
How to access Hudson CI from a mobile device like the iPhone or iPad ?

Hi Everybody, I really like Hudson CI and I do think it is the most useful and effective piece of software ever made for the Agile Application Lifecycle :-) Anyway if the CI become unstable, the development is going to be really compromised, so keeping an eye on it is CRUCIAL ! Does anybody know about an effective solution for always m...

How do I use signtool.exe correctly in hudson running as a service?

I just purchased a code signing cert (MS authenticode) from THAWTE and have installed it apparently on my build machine. I am logged in as a user and when I open a cmd prompt I can sign EXEs using the cert with signtool.exe. Unfortunately this same command line does not work in the hudson process that is running on the machine. the er...

How do I configure CI hudson with PHPunit and how do I run phpunit using hudson?

Hi, I am getting following error mentioned below. Help is much needed for this... kindly go through the errors. Started by an SCM change Updating U sites\all\modules\print\print_pdf\ At revision 1134 [workspace] $ sh -xe C:\WIND...

Can we generate multiple coverage reports using Hudson Emma plugin

We run both unit (junit) and system (fit) tests on instrumented code in our build. The consolidated coverage report for both is generated as part of the build itself. We then feed the unit test coverage report to the Hudson Emma plugin, configure benchmark numbers and things work nicely. Is it possible to also feed in the system test c...

Continuous integration with multiple branch development

In the project that I'm working on, we are using SVN with 'Stable Trunk' strategy. What that means is that for each bug that is found, QA opens a bug ticket and assigns it to a developer. Then, a developer fixes that bug and checks it in a branch (off trunk, let's call this the bug branch) and that branch will only contain fixes for that...

Hudson Doesn't Seem to Run Process.Start Correctly

For a project I have to start an application in C#, rip out the AutomationElement tree related to the process, and then close the application and output the tree. I'm doing this by opening the application using Process.Start. Then I'm finding the AutomationElements related to the spawned process and walking the tree using a combination o...

How can I setup Hudson to use the same repository for different projects and maintain separate change logs?

I typically setup SVN to host 1 big project per repository but a lot of our infrastructure has changed and we now have one main SVN server that has a hierarchy like so Branches Tags Trunk Project1 files & folders Project2 files & folders Project3 files & folders Projects1,2, and 3 do not share anything amongst themselves, the...

Configuring xUnit test output in Hudson

I have a simple PoC project in Hudson. The PoC has unit tests written via UnitTest++ and outputs the results as XML for consumption by xUnit to munge into jUnit format. Here are the salient relevant I have my project configured to use MSBuild to build the 2008 solution. The project contains both the dll it is to build and the unit t...

Example using build number in version string when building Android project via ant ?

We are using Hudson to automate our Android build. I need to incorporate the build number into the version string used in our app. Was wondering if anyone had an example of doing that before I (re?)invent that wheel. Obviously I need to replace a string value in one of our config files. ...

How to pass binaries built upstream to a remote downstream build slave

We're using Hudson on Windows to build a .NET solution and run the unit tests (NUnit). Hudson is thereby used to start batch files that do the actual work. I am now trying to set up a new test that is to run on a build slave and will run very long. The test should use the binaries produced by the upstream build. I have searched the H...

Shared Hudson installation - how to enable access to git over ssh?

We are trying to set up a Hudson server and share it between different projects. Hudson authenticates users against our Windows domain AD, and the project based security matrix makes it easy to manage who can access which projects. Remaining issue is, that most of the projects use git over ssh. Is there a way to make shared Hudson acces...

Installing Hudson remotely?

I'm trying to install Hudson on a server. The article here says to just do java -jar hudson.war and it should install to the server. This is pretty straightforward to do on a local computer, but I want to do it on a remote website host that I manage via cPanel. So how on earth do I do this? I really am a newb when it comes to this sort o...

setting up hudson + serenity

I've been tasked with implementing hudson and serenity for a project with maven. Now the instructions on are quite clear. (although just to be sure, the pom they refer to is the project pom, and not the hudson\META-INF\maven\org.jvnet.hudson.main\hudson-war\pom.xml right?) Howeve...

Hudson build fails when a user logs out of RDP session

We are using Hudson to build mixed C++/Java projects with an Ant script. It is running in Tomcat 6, on a Win XP virtual machine. I have noticed recently that when a user logs off the machine (from a remote desktop session), builds that are currently running tend to suddenly fail without an error message. Has anyone encountered anythin...

Hudson + gitolite + virtual host on staging server

I have a Ubuntu server which I want to be my continous integration server (for the Zend Application based projects) and the staging server as well. The team is pushing source files to the repository: /home/git/repositories/testing.git Then Hudson does the build, and the master branch is exported (maybe cloned is a better word) by git...

"remote file operation failed" on Hudson

I am running a Windows slave for Husdon 1.337 (Linux master). When running a project on the Windows node, it fails with the following message: Building remotely on winTestSlave Checking out a fresh workspace because there's no workspace at C:\hudson\***\ejb remote file operation failed It did work yesterday and I have not upgraded Hud...

Build Pipelining and Continuous Integration with Maven and Hudson

Currently the my team is considering splitting our single CI build process into a more streamlined multi-stage process to speed up basic build feedback and isolate different ci concerns. The idea we had was to have each stage exist in Hudson as a different build with the correct maven goal or maven plugin execution, then chain them to...

Is it possible to parameterize subversion repository URL with revision in Hudson?

I have a job in Hudson with Subversion as Source Code Management. But I do not want always to update working copy to HEAD revision. I need to have ability to choose SVN revision during start of this job. It is possible to parameterize build with revision number. But as far as I can see I cannot use parameter in repository URL. I can only...

How to generate changelog: git log since last Hudson build?

I'm using Phing to do post build tasks in Hudson. I want to generate changelog containing all commits since last successful Hudson build. But looks like neither Hudson nor Git plugin for Hudson does not provide %last_build_time% variable. This would be satisfying solution, (but how to get the time?): git log --pretty="%s" --since="%la...

maven-release-plugin: Perform fails with 'working directory "...workspace\target\checkout\workspace" does not exist!'

Hi, I have maven project that fails when release:perform is called, though release;prepare works as expected. I have found the bug report (below) which certainly seems to resemble the issue I have but not entirely sure I understand the problem: MRELEASE516 The last few lines of output I get: [INFO] Executing: cmd.exe /X /C "p4 -d E:\...