
Vertical Tab Bars?

I was wondering if anyone knows where I can find documentation or a tutorial on how to make a vertical tab bar for iOS like in 1Password or 2do. I figure that these aren't "real" tab bars, but I'd really like to use that functionality and I'm at a loss on how to accomplish it. Thanks in advance for any help! ...

MPMoviePlayerController - Controls are not aligned

Hi @all, My iPhone app (created under iOS2), has a strange behavior. The left arrow is not aligned with other controls (on both iOS3 and 4) My other apps work fine... Does someone have any idea ? Update : That bug appear with all iPhone in my company, and in all iPhone in my customer's company (both compiled on many computers or ...

iOS: how to determine whether to download a normal or hires retina image?

Since the iPhone 4 came out, Apple has put forward the @2x filename technique to easily implement higher resolution pictures. That's great, but how about dynamic image downloading? Indeed, in my application I would like to avoid image scaling and unnecessary big downloads as much as possible, which could negatively impact the performanc...

Is there a way to get detailled GPS satellites info on iPhone?

Possible Duplicate: Is it possible to get GPS satellite numbers via iPhone SDK ? I am looking for the equivalent of LocationManager.getGpsStatus(...) on Android (link). More precisely it would be interesting to get, for all tracked satellites: their PRN numbers, C/N0, azimuths and elevations. I know the SDK does not have any ...

What does NSPOSIXErrorDomain mean (iPhone)?

Hey Guys, I am trying to use the ASIHTTPRequest libraries to simulate a form post and gather the resulting cookies; however, when I am running the post, I get an error. I have traced through the request and narrowed it down to a NSPOSIXErrorDomain error. The site I am trying to connect too is an HTTPS: site and this error makes me th...

UITextView partially rendering a line of text

One of my testers have ran into an issue where a UITextView would not fully render a line that is only partially displayed initially. This is on iOS 4.0.1 on an iPhone 4. In the following screenshot, the last line is Xxx TTY zzz. Only the top of the line is rendered initially, but when my tester scrolls up to see the full line, it stays...

Book for Core Animation for the iPhone

Hey, I want to learn "Core Animation" for the iOS not for the Mac. Two books exist: PragProg: Core Animation AW: Core Animation Simplified Have you read one of them (or both)? do you have a recommendation? Thanks. ...

What are good techniques for high performance full screen bit-blitting on iOS?

Assume I want to program a Star Field animation. Not by using OpenGL but by drawing directly to the screen buffer or to off-screen buffers that can be placed on screen. That Star Field demo running on the TRS-80 is of course just an example. Think video decoding or full-screen animations as other possibilities where rates of 20+ frames ...

UIBackgroundModes key not showing in Info.plist dropdown

I am trying to upgrade an older iPhone project to adopt background audio streaming, however the "Required background modes" key is not showing up in the Info.plist drop-down menu. I have set the base SDK to 4.0. Is there another project setting that governs which Info.plist keys are available? Kind regards, Rob ...

unable to allocate 4 buffers of 20 mb of memory in app on ios 4 but could in ios 3

I wrote an app compiled against ios 3 that would easily allocate up to 100 mb of memory for image processing purposes. However, when that same app was compiled against the ios 4 sdk, I found that it crashed when many apps were open in the background. When I kill the background apps, the application then runs fine. I reduced the memory us...

UIWindow animation

Hello, I currently use a custom UIWindow to display a custom alert view to make it look Apple style. When I remove it, it doesn't fade automatically, sk I decided to use a UIView animation and change the alpha to 0 then remove it but that still didn't do the trick. Would you guys know what to do? ...

Overlaying a view overtop of a UITableView

Hello stackoverflow, So I am trying to create a search that returns a bunch of results to a UITableView. When the user selects one of the cells, I want to overlay a detail view of that result in a nice, concise window. This view needs to have some text, buttons and a photo. I was looking into hacking an alertview but read that that i...

Is it Possible to play movies in queue using AVPlayer...?

i have to play movies one after another(queue), i try with MPMoviePlayerController by setting content url but flick is there. Is it possible with AVPlayer..? if possible any sample or tutorial Thanks in Advance... ...

MPMoviePlayerController duration is not being updated

I have a MPMoviePlayerController, and I can successfully play a (local) video with it. The duration property is not being set to the runlength of the video - even after I receive a MPMovieDurationAvailableNotification event, the value remains set to 0. Has anyone seen this before? ...

Why are MKPolyline and MKPolygon working in iOS 3.2.2 (on an iPad)?

As far as I can tell, technically MKPolyline and MKPolygon should not be functional/available when running on an iPad or any other device prior to iOS4. Nevertheless, when I installed 3.2.2, on the device, and updated my build tools with the latest (non-beta) iOS 4.2 SDK, they both work just fine, along with their associated views. Wha...

CGContext & CGBitmapContextCreateImage errors, how to fix?

I've been at this for hours now, and don't even know how to debug this error. Maybe there's an SO expert who knows what's going on. - (void) prepareSubset { CGSize size = [image size]; float scale = fminf(1.0f, fmaxf(SUBSET_SIZE / cropRect.size.width, SUBSET_SIZE / cropRect.size.height)); CGPoint offset = CGPointMake(-cropRect.origin....

How to increase max connection counts in Safari on iPhone4?

The max parallel connections in Safari on iPhone4 is 4. (This URL can test the number of parallel connection count. In previous OS, the max connection count is 6. Is there any config of Safari to increase the max connection count? Any suggestion is helpful, and thanks in advance. B...

Facebook SDK for iPhone authorize error

Hi all, I am developing a Facebook application for iPhone. In my application I am calling the authorize method from a Facebook object just as it is done in the demo application. However, the webview quickly loads, and then closes. Stepping through the program it seems as if the webview is throwing a WebKitDomain error code 102. Does any...

Is it possible to run a task periodically in Background - iOS 4

Hi, I want to poll the location from GPS in the background. So we used a NSTimer and performed periodic checks in the timer tick. In other words, can we schedule NSTimer while the app is in Background? Thanks in advance ...

Unexpected tables appearing in my SQLite database

Still beavering away, slowly sorting out how things work. Today I've been looking at persistent stores and managed objects. I think I understand the basics of it all, but I've noticed something odd. When I save my managed object context and open up the resulting sqlite file in an editor, there are three tables there I don't expect. They'...