
Making a Game Without Graphics?

Is it possible or even constructive to make a game without any graphics (but is intended to become graphical) I'm not good with graphics at all, so I'd like to write the skeleton for the game then have a graphics programmer/artist fill in the rest. I could write up all the major classes, and their interactions, and all the major functio...

BlackBerry - How to resize and store image?

I need to scale image to small and store that image in to blackberry device (as a small image)? ...

What are some of the better open source raytracers?

I'm just wondering what options are out there as far as open source ray tracing software. eg. Yafaray, POV-Ray, what else? Any opinions on their relative merits would also be appreciated. ...

How to clip rendering in OpenGL (C++)

How to clip rendering in OpenGL (simple rectangle area)? Please post a C++ example. ...

JPanel Appears Behind JMenuBar

import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JMenu; import javax.swing.JMenuBar; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class Main extends JFrame { final int FRAME_HEIGHT = 400; final int FRAME_WIDTH = 400; public static void main(String args[]) { new Main(); } public Main() { ...

Display On-Screen Television Graphics During Live Broadcasts

How and with what software do major television companies display on-screen graphics during their programs? For example: On ESPN, how do they produce the news ticker on the bottom (both graphically and from a source code point of view), create and display the scores of sports, and update and show selected stats on the fly? ...

ActionScript lineStyle Thickness to fill a circle

i'm trying to build a circle using lines. each line starts in the centre of the circle and is as long as the circle's radius. using a loop along with sine and cosign waves, i can build the circle using the sine and cosign to mark the coordinates of the lineTo parameter. my problem is with the line thickness parameter of lineStyle. i ...

What are good resources for computer graphics basics?

During Flex programming, I recently ran into several questions (about box models, ways to join lines and misaligning pixels [on doctype]) regarding computer graphics and layout, where I felt that I lacked some basic background on things like concepts like the box model approaches mapping real numbers to a pixel raster (like font anti-a...

Modifying OpenGL axis system

Hello, I'm using OpenGL with gluPerspective, what would I need to do to make it use an axis-system which the origin is top left instead of bottom left? ...

Rendering hundreds of "block" images -vs- Partially rendering a "map" of blocks

It seems that none of these solutions eliminate the lag associated with rendering images onto the screen (whether from .png's or using CG). There is a 28x16 grid of blocks that are each 16x16 pixels, and at some points in the game, about half of them need to change their image because of a state change. Having each block as a subview of...

Point to point linear gradient?

I want to make an application that can generate point to point gradient (like Photoshop does). I'm familiar with how to generate an up to down gradient but not point to point. How is this conceptually done. Thanks ...

Spinning a circle in J2ME using a Canvas.

Hello all! I have a problem where I need to make a multi-colored wheel spin using a Canvas in J2ME. What I need to do is have the user increase the speed of the spin or slow the spin of the wheel. I have it mostly worked out (I think) but can't think of a way for the wheel to spin without causing my cellphone to crash. Here is what I hav...

Simplest way to draw primitives in Java (not OpenGL)

Just started to getting familiar with graphics in Java. What is the simplest way to draw primitives (lines, rectangles) in Java without OpenGL (JOGL)? Looking for methods like putPixel, lineTo, etc. UPD. Where to paint? Canvas? Panel? Bitmap? ...

How many FPS should I have for updating a custom progress bar?

I just wrote a custom progress bar, it's single buffered and will remain so. How many frames per second are desirable for something like this? I don't want to waste too much CPU updating the screen unnecessarily. ...

How does Photoshop (Or drawing programs) blit?

I'm getting ready to make a drawing application in Windows. I'm just wondering, do drawing programs have a memory bitmap which they lock, then set each pixel, then blit? I don't understand how Photoshop can move entire layers without lag or flicker without using hardware acceleration. Also in a program like Expression Design, I could hav...

question about working with System.Drawing.Graphics

hi all. i have a System.Drawing.Point[] filled with some System.Drawing.Point's. so when i want to draw this points as a polygon in a System.Windows.Form instance , the final drawn polygon is not all in the screen or sometimes is very small (in screen shown as 2-3 pixel). i wonder if there is some Library that using that i can just send ...

What is the Mclip matrix after the projection matrix and before the viewport scale matrix in D3D9?

I thought I understood perfectly how the vertices go through the 3d pipeline but in this article a new matrix multiplication appears appears that makes the transition from projection space to clip space. I thought that projection space = clip space ( as in the case of Open...

When using Direct3D, how much math is being done on the CPU?

Context: I'm just starting out. I'm not even touching the Direct3D 11 API, and instead looking at understanding the pipeline, etc. From looking at documentation and information floating around the web, it seems like some calculations are being handled by the application. That, is, instead of simply presenting matrices to multiply to the...

The difference between triangulation and mesh

I have done some computer graphical programming recently, and I have no experience before. I used the library call CGAL(computer geometry algorithm library). Also, I noticed that there is class for triangulation and also class for mesh. Is mesh just a kind of triangle net? Do they have any differences? Thanks! ...

Has anyone ever worked with a UX designer who also did the graphic design, is it a good combination?

I am working on a framework for web based apps, including both UX guidelines and the art/graphic design guidelines such as what menus will look like, headers, colors, fonts etc. The UX designers I met, were unable to provide the artistic side, and the graphic designers didn't have the UX skills. Should I continue to look for one person...