
Hiding rows in a WPF datagrid - resizing issue

I have an issue with hiding rows in a DataGrid. I do this by creating a new DataGridRow template which has a DataTrigger bound to a property on the objects in ItemsSource. The trigger sets the Visibility of the border of the row to Collapsed if the IsVisible property on the model object is false and vice-versa. If I set one row's IsVi...

display and hide fields to fill according to radio button selection im mvc

i would like to disply some fields in case that a radio button was pressed and hide them otherwise. how can i do it? ...

Hide a UIBarButtonItem when in edit mode.

I have a UINavigationController with a UITableViewController which has and two UIBarButtonItems: - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = self.editButtonItem; self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithBarButtonSystemItem:UIBarButtonSystemItemAdd targ...

hiding table view data loaded from local path before completely loaded from web server

Hi friends, how to hide table view data before loading. because my tableview shows immediately the local image that i have put in cellForRowAtIndexPath tableview that is in local path(show 20 more message) even before NSURLConnection. Thanks in advance for your suggestion Regards, sathish ...

WPF: How to make a base class' dependency property read-only_

I have a class public class NavigableViewport3D : Viewport3D. The class should hide the the Viewport3D.Camera property, so that it becomes read-only. Here's what I have so far: public class NavigableViewport3D : Viewport3D { protected static readonly DependencyPropertyKey CameraPropertyKey = DependencyProperty.RegisterReadOnly( ...

What is the purpose of hiding (using the "new" modifier) an interface method declaration ?

Hello, it's possible to mark a method declaration in an interface as "new" but does it have any "technical" sense or is it just a way to explicitly state that the declaration cannot override a previous one ? For example : interface II1 { new void F(); } interface II2 : II1 { new void F(); } is valid (the C# 4.0 compiler doe...

Effective C++: Item 52 and how to avoid hiding all normal operator new & delete versions.

Hi, At the end of Item 52 (Customising new and delete) in Myer's Effective C++ he discusses how to avoid hiding normal new and delete versions when implementing custom version as follows: If you declare any operator news in a class, you'll hide all these standard forms. Unless you mean to prevent class clients from using thes...

URL with unprintable characters

What are some of the ways a url can be displayed in a browser control within a desktop and not allowing users to be able to get the url and enter it into a browser. Basically anyone who has the desktop app gets the app which the url points to for free but want to prevent users from using the url outside the context of the desktop app. I...

Hiding inner classes - What am I missing???

Hi all, Really hope someone can point me in the right direction as I have no hair left anymore... I am developing a simple SDK using VB.NET in VS 2010 and I have a class (OuterClass) that is inheriting another class (InnerClass). There are obviously properties and methods in the InnerClass that are accesible from the OuterClass. ...

Thread causes crash when exiting a view - result of code change to prevent UIActivityIndicatorView not displaying, UIImageView not hiding.

When an image is loading, I want to hide the old image and display an activity indicator. The following code should (IMO) work, however, the image does not hide and no activity indicator is displayed. If the image has not been downloaded previously, there is a discernable wait whilst it does download. What am I doing wrong? - (UIImage *...

Hiding all the 'Skipped Build' messages in VS2005 / VS2008

I'm building a Visual C++ solution that includes a large number of projects, most of which are skipped for this build. Every time I hit 'Build' I get a dozen messages like this in the Build output: 1>------ Skipped Build: Project: this_project_name, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 1>Project not selected to build for this solution con...

Syntax Error: identifier 'Edge' ?

At the consturctor Node = new Node[numberOfNodes]; and Edge = new Edge[numberOfEdges]; gives identifier error? what's the wrong with it ? typedef struct node { int id; int x; int y; } Node; typedef struct edge { int id; Node node1; Node node2; } Edge; class graph { private: int numberOfNodes; int numberOfEdges; int *Node; in...