "AI Game Programming Wisdom". But I can not find the book at any of the local store's. So I am not able to read the book and see if it is for me. I have been wanting to better understand A* Path Finding for awhile now. I read a few articles online such as ...

iphone game. Moving the screen as player moves

I want to move the screen as the camera moves or the player moves in the game like in the computer based games like counter strike where the screen moves as the player moves. I have no idea how am I supposed to do that, either by a multiple images or I have to make a terrain but don't kow how? ...

Container relationships and encapsulation

In my game engine I have a State class that represents the game world at a point in time. This State contains a number of Body objects that define one rigid body each. Each State has a container to keep track of the Body objects it owns, and each Body has a pointer back to its parent State. Outline of State class: class State { private...

Pairing 3 or more iPhone with bonjour

Hi All, I'm working in a game and one of its features is to let the user play with players near him. I know that if I show a dialog to the user for choosing between to be a server or a client it's easy to pair 2 or more devices. However, I think I can do a little better work if I don't show the dialog to the user (most of them don't kn...

Dance pad in XNA

Is there any class that supports Dance pad in XNA? Maybe it's treated just like regular pad? I don't have any access to dance pad, and it's quite hard to find any usefull info in the internet. ...

Limit Speed Of Gameplay On Different Computers

I'm creating a 2D game using OpenGL and C++. I want it so that the game runs at the same speed on different computers, At the moment my game runs faster on my desktop than my laptop (i.e. my player moves faster on my desktop) I was told about QueryPerformanceCounter() but I don't know how to use this. how do I use that or is there a b...

A rule for Checkers(draughts) Deadlock

I am writing a program that play Checkers against human, with a min-max game tree. Everything went fine until facing a problem. Here is the scenario described as an illustration. ->Let X be a black cell, 0 be an empty cell, B be a black stone and W be a white stone; ->The board is showed as follows; | X | B | X | B | X | B | X | B | X ...

why must we normalize a vector

Just curious, I am reading a book on game AI. And one of the terms that is being used is to normalized a vector. Which is to turn a vector into units. To do so you must divide each dimension x,y and or z by its magnitude. We must we turn a vector into units before we do anything with it. Why ??. and could anyone give a scenario's . Thank...

Is there any Android game framework ready to use

Do you know any tile based game framework for android like HGE for PC or at least some good examples of tile based engine for Android ...

Getting data to the client in an Java MMO

Hi, I'm trying to make an online MMO in Java. It will be a simple one where you get a character and can move around and shoot other players, all in top-down 2D. The server will be multithreaded and in Java, and the client will also be in Java. The client will send all user input to the server and the server will handle all the logic (mov...

Field contains foreign IDs for different tables

I am developing a php/mysql driven facebook game. I am stuck on an element the table design. When a user completes a task I want to trigger any number of events. I was thinking of something like so: tbl_events *event_id - serogate primary ID *task_id - foreign ID of the task just completed *event_type - what type of event e.g is it a f...

City building strategy algorithms

I'm looking for some papers on finding an infrastructure development strategy in games like Starcraft / Age of Empires. Basic facts characterising those games are: continuous time (well - it could be split into 10s periods, or something like that) many variables describing growth (many resources, buildings levels, etc.) many variables ...

Need help with Shallow Water Ripples effect in XNA

hello everyone. I need to create a water-like surface in XNA, viewed from above. Like this : Can someone point me to some examples? I don't know where to start. Thanks, SW. ...

Creating Steam Event using Sockets

A while back I wrote a game plugin using sockets that automatically sent invites to a steam group using a game plugin. I am attempting to do the same thing except to create events from game instead of having to login to the steam panel. Here is what I got from Wireshark when creating the event... POST: GET:...