
Typecasting a TableViewController Class

I'm having a problem with either typecasting or object scope. I'm getting an uncaught exception: // Create the object here so that it's scope is outside the `if` statement, right? searchTableViewController *newViewController; if (rowSelected) { // Typecast the object to a searchTableViewController (searchTableViewController *)...

What might one suggest as a good way to derive the selected index of a UISegmentedControl

Does anyone have any suggestions for an 'Apple Sanctioned' way to change behaviors (ie, showing specific pictures in an imageView) based upon which segment within a UISegmentedControl is selected? Should a case or switch statement be used? Forgive the possible obscenely obvious question, but I was instructed that if you need to use a sw...

How to use Dropcam Library for iPhone app?

Hello All, I just gone through some links and libraries, and got dropcam library for rtsp streaming on iphone. This is the link for library, But after working on it I am unable to compi...

Installing iOS 4.0.2 SDK over 4.0.0

You know how installing iOS SDK 4 meant that you lost the ability to set the Base SDK to 3.1.x and lower (You have to use the deployment target etc). Does the same happen when installing 4.0.2 over the top of 4.0? Will I have to set my Base SDK to 4.0.2 and use the Deployment Target for a lower version (4.x or lower)? Or can I still set...

Center Align text in UITableViewCell problem

Hi, I'm kinda new to Objective-C and iPhone development and I've come across a problem when trying to center the text in a table cell. I've searched google but the solutions are for an old SDK bug that has been fixed and these don't work for me. Some code: - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:...

iPhone app remembers last state (multitasking?) unwanted behavior!

User launches the app, quits, relaunches and the app shows up in the exact previous state, as if the app didn't quit at all. I have no custom save state support, so this is really baffling. It happens on one of the user's 3GS, but not on my 3G. Which seems to indicate that this is OS4's multitasking at work, because 3G isn't supported. I...

iphone clipping a MyPicker : pickerview : uiview

Just checking to see if someone has done this before. I used to have ways to modify the size of a UIPickerView. But it seems that ever since iOS4.0 it seems to be locked. If I do the usual trickery and compile targeting 3.0 it works as usual. But this is for a free app with iAd so it's going to be an iOS4 only affair. So I'm thinking o...

Apple's mobile operating system

Hi, am new in iphone technology i just wanted to know what is the memory that ios4 occupies in the iphone, i have read that i phone 4 has 512MB of RAM and in wiki i read that ios uses 500MB of ram so am bit confused like if it uses 500MB of ram then it leaves only 12MB free memory space for third party app, please help me out regarding t...

iOS4/iPhone localizable problem

I've got a problem with App localization when we tried to upgrad our App to iOS4: We have few language localization files in our App, in the format of {language code}_{country_code}.lproj, for example for Swedish language in Sweden the name of localization file is sv_SE.lproj, and this works well in iOS 3.x. However after upgraded to iO...

ios4 alert view problem

Has anyone had this problem with iOS4. I am getting the alert view shift up the first time and without dismissing if you send the app to background mode and bring it back then the alert is placed correctly. Alert view is also flashing if it is open while I send the app into background. Any help to get around this problem will be great.....

RTSP Streaming for web server

Hi all, Last few days I am working hard on RTSP streaming directly on iPhone but could not got any solution. Today i came up with another question that, whetherit is possible to stream "rtsp://urlString/filename.sdp" to an http server and then from http to iphone. If it is the way how will it work? Please, do suggest me something for ...

objective-c programmatically change table view from standard to grouped?

Hello all, The following situation pertains to an iPad app I am working on for my company. So I have an array of type "Person" that holds the information of a list of people. On the initial page, I have a table that displays their name and picture. When this loads, the results are ungrouped. I was wondering if there was a way to eas...

How can I display a custom key popup on a keyboard accessory view?

I want to present an option to select from several keys after a long press, the way that a regular keyboard does for accent characters. I want to make it look and act like the keyboard, instead of implementing it with the big black-bordered popover. ...

iOS4: how do you set a CGContext's transormation matrix to an absolute number?

I'm currently making a graphical application, and it will make my life a lot easier if I simply flip the context's transform matrix upside down whenever I want to draw something upside down, which is quite frequently. However, the only command I can find that supports this is CGContextScaleCTM. This is fine I guess, but it's an additive ...

Why doesn't my implementation of NSUserDefaults work under iOS 4?

I've read and watched many tutorials on NSUserDefaults in the iPhone OS/iOS SDK, but I can't seem to get my own implementation working. Right now, I'm building a simple counting application that I'd like to have load the last counted number when the application loads. However, NSUserDefaults has a different idea in mind. Does anyone kno...

Is there compile warnings or errors for deprecated code in XCode for iOS4 projects by default?

Hi Everyone, I took over an iPhone project recently that was developed prior iOS4. I'm wondering if XCode would prompt warnings or errors on compile. It currently succeeds with "No issues" when built so is it safe to assert that it contains no deprecated code? Or is there a setting to be set on XCode to warn on compile for deprecated co...

tutorial of eventKit

can i find tutorial of eventKit anywhere? Or can anybody suggest me how to kickstart my eventKit programming ...

Grabbing text from files

Still working my way through this program. Next task on my to-do list is selecting random words from a pre-generated list. I've got the randomisation code sorted, but I now need to know the best way to store and retrieve words from my big list (and it is a fairly big list - over 220 words). Since I'm designing for iPhone, memory is a pa...

Gray status bar out UIAlertView style

How can you "gray out" (overlay a gray view w/ alpha ontop of the UIStatusBar) on the iOS exactly like when a UIAlertView displays. I know that it's possible and that Apple allows it since Twitter (official Twitter app) and a few others implement it. I think you need to add a new window ontop of the current window or a full-screen view ...

iPhone iOS4 - how to work with address book and calendar?

I need to know how I can access my calendar and contacts from my iPhone from my own App? Is it possible? I need it because I created a stats App and need to know how many contacts and calenders posts the phone has. ...