
Drupal image management

Please suggest how should I approach these requirements. What ready-to-use solutions (modules) are best suited to achieve something like this: What I need is an image library that has searchable, tagged images that are already resized when we publish them. If the author searches the library and the image he needs isn’t there, he can upl...

Client side Image presentation optimization

Hi, I have designed a long web page and there are many photos in one column from top to bottom listed one by one. In order to create a high-level interection with the client, I want those photos loaded when the client scroll-down to the page. The more the go bottom, the more photos are loaded. For Instance -> mashable.comn) Waiting fo...

Best way to store application images taken via camera

Hi all, I'm just looking for some insight into what would be the best way for me to store images as part of my app. I have an activity that represents a 'Job' which has a couple of edittext's and underneath was planning on using the Gallery component to show images relevant to this job. The job data is stored in a database (on the sdc...

CodeIgniter: Storing an image in the database?

Hello, I would like to store images in my mySQL database using the CodeIgniter PHP framework. How do I write and read the image? Thank you. ...

How to extract images from flash viewers?

This deals with the (diverse) flash viewers that let you zoom in on images on websites. I’m trying to extract the large, zoomed-in image rendered by the viewer. In many cases the images seem to be dynamically called by the viewer, or are created only for the part of the image you are zooming on at that point. Ideally, the approach here...

Display random image when page loads without utilizing onload in the body tag

I'm trying to create a fairly simple piece of JavaScript that displays a random image from an array each time the page loads. I need to figure out a way to get this running without adding code to the body tag. Is there a way to accomplish this without, say, an onload funtion placed in the body tag? Here's what I have that relies on th...

How can i make a image to fit

Can someone help me please with my problem. I dont know very good about html i have found some code to solve it but i cant use them i dont know where exactly to form them. I want to make the imcage fit to each users resolution and dont appears right and down of their screen white boxes. I want to fit 100% in window. I hope you understand...

How to iterate all query paths within an image header namespace in WIC?

Hello All, I am using Windows Imaging Component to read/write image metadata in my WPF application. I would like to know if there is an efficient way to know if any paths exist within a namespace. For instance I would like to know if any paths within IPTC namespace exist and if not I want to delete the namespace from the image header. ...

Fractal based Image compression algorithm (and source code)

I am looking for a decent fractal based compression algorithm for images. So far I only find dead links to the FIF image format and dead links pointing to Iterated Systems Inc which then became MediaBin which then became nothing from what I can see. ...

Read image from cell of excel in c#

Hi, Hi , i am reading the excel sheet from c# by using interop services. My sheet have one of columns has in each row as text and same cell has image. I want to read this image. means R1C1 has both text & image , same in R2C1, on. how can i read image from each row? Edited: I want to get this image in jpeg formate. ...

How to create GIF file from other format file in C++

I want to create 2 bits per pixel GIF files in VC environment from a TIFF file. Is there any free library or maybe source that could help me? Or how can I do it myself? ...

Image sharding and how to avoid multiple items in browser cache

To improve page render speed I am looking at implementing image sharding which serves images from the multiple subdomains. How can I ensure that the same image is retrieved from the same server? I want to avoid a scenario like the one below where the same image is served from multiple domains: images2.domai...

How to restrict file type in FileUpload control

Hi all, Is it possible to allow the fileupload control to show only images? When we click the Browse button it should show only images. Geetha ...

how could create image watermark using ImageMagick

I am trying to convert a 8bpp (256) color gif to a 2bpp (4) color gif through ImageMagick. How can i put an semi-transparent image to the output file in ImageMagick? ...

How do I prevent ImageMagick convert from scaling images *up*?

I'm using ImageMagick's convert tool to generate image thumbnails for a web application. I'm using notation like so: 600x600> The images are indeed scaled to 600px wide/tall (depending on the longer side) and proportions are properly maintained, however images less than 600px in either direction are scaled up — this behavior is not desi...

Capturing key events in a mx:Image

I'm trying to capture key events in a mx:Image and I can't get it to work. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" /> <mx:Canvas width="100%" height="100%"> <mx:Label id="lab" x="50" y="20" text="Nothing"/> <mx:Image x="50" y="50" source="@Embed('image...

Simple 2-color differential image compression

Is there an efficient, quick and simple example of doing differential b/w image compression? Or even better, some simple (but lossless - jagged 1bpp images don't look very convincing when compressed using lossy compression) streaming technique which could accept a number of frames as input? I have a simple b/w image (320x200) stream, di...

How to show, not download, images in apache?

I'm dynamically generating some charts using mod_python, in .png and .pdf formats. When a user points to /some/path/some_imagefile_name.png, I want to show the image within the browser, like in this url. I also want the image to be accessible from an HTML <img src=> tag. So far, whenever I point my browser to a .png address from my serv...

Lazy load images when they come into the viewport

I've been coming across blogs/websites lately that only load images when they are scrolled into the visible viewport. It then fades them in. Is there a jQuery ... even Wordpress plug-in that does this? e.g. ...

Adding images to a JAR file in Eclipse?

I'm trying to make a game in java, but I'm a bit of a newb. The game has images, and when I run the application from eclipse, they all show up fine. But when I export the project as an application, the images don't show up. When I put the application in the same folder as the images, they show up when I run the application, so someone s...