
Subclassing MKAnnotationView and overriding setDragState

Hi all This is about an iPhone App using MKMapKit: I created a custom MKAnnotationView for a draggable Annotation. I want to create a custom animation. I set a custom pin image and the annotation is draggable (which both is not shown here, it happens in the mapview) with the following code: - (void) movePinUpFinished { [super se...

can you install an iphone app with an invisible icon?

Hello All, So I am working on a bundle of applications for my company for the iPad and am trying to figure out if it is possible to install an app but hide the icon. It will not need to be launched from the desktop directly. Instead, I have created a launch desktop that controls login and the launch of the actual apps via custom URL s...

xcode 3.2.4 (sdk 4.1) unable to install to device

Hi there, I recently installed XCode 3.2.4 to my machine. This comes with iOS SDK 4.1. Annoyingly I can no longer install my app to any iPhone. The option to tick "Device" in the drop down for where to install to is present, but when I click it, it doesn't become ticked. Strangely I can only run my app on the simulator, despite the opti...

Should an IBOutlet only be used for interface UI elements?

Basic question here about the structure of a basic iOS MVC app.. I know IBOutlets are used for accessing view elements such as buttons and labels and such and modifying or getting their values.. Is it normal though to use an IBOutlet to access another object in your app FROM a view?? For example.. @interface CustomView : UIView { ...

How to change UIModalTransitionStyle for MPMoviePlayerViewController

Hi all. When I use the MPMoviePlayerViewController, I don't seem to be able to change the modalTransitionStyle to anything other than the default slide up animation. Has anyone else managed to get this to work? MPMoviePlayerViewController* theMoviePlayer = [[MPMoviePlayerViewController alloc] initWithContentURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath...

How to port Android application to iOS platform?

I'm developing an Android application and I would really like to deploy it for the iPhone as well. However, I do not know Objective-C and I think it would take an annoyingly long time to figure that and the Apple framework out. Is there a recommended way to port an Android application to iOS? Would the best bet be to hire a freelancer?...

How to detect movie preloaded/failed on iOS4?

In 3.0, I could register for MPMoviePlayerContentPreloadDidFinishNotification and detect if the movie preloaded or failed, depending on whether there was an error object. Can anyone tell me the equivalent of the two cases for iOS4? [Update: Responding to the first comment here because the max comment length is too short.] If you succe...

iPod touch compared to iPhone 4 as a development platform (iOS 4.1)

I would like to revamp an old question, concerning the development of apps on the iPod touch as a cheap replacement for the iPhone: Now Apple has released the new iPod touch with Retina display and the iPhone 4, both with iO...

Programatically Controlling a UIWebView with iOS 4

Hi I am creating an iPhone app for checking your school timetable. At the moment you have to manually enter your timetable, which is very very time consuming, and I don't think that anyone would even bother with it. However, my school has a V.L.E. on it's website and we can access our timetables online by entering our username and pas...

Problem doing logic tests after XCode 3.2.4 upgrade

The recent upgrade to XCode 3.2.4 and iOS SDK 4.1 lead to that my unit tests are not working any longer with my iOS project. The project is currently only running on the simulator, not real hardware. I tried to make a new blank project with a dummy test case added that will always pass, but it does not work either, giving me this result...

custom arabic font in ios.

Dears, I 'm a novice in iphone programming. I am trying to make an iphone App that displays mainly Arabic language content. I want to use a custom arabic font for displaying that content, not the iphone default arabic font. I used the following code: - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; [arabicLabel setFont: [UIFont fontW...

Update Xcode project to iOS 4.1

Hi there I started a project under iOS 3.1 and I stopped developing for a while. Now I installed the new SDK with iOS 4.1. If I wanna build now, there is a error message which says "There is no SDK with the name or path 'iphoneos3.1', which actually make sense. So how can I "upgrade" my project to iOS 4.1? thx ...

EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION on start of app on Device, and no image on Simulator

Hi, I have the above mentioned problem, with an app wich used the AdMob SDK. I'm using latest SDK of AdMob, on 4.0.1 iOS SDK. My problem consists of two parts: In the Simulator, the app boots, and outputs through NSLog that an ad has been received, but the whole screen stays black (my UI is not showing) On the Device, the app won't b...

Including files inside the iPhone Bundle Library Path

I'm having trouble with my update logic. I need to include a file in the app bundle which contains specific update data. When the app discovers this file, it checks to see if it's a first install (no update needed) or a previous install (apply update). Whatever the outcome, the update file needs to be deleted, so it's not found again,...

Unit Testing broken in iOS 4.1 SDK?

After upgrading to the 4.1 iOS SDK my unit test bundles always return with the following two errors and one warning: An internal error occurred when handling command output: -[XCBuildLogCommandInvocationSection setTestsPassedString:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance An internal error occurred when handling command output: -[XCBui...

How to programmatically detect Game Center?

I'm adding Game Center support to my game. Because my game can run on iOS versions back to 3.0, I want to have it fallback to just saving achievements and leaderboards locally in the absence of Game Center. Right now, I have this: + (BOOL) isGameCenterAvailable { Class playerClass = NSClassFromString( @"GKLocalPlayer" ); if( playerC...

iOS UIAutomation Scripting: What's the correct predicate to reference the keyboard?

Using UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp().logElementTree; when I know that there is a keyboard present (after tapping a text field) shows that there is a UIAKeyboard element in the hierarchy. However, it does not have a name. I'd like to get a ref to that so that I can dismiss it from the script. My best guess is to use something li...

iOS4.1, LLVM Compiler 1.5 for iPhone?

I have just started working on an old project using iOS 4.1 (Xcode 3.2.4) I have noticed when compiling using LLVM 1.5 that I am getting various errors that I don't remember getting before. Swapping to LLVM GCC 4.2 removes the errors so I am guessing its the LLVM compiler thats at fault. Does the LLVM Compiler 1.5 work when compiling fo...

UITableView reordering stops working after returning from detail view

I'm having problems with reordering a UITableView. The tableview in question presents a playlist for video files. Data is stored in an NSMutableArray. Pushing the "move" button (UIBarButtonItem) enables reordering. Everything working so far. Pushing another button starts playing all the files in the table. Playback of the movie is initi...

using BeginReceivingRemoteControlEvents in Monotouch

Hi there, I've made my app play music in the background, I also successfully made it become the media player by calling BeginReceivingRemoteControlEvents. however, the RemoteControlReceived method never gets called. the same logic in Objective C is working fine. Any samples or guidelines appreciated. ...