

I have an Ubuntu server and have installed git and gitosis. I am new to server administration and have the following gitosis folder tree: /home/git/repositories I have edited the user's rights to different repositories by cloning gitosis-admin.git to my local machine, edited gitosis.conf and added user's public keys to the keydir and pu...

Cygwin/Git/Gitosis unable to push new repository

I've recently set up cygwin, git, and gitosis on my Windows Server 2003 box and am having troubles. I've followed just about every tutorial I can find to the letter, and have confirmed that my git account's authorized_keys table is getting updated when I push the gitosis-admin repository. I seem to be stuck, however, when it comes to c...

Gitosis Directories of repositories per user?

I was just wondering, is there a way to set up gitosis so that a user would have their own directory to which they could push any number of repositories that they want, and essentially have admin privs on that directory? This might be kind of confusing, but essentially I want something like how on github all your repositories are accessi...

gitosis did not generate projects.list automatically, gitweb can't work.

I setup a gitosis managed git server. git clone is ok. but when I set gitweb via gitweb.conf as below: $projectroot = "/srv/gitosis/repositories"; $git_temp = "/tmp"; $home_text = "indextext.html"; $projects_list = "/srv/gitosis/gitosis/projects.list"; $stylesheet = "/gitweb/gitweb.css"; $logo = "/gitweb/git-logo.png"; $favico...

git Warning: remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to checkout

I'm trying to setup gitosis according to the instructions here. It works fine from my remote machine so the server seems to be setup fine but I'd also like to be able to do development on my gitosis server machine from a different user account (not the git user created in the gitosis setup). I've copied the key and modified the gitosis...

accessing local git repository from windows

I have git repository (powered by gitosis) on my local ubuntu server I want to have an access from the other local computer powered by windows xp (msysgit) I have generated rsa key on windows machine and published to ubuntu server I have .ssh/config file setted to use this key on windows machine When I do ssh [email protected] t...

git autodeploy script within post-receive hook on ubuntu

I have an autodeploy bash script to get updated repo to /tmp in 'post-receive' hook on gitosis #!/bin/bash PWD=$PWD REPO_NAME=${PWD##/*/} cd /tmp git clone git@atom-desktop:$REPO_NAME But anytime when I push repository I got error like this: Host key verification failed. fatal: The r...

git-shell equivalent of svnserve -r?

I'm trying set up a git repository on a shared hosting account that can be accessed by both me and a friend. I have successfully done this with a Subversion repository by adding this line to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys: command="/usr/bin/svnserve -t -r /path/to/svn/repo \ --tunnel-user=myfriend",no-port-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,\ n...

Hudson git doesn't merge into master

I'm having problems getting hudson to checkout my git repo and merge into master. I'm fairly inexperienced with Git so the terminology (refs etc...) is still all new to me. I've included the output from the Hudson console below: What I think is happening is that Hudson is checking out the master branch on the remote, but not merging i...

Authenticating Gitweb with Gitosis without LDAP Auth?

I found your article using Apache Auth with gitweb, gitosis. I was wondering if there was a way to do this if I wasn't using LDAP for authentication. We currently have a very large NIS domain which we use for authentication on all unix servers. We use this for SVN repositories through a UI, but for this case I am trying to meet a requir...

Error Installing Gitosis on Fedora Core

I'm trying to follow these instructions on installing gitosis: and these: http:// And at the point where I need to clone the gitosis-admin.git repository from the server I'm setting up, I am receivi...

Gitosis installation error

I am trying to install gitosis on my server but keep getting the error "Username contains not allowed characters" sudo -H -u git gitosis-init < /tmp/ with the username "[email protected]". Any fix for this? I am on a Mac and trying to install gitosis on Snow Leopard. Update I changed the us...

What is the significance of slashes in git repository names?

I haven't been able to find this explained anywhere, so it probably means that if I was thinking about this issue correctly it would be obvious. Please set me straight. When I create a repository 'Project' on my gitosis server, I can access it with the URL git@server:Project.git. Which works great. Yet, I also see URLs of the form ...

Removing a branch hosted with gitosis

I have a git repo hosted on my server using gitosis. I had branches master and template, I renamed the template branch to develop and pushed the develop branch to the gitosis repo which created a new branch named develop, but if I look in the repo_dir/refs/heads dir of my gitosis repo the template branch is still there, how can I remove ...

How do you upgrade gitosis?

I had a working gitosis installation on debian lenny, but the server got updated, and now when i try to push/pull/fetch, the connection times out. It would probably be a good idea to update to the latest build of gitosis, but I can't find anything on how to upgrade the software. How would I upgrade gitosis? Do I just reinstall? ...

Git post-receive hook not working

We're using git with a central repo (using Gitosis). I've created a post-receive hook to generate an email to the dev mailing list whenever changes are pushed to the central repo, and to generate documentation from the documentation folder in the git repo. Therefore, in ~git/ I've got a directory, we'll call it 'a' that contains a clone...

Git aliases that are stored in origin

I use git with a big development team and I'd like to have a set of aliases be common across every developer. They change every so often, so I'd like to store them in origin somehow. Is there any way to set that up in git? I'm using gitosis for the git server (not sure if that would make a difference). ...

Why would my git master branch have the current HEAD not be the most recently pushed file?

Apologies if this has already been asked. I spent quite a long time looking through old SO posts on Git but have not yet found one that really matches this case. I'm on a team of 5 developers using Git on a project. We have been using it without any real issues for about a year now. We have Gitosis set up on a shared server and do mo...

gitosis-admin git push failed, exec hooks/post-update

I'm following this tutorial After this step: $ git commit -a -m "Allow jdoe write access to free_monkey" $ git push I always failed, with this error: fatal: exec hooks/post-update failed. This is from my /home/git/repositories/gitosis-admin/hooks/post-update: -rwxr-xr-x 1 git git 83 Mar 10 11:49 post-update So I change gitosi...

Gitosis alternative?

Are there alternatives to gitosis that are easier to use? I currently run gitosis on a Ubuntu server for my lab. We regularly add new users and repos. I find the gitosis.conf syntax non-intuitive, and if I make even a minor mistake the whole gitosis system fails, see for example this question on SO. When gitosis fails it also kills...