
iPad use touches to display popover?

Hello stackoverflow, So I have been searching everywhere for a solution to this problem. I have a table view that displays a popover from a cell when the user selects it. However there is a bug but I can't figure out a solution. Basically once you scroll down off the first page of results, the popover always appears from the bottom o...

Is it possible to get multiple MPMoviePlayerControllers in the same view?

I have written code so that technically there should be two MPMoviePlayerControllers within the same view, both ready to play an audio file. What always happens is that one pops up and disappears, and the other comes up and stays, and is fully useable. Any idea why one disappears? I'm not trying to play two at once, just want to give us...

Is there any way to set iPhone wallpaper programmatically in iOS 4.2 (beta)

I know this question has been asked before, but does anyone know if its possible to programmatically set the background image for the home screen (wallpaper) for the latest iphone OS iOS4.2 (beta). I know it wasn't possible before. I've seen that you can change the lock screen on a jailbroken phone by writing to /var/mobile/Library/Lock...

Does supporting multitasking in iOS 4 mean dropping support for iOS 3?

I can't find anywhere definitively, if you build an app against the iOS 4 SDK, to thus support multitasking, does that mean the app won't work in iOS 3? If not, how can you support iOS features like multitasking but still support iOS 3? I'm sorry if there are Apple docs on this, I'm happy to read them, I just can't find them. Thank you...

iPhone app crashing on local notification

This is weird. My application schedules local notifications whenever it is sent into the background, and while the first notification is being displayed correctly, as soon as the one after that should be fired, the whole application crashes. Yes, in the background. While no code is being executed. No console output is given, I just get ...

Is there a pre-iOS 4 replacement or workaround for UINib?

My application features a tableview which contains some rather complex tableviewcells. Therefore, these cells have been designed in Interface Builder and are instanciated later as needed using UINib which allows just that - load the content from a nib and instanciate it as needed. But UINib is only available for iOS 4.0 and above. Befor...

iPad search bar bad memory access?

Hello all, So I am trying to implement a search bar in my app and am very close but can't seem to figure out where this memory error is occurring. This is what part of my search method looks like: filters = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; NSString *searchText = detailSearch.text; NSMutableArray *searchArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] in...

iOS4.2 and iOS4.1 on the same machine?

I'd like to start testing iOS4.2 so I downloaded xcode 3.2.5 and iOS4.2 beta SDK. Unfortunately, I think it installed over my previous xcode 3.2.4 and SDK 4.1. Short of downloading 3.2.4 and 4.1 and installing to another directory, is there a way to get the 4.1 SDK into 3.2.5 and compile both SDK versions? Thanks! ...

Duplicate symbol from single library in iOS4.1 SDK

I am developing an iPhone application. I am unfamiliar with Xcode, so please bear with me. I have the iOS 4.1 Device SDK. When I select "Simulator" in the "Active ..." drop-down box, my application compiles without errors and runs in the iPhone simulator. When I select "Device" in the drop-down box, however, I get the following linker e...

How can I programmatically launch on the iPhone

I would like to launch the when the user needs to add a contact. My app already reads from the contact API. I would rather not re-implement functionality if I can avoid it. I am targeting iOS 4.0 and above. ...

Major slowdown using NSInvocationOperation (NSOperation) with NSOperationQueue on iOS 4 (iPhone)

I have a lengthy operation O that is called through a NSInvocationOperation, itself scheduled by adding it to a NSOperationQueue so that it runs asynchronously. That lengthy operation O is invoked in two different cases in my app. In case A, operation O is invoked as a result of tapping some widget in some view. As soon as the widget is...

Swipe to Delete not working

Hi, The swipe to delete functionality is not working in my table view. I have implemented the commitEditingStyle delegate and the Edit button in the navigation bar. Hence when the user clicks the edit button, the delete and add buttons show up appropriately. However, on swiping, the delete button does not appear and it seems like it doe...

Draw round-corner box

Hi, In my application I have a map, this map has a lot of annotations... but sometimes no location is found for an annotation (server couldn't find lat/lon). When this happens, I would like to draw a little box on my map with the text "Some locations could not be found" (or similar). I want this box to have round corners and to be trans...

Help with Coredata manual migration.

I'm using Core data in an iOS project. I have the data model setup for automatic data migration whenever I modify entity properties. But I recently made some changes to some entity relationships and now my app crashes with: "Can't find model for source store" I realize that resetting the app i.e deleting and re-installing will solve thi...

iOS 4.2: Flip image using block animations

I had this piece of code im my app: [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:1]; [UIView setAnimationTransition:UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromLeft forView:imgView cache:YES]; imgView.image = img2; [UIView commitAnimations]; But use of this method is discouraged in iOS 4.0 and later, and I should u...

How to append a UIImage or CGImage to an AVAssetWriter?

Is it possible to convert a UIImage instance to a CMSampleBufferRef so that it can be appended to a specified output file using AVAssetWriter's appendSampleBuffer: method? If so ... how? Thanks ...

How to Implement a Cool Alert/Information Overlay on iPhone?

I understand how to include a standard alert within my iPhone application, and can dismiss it with an OK or CLOSE button (see Epicurious example in image). How can I make a cool alert/notice overlay like the one seen in the foursquare app (see foursquare example in image)? In particular, how to include the alert/notice layout with graph...

Remote Control Event Causing iOS to Terminate Background App

My app plays background audio using AVAudioPlayer and receives remote control events from iOS. Everything works fine while audio is playing, but if audio is paused and my app is moved into the background, something odd happens. If I use a bluetooth device to resume/unpause the audio after 10 minutes, iOS terminates my app with the foll...

iOS: Navigation Controller title bar shrinks in landscape mode when compiled, but not in Interface Builder.

I'm trying to make an iPhone SDK 4.1 app, and I'm having some trouble with my Navigation Controller. When I set my app to portrait mode, everything looks like it should. However, when I set the initial orientation to landscape in my plist file and add the shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation function to my primary view controller, the ...

does UITableViewController have special behavior when being popped off a UINavigationController stack?

I've got a bizarre what-seems-like-a-over-release issue in a tab bar application. My advance apologies for the complexity of this problem description. Hopefully a little example code will help. I have my application delegate MyAppDelegate set up as the UITabBarControllerDelegate: - (BOOL)tabBarController:(UITabBarController *)tabBarC...