
KVC: How do I save UIKit structs in plist?

I am using KVC to set properties of objects from a plist. I know I can save them as strings <string>{{66, 114}, {64, 64}}</string> and manually convert to structs, but how can I save for example a CGPoint or CGRect in a plist in a way that Cocoa KVC would understand? The Key-Value Coding Programming Guide seems to indicate that I need to...

UIWebView and VGA support

Hi guys, I am outputting a UIWebView on an external screen using the VGA connector and am able to display web pages. The problem arises when a video is embedded in the page. What happens is that the video is shown as fullscreen on the external screen, and completely hides the web page. It doesn't seem to be able to play inline... The...

Can't adjust volume on iOS4 using AudioToolbox/AudioServices.h

Hi, I am unable to adjust volume of sounds in my app when testing on new iPhone 4 (tried two devices) it works on an iPad and my colleague just told me that on 3Gs with iOS 4 the volume goes down when trying to increase ... that's something doesn't make sense at all. I am using AudioToolbox/AudioServices.h to just play short sounds in ...

Download in background in iPhone

Is it possible to download a file while the app is in background in iPhone 4? ...

iPhone: Why does applicationMusicPlayer quit playing when app enters background?

I made a little test app to try to isolate this issue, but it exhibits the same behavior: the applicationMusicPlayer stops playing immediately when the app enters the background. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, or if it's an Apple bug. It seems so simple that if it were an Apple bug others would have encountered it and posted on it. ...

iOS4 reset app push notification settings

I need to reset the push notification settings of one app on the iPhone. The path " /private/var/mobile/Library/RemoteNotification/Clients.plist " mentionned in this thread " " seems to have changed since iOS4. Does anyone know of to reset/remove the pu...

Several pin colors on same map in MKMapView

I have a MKMapView in my app with several pins on it and I'd like to set different colors for each pin. My view controller is implementing MKMapViewDelegate and I've defined viewForAnnotation method. - (MKAnnotationView *) mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView viewForAnnotation:(id <MKAnnotation>) annotation { MKPinAnnotationView *annView=[...

Close other multitasking apps with our application with code - iPhone

I want to close other application running background with my app how can i do it? ...

cellForRowAtIndexPath never called...

I've subclassed UITableView to create my own data retrieval system, as described in Apple's own Core Data tutorial, but I've hit a problem. The substitute cellForRowAtIndexPath method in my custom table never gets called, not even when I call reloadData or setNeedsDisplay. I've been hunting around for solutions to this one, and it seems ...

OS 4.0 features in backwards compatible app

I have an OS 4 app that was completely compatible with 3.x up until I added eventkit. Is there a way I can omit this feature if they are on a 3.x device? I have #if __IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= 40000 ...code #endif around my stuff but it seems to be failing on initial launch and I am thinking due to the linking of the EventKit....

Can an iPhone application write out files?

So I know iOS apps run in a sandbox and all, but I thought I remembered Apple mentioning a way for apps to write to and read from a common file share, so that you can then deal with these files on your computer when you plug you iPhone in (mount the drive). I think this was in the context on the iPad, but I'm not sure. Anybody know anyt...

iPad rotation - Image Positioning

Hey stackoverflow, So I have an app that has a login screen with an image and text bars. When I rotate the device, the components rotate, but they are not centered anymore. They just pivot in place. I need them to reposition themselves to the center of the landscape view as well. Can anyone point me to or have an example of how to h...

Multitasking with iPhone 3G??

Hi All, I'm a bit confused about multitasking. I have a timer app which I am updating for OS4. Previously you had to keep the app running for the timer to sound, I have now modified it using a LocalNotification so that is the user exits the app then they get an alert when the alarm fires. I've tested this on an iPhone 4 and all is good, ...

access iphone user settings from javascript

is there a way to access an app's iphone user default settings from javascript? ...

iphone add local access

if I download a html from my web server can i use an image in my iphone app's resource folder as background? ...

AVCaptureSession pause ?

Hi, I am using the AV Foundation for capturing images continuously after Apple released iOS 4.0 by following the codes given by, However, when I call "[session startRunning];" it takes around 1-2 seconds to start the camera preview. So, this is frustrating to the end user...

Programming iOS apps with PhoneGap and/or QuickConnect

Hi everybody, A friend of mine told me that some frameworks (PhoneGap and/or QuickConnect) can transform my HTML/JS/CSS code to an iOS App. Personally, I hate this kind of frameworks because when you get a bug, it's very hard to debug. But, on the other hand, as i'm starting learning iOS programming, I find Objective-C hard to learn. ...

iPad Modal view not rotating

hey there stackoverflow, So I have a modal view displaying in my app that has a little info for the user to fill out. The problem is that when the device is rotated, some animation occurs, but only in the frame. The form itself does not rotate. All the autorotate options are set to YES. I am displaying it when the user clicks on a f...

iOS 4: FigCreateCGImageFromJPEG returned -1

I'm trying to get a basic image picker/photo taker running in my app and have run into the following error: *** ERROR: FigCreateCGImageFromJPEG returned -1. Input (null) was 551120 bytes I have the image picker showing, the camera view works fine. When I take an image with the camera and select the 'use' button the error appears in...

Accessing contact info of Incoming calls/sms

Hi, I want to confirm if it is allowed to access the Contact Info of Incoming Calls/SMS programmatically. Are developers allowed to access and retrieve the contact info of incoming calls or sms. Is there any API available for this. Thanks Taimur. ...