Hi All, This is a follow on from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3648530/iphone-app-submission-issues
If I have a IOS3 compatible app, how does it handle in IOS4 in regards to Multitasking? i.e. When the IOS3 app is closed on an IOS4 phone and than they reopen it, will it restart or is it backgrounded/multitasked and when reloaded ta...
I have been working on a horizontal UIPicker, and I've finally gotten the picker and the labels on the picker to both display rotated. But, the issue I'm noticing now is that the labels display in low res with very visible pixelation. Playing with the font values seems to have no effect on the pixelation. I've included my code:
//in vie...
Whenever I submit my app to itunesconnect, after about 10 minutes, the status changes to "Invalid Binary" with absolutely no explanation why.
I have searched all over for answers there is non. I even re-installed XCode and App loader.
Note that App Loader doesn't give any errors whatsoever.
I build with XCode 3.2.3 iPhone 4 GM Seed iP...
hello all,
So I am trying to send an in application email on the iPad using the MFMailComposeViewController. However, everything I am reading shows how to set it up and get it ready, but not how to actually send it! I have the delegate all set up and handling the button clicks, but am not sure how to say "Now go send the email". Can...
Is there any way in iOS SDK to detect the presence of an active Bluetooth keyboard? As many well know, when a Bluetooth keyboard is active, the on-screen keyboard does not show, so interface placements might have to change...
Right now I am doing this semi-passively by responding to keyboard events, but those notifications are a little ...
Hi, is it possible to have a QuickTime video with alpha layer (transparency) play on top of a static dynamic background UIView (i.e. a view that changes occasionally) on the iPad?
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to swap two strings but I'm not sure if what I am doing is legal (coming from java I'm new to the whole retain count memory management).
Here's my code:
NSString *temp = [[NSString alloc] init];
temp = originalLanguageCode;
originalLanguageCode = translatedLanguageCode;
translatedLanguageCode = temp;
[temp rele...
Hi to everybody,
I want to add high res images in my iOS4 app. I already read this http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/documentation/iphone/conceptual/iphoneosprogrammingguide/SupportingResolutionIndependence/SupportingResolutionIndependence.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40007072-CH10-SW2 and a lot of other pages but I did not find t...
How can I animate the movement of a label or image? I would just like to make a slow transition from one location on the screen to another (nothing fancy).
Here is my scenario:
(1) I have a TabBarController with the following:
(A) Navigation Controller (rootviewcontroller is a uitableviewcontroller) = Tab 0
(B) UIViewController = Tab 1
(2) The Navigation Controller is using a UISearchBar along with UISearchDisplayController
(3) I click into and enter a search into the...
How To delete Event from Iphone Calendar Programmatically?
I am trying to delete Event From Iphone Calendar tell me how to delete Event From Iphone Calendar Programmatically
Here Is the way to add event in iphone calendar
////// Saving Event In Calendar
EKEventStore *eventStore = [[EKEventStore alloc] init];
EKEvent *event ...
Dear All,
From What I understand based on what I read, most of the time we will be dealing with view when creating apps for the iPhone. Adding sub view to table view, adding table view to a UIView....etc
So my question is how do I go about mix and match all the views? Let say I start off by using a template in Xcode (Tab Bar Applicatio...
When sending an email with a picture attachment in iOS4, the last step asks if you want to reduce the message size by scaling the image. Is it possible to force the app to send the highest resolution image and not to display this message?
Does anyone know what the changes are to Safari in the iPad OS update coming in November, from a web application development standpoint?
Is there any expanded support for hardware acceleration, any changes to JavaScript, etc, etc?
Hello Stackoverflow,
So I am trying to log into my site using an NSMutableURLRequest which presents the credentials via a post. As a noobie, I have some questions about the functionality of this method to make sure I am understanding it.
NSString *post = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"username=%@&password=%@&TARGET=%@",LoginId,LoginPw...
I installed iOS 4.1 just released today.
I downloaded my app to the Phone from the AppStore and ran it and it cant get GPS Location.
I download the new XCode and 4.1 SDK and recompiled under 4.1 and app works fine on 4.1 IPhone.
No code has been changed.
Why doesnt an app compiled under 4.0 work under 4.1.
BASE SDK was 4.0
Can you develop for the latest iOS4, using XCode 3.2? Do I need to get the latst SDK? I know there is a new XCode coming out but it isnt released yet right?
How to read and write an NSString with UTF8N? I use this to load a UTF-8 file and it seems to work with UTF-8N.
NSString *string = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:destPath encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:&error];
The problem is when I save the file with
[string writeToFile:tempFile atomically:YES encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding e...
Hello, I have been working through some code and I would like to work out how to get around this problem with the GameCenter GameKit.
There is some example code (now open to the public, no longer pre-release so I can talk about it).
@synthesize playerStorage;
- (void)loadPlayerData:(NSArray *)identifiers
[GKPlayer loadPlayersFor...
Hi all,
I'm facing a problem with playing youtube videos in iOS4. I'm using the standard method of embedded webview and providing the youtube url to it but it's breaking after a couple of seconds. It's working completely fine in iOS <= 3.1.
Also I read that you can't play youtube videos using MPMoviewPlayerViewController.
Can anybody ...