
How to animate the background color of a UILabel?

This looks like it should work, but doesn't. The color turns green at once. self.labelCorrection.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor]; [UIView animateWithDuration:2.0 animations:^{ self.labelCorrection.backgroundColor = [UIColor greenColor]; }]; ...

360° panorama librarys for ios

are there any libraries or classes out there to show a 360 degree panorama on the iphone? i found this here: but its not up to date and only for old versions of ios. i'm thankfull for any link that helps me to create a 360 degree panorama view on ios. thanks! ...

Comparing UIImage and CGImage

I have a program that, at present, uses both UIImage and CGImage components. There's one CGImage tucked away in there for use as an image mask, since it seems easier to create the mask as a CGImage and leave it that way than to tuck it into the UIImage wrapper. My question is simply: are there any tangible differences between using a UII...

Anyone have an example of how to write audio and video simultaneously using AVAssetWriter?

Been trying to figure this out with zero success. I can write video output no problem ... but once I try to introduce a second AVAssetWriterInput to include audio the final quicktime movie is jumpy with frames being loss left and right and audio constantly going in and out. Thanks - wg ...

repeat an image when scrolling on iphone

Hi, i've got an UIImageView, now i want to repeat this image, that it always shows up again when scrolling left or right. Little Example: is this possible? it should feel like an infinite loop ...

DTMF # and * workaround in iOS4?

Hello all. I have read all the posts about DTMF and iPhone. I know that the characters "#" and "*" are disallowed by the SDK for security reasons. I have tried the stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding: and the FURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes workarounds. It is not possible, in my case, to generate the DTMF tones as one pos...

Hiding an MKPolylineView causes blurring rather then hiding.

I use MKPolylineview to show a route on a map. I have two buttons, one to display the route, one to hide the route. On an iPhone with ios 4.0.2 the route hides and displays perfectly fine when I click the buttons. On an iPhone with ios 4.1 installed the route displays fine. When I click the button to hide the route the line expands in...

Any 3D Frameworks for IPhone not Engine

Hi , I got the cocos2d framework for create 2D animation in Iphone, there is any framework for 3D animation I got Some 3D engine like SIO2,UNITY,etc... But i need Framework!!! Like cocos2d any cocos3d is there??? Pls give any suggestion for me!!! ...

How to recognize diagonal swipes on the screen?

Hello, I'm using UISwipeGestureRecognizer successfully to capture and action when gestures on the screen are made with single or multiple touches in Up, down left or right directions using the standard tools. However what I really need to do now is have the device recognize diagonal swipes in the same way. Does anyone have any ideas wh...

How do I get a GKPlayer's status from Game Center?

When I get a GKLocalPlayer or use loadPlayersForIdentifiers:identifiers withCompletionHandler: to get a list or individual GKPlayer aliases, the GKPlayer object when logged, looks something like this: 2010-09-23 10:39:01.759 Cee-lo[76500:207] Players loaded by identity: ( "<GKPlayer 0x84125a0>(playerID: G:1234567890, alias: typeonet...

Xcode: iPad iOS 3.2.2 debugging problems

Hello all, I am trying to provision my app to run on my iPad for testing. I have everything set up properly, but in the organizer, Xcode displays this message: The version of iPhone OS on “iPad” does not match any of the versions of iPhone OS supported for development with this installation of the iPhone SDK. Please restore the devi...

Can you play video from the iPod library?

Is it possible to play video from the iPod library in iOS4, or is it still restricted to audio? I can't find any definite answers, but the SDK doesn't seem to allow video. ...

Escape Non-ASCII chars from an NSString for RTF-file

I need to generate rtf-files on iOS-Devices. As RTF only supports ASCII with escaping, I need to find a solution to escape non-latin characters, so that i.e. ü becomes \'fc, ä \'e4 and ë \'eb I have following code inside a Category on NSString self = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"{\\rtf1\\ansi{\\fonttbl\\f0\\fswiss Helvetica;}\\f0\\pard...

iOS 4.1 SDK - Duplicate Symbols in Multiple Static library Linking for Device Builds

My company is building an app with SDK 4.1 for the iPhone. To do this we have 3 levels of project dependencies, our main App "CSM" is linking to our SDK called "csm-sdk" (in libsrc_csmsdk.a) csm-sdk then links to our XMLRPC library ("libXMLRPC.a"). When compiling csm-sdk for the device, it include definitions for all of the ObjC classe...

MPMediaItemCollection.representativeItem nil?

Is MPMediaItemCollection.representativeItem ever supposed to be nil? The reference documentation doesn't indicate what a nil value means. ...

iPhone - iOS4 - Movie Player - Fullscreen does not work

Hello, I have implemented MPMoviePlayer functionality to play in landscape mode in iOS4- by reading information on other posts - thanks stackoverflow! Basically I have a list of videos in tabular view and from that I can navigate to each video. Problem I am facing is the video does play in fullscreen (landscape) however the top title...

Create XML Data on iOS for Web Service Request

On the desktop I prepare the web service request payload in an NSXMLDocument. On iOS there is no NSXMLDocument. What approaches have folks used to include XML in the payload of a web service request on iOS? ...

Handling UITextView Data inside a Table View

Hey folks, i have this MainViewController, which is a controller for my table view. Whenever I press a row on the table view i go to my employeeViewController. Which is a normal view with a Text View inside of it. So my hierarchy looks like this: -Window --Navigation Controller ---Navigation Bar ---Main View Controller ----Table V...

iOS pre-poulate dynamic message in Facebook Connect Publish Stream

I'm trying to pre-populate the publish stream in the Facebook Connect code so that when the user wants to share on FB its already got the dynamic info. here the date code that calculates time intervals on viewdidload NSString *dateStr = @"20100716"; NSDateFormatter *dateFormat = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; [dateFormat setDateFormat...

Set up server for simple iPhone game

I am looking for information on how to create and run a simple server game that will take turn information from one user, do some number crunching and pass the resultant information on to the other players in the game. What I am looking for is a push in the right direction. While I have been coding for the iPhone for almost two years n...