
Gettext (i18n) and Smarty running erraticly

I'm developing a webapp with PHP and Smarty. I use gettext to internationalize, but I've a problem: it only works sometimes, absolutly randomly. I load a locale ('de_DE', by example) with putenv+setlocale+bindtextdomain+textdomain, reload the page, and see "Search"; reload again and I see "Suche"; two more reloads and get "Suche" but thi...

How can I escape '%' character in a gettext string?

I use gettext to translate my user interface. I'd like to write symbol % as part of a UI caption in a string, but since it has a special meaning, does not works as expected. How can I escape percent symbols? ...

gettext (gettext-commons) or stick to java i18n

We are currently i18n'g our platform. The code base for platform and the product's built on this platform is huge and has many hard coded strings (except the UI where we externalized the labels etc). I need some suggestions on to use gettext or Java i18n. I only have limiting understanding on the benefits and understanding of gettext. W...

Zend framework, gettext, poedit and human language in which key strings are written

I'm writing a website using ZendFramework and decided to use the gettext system to internationalize its content. In my views I write string in french and provide a this moment only one file "" to translate sentences to english. I would like to avoid to maintain a file "" which would only translate a sentence to the exact same s...


Hello i am looking for a guide on how i can implement GNU GetText as my translater in an ASP.NET MVC application. I have been looking for some time now, but i have not been able to find anything that was of help :( ...

python : using gettext everywhere with

Hi there, I would like to use gettext through my application. So, I tried to put the basics into __ like this : import gettext _ = gettext.gettext gettext.bindtextdomain ( 'brainz', '../datas/translations/' ) gettext.textdomain ( 'brainz' ) And I try simple call in : #!/usr/bin/python from brainz import * ## ...

Python : No translation file found for domain using custom locale folder

Hi there, I have the following structure : / |- |- brainz | |- | |- |- datas |- locale |- en_US |- LC_MESSAGES |- |- brainz.po In my there is the following lines : import locale import gettext import os cu...

How can I get data from input fields that are on master page?

Hi, I'm using ASP.NET MVC 2 technology for developing my web site. I have two input fields in my master page (username and password) and one submit button. How can I get data from those input fields? Please help. ...

Django 1.2.3 - Internationalization - makemessages does not detect all strings

Hello ! One more question about Django concerning localization of javascript files. Django provides a small and convenient javascript library which is used like gettext to internationalize strings in javascript files. I set it up successfully (at least the interpolate function works) and I could generate the po file for the French lang...

How to get list of translatable messages

I know how to translate a natural language message into the user's language using gettext. But now I am wondering how to obtain a list of all translatable messages in a given domain. I have obtained a raw result with something like this: strings /usr/share/locale/${LANG:0:2}/LC_MESSAGES/$ but I am looking for a neater solu...

How can I get text from another application in c#?

Hello, I am a beginner in C#, and I try to get text in list box of an application but i don't know how to begin. I tried this code to get the list of IDM: [DllImport("user32.dll")] static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, int Msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam); [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = fa...

Is it possible to do translation of YAML files content using ruby-gettext package?

I have a site which is currently implementing i18n using ruby-gettext package methods. All of the marked content within *.rb, *.erb, *.rhtml can all be translated and displayed correctly. But for lots of text stored in *.yml can't be displayed correctly although those marked strings have been inside of po files. Original yml file exampl...

How Do Search Engines See A Localized Django Site?

I have a Django site that uses the localization middleware in combination with gettext and the trans/blocktrans template tags to show visitors different pages depending on the preferred language in their user agent string (which seems to be the standard way of doing things in Django). This works great for supported languages (currently ...

How to name files using gettext translations with Zend Framework

I'm using gettext translation adapter in a Zend Framework projekt. But I'm wondering what's the best practise when naming and placing these translation files within my project? At first I had APPLICATION_PATH/languages/sv_SE.po (and But then I read about the auto searching features of Zend Framework and started wondering if it...

Rails and translations in liquid based themes...

I would like to return a string from a model, which can be used directly in the liquid-based template. The problem is, that I would like the string to be translated using gettext. I cannot use _("string") right into model.to_liquid, because it doesn't work. As far as I understand, the model is loaded once, and it will always return the...

How can I merge 2 .POT files (translation files)

I have the following situation: One product which I want to translate, that has two separate websites, one for admins, one for customers. The codebase is CakePHP. Both sites are completely separate from each other, they are complete CakePHP sites. And they both have A LOT of strings in common. So, with CakePHP I generate the .pot files...

jQuery: Grabbing text() from clicked object

I know there are a lot of questions similar to this one already out there but none of them seemed to be the same as my current issue (if so sorry for the repeat). What I am trying to create here is a script that will; upon clicking of a link, take the link name and type and find it in the folder. Then once it has been located add it int...

complete example of gettext in php

hi all, i've been googling for the last hour or so trying to find a complete working example of gettext in php - all source files, po files, with proper paths, etc. Just a "hello world" with all the required files. I was wondering if anybody has such a working example. thanks in advance. ...