
Syncing iOS Core Data with remote server which sends XML

My app parses XML from remote server and store the objects in Core Data(SQLite storage). So that user can browse the material when OFFLINE by reading from local storage. User may make changes to objects when browsing offline which gets stored locally in Core Data SQLite store. Another User makes some changes to object on Remote server ...

How can i highlight a specific rows on UITableView

Hi i have UITableView with x rows and my cell data loaded with plist file , i wanna implement a UITextField that user inserts the cell number and then after done button the cell going to highlight and show the cell row , for example enter 104 and then show me the row 104 . is there anyway ? thank you . ...

google-analytics iOS SDK or serverside: completely bogus timestamps? Known Issues * Possible inaccurate timestamps: timestamps are recorded at the time the application dispatches to Google Analytics, so if a user experiences long periods of offline use, the timestamps may not be 100% accurate. That seems to be putting it mildly -- if you hav...

equaling indexPathForRow with UItextField

Hi , i am trying to implement something that user can insert an number then program show me the row number but i little bit confusing , i would be grateful if you help me , here is my code : for(int i = 0; i < myTextField.text; i++) { [myScrollTable selectRowAtIndexPath:[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:i inSection:0 ] animated:YES scrollPos...

Encoding problem with ASIHttpRequest

Hi, I have an encoding problem with ASIHttpRequest. When I get an URL, the data is returned perfectly except for a little encoding problem. This is my code: - (void)fetchGamesForCategory { NSString *url_string = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:url_match, theCategory._id]; NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:url_string]; A...

strange error iPhone/iPad

Hello stack overflow, So I have a table view that contains a bunch of data. The user can navigate down, browse edit, etc. However when they edit and delete a row, and then navigate back via the nav controller, sometimes (not all the time) the app crashes throwing this error: -[CALayer resourceType]: unrecognized selector sent to inst...

Performing background task in an app on iphone

I want my app to poll server for updates and download them when the app is running in the background. How can I achieve this. Can anybody tell me where to start from? Any help would be appreciated. ...

Objective-C: Facebook username from link returned by Graph API call

Fetching from the Facebook Graph API gives me the NSString @"". How do I extract just mattdipasquale every time? Can I assume the link will be the same format every time? In that case, I could just do: NSString *fbUsername = [[result valueForKey:@"link"] substringFro...

problem with text length iPhone sdk

Hi dear friends i have 495 cells and a textField for inserting number and selecting the row according to the cell number . i have problem with this code : int MAX_LENGTH = 495; (MAX_LENGTH >[myTextField.text length]{ myTextField.text = @"ERORR"; and this : for(int i = 0; i <[myTextField.text intValue]; i++) { [myScroll...

UI freeze with animated removal of UIScrollView subview

In my iPhone app I have a UIScrollView with custom content views. At some points, a custom popup view is dynamically added to the content with a zoom animation on appear and disappear. I'm using block-based animations with a completion handler that calls [self removeFromSuperView] as follows: - (void)dismissPopup { CGRect rect = sel...

Subscribing to touch events from UILabel or UIImage

Hi, I have a controller managing a complex view which contains, among other objects, some labels and images. How can I subscribe to touch events to some of the labels and images from my controller? The problem is that UIView does not have a TouchDown event (unlike UIButton for example). Two workarounds came to mind, which are both clu...

Can't complie Three20 template on iOS4

I pulled the latest version of three20 from github, and installed their template. I opened it up in XCode, build and run, then I realize the template isn't iOS4 ready. The first issue I found was "Base SDK not found", I solve it Edit Project Setting , changed the Base SDK to "iOS Device 4.1" Then I run it again, I got tons of errors r...

Any tips on how to create apps that run on iOS 3 and iOS 4?

Hey, I'm developing an iPhone application and my target is 3GS and 4G devices. iOS 4 introduces methods thats deal with multitasking and newer methods to deal with foreground/background lifecycle events. These new methods aren't available in iOS 3 which simply quits the app and doesn't run it in the background. Any tips on how to create ...

How can I scale at an anchor point using CGAffineTransform?

Edited to better explain my problem I am trying to perform a zoom operation using my custom view (not UIView). The view has translation, scale, rotate values. I use these as follows, between calls to glPushMatrix() and glPopMatrix(). - (void)transform { glTranslatef(translation.x + anchor.x, translation.y + anchor.y, 0.0f); //g...

UITableView scrolling issue after memory warning

I created a UITableView similar to the iOS address book that allows you to pick an image on one row and and there are additional custom cells that have text fields for entering data. I run into this problem only after loading a large image and get a memory warning in the console: Received memory warning. Level=1 I load the image using...

this bundle is invalid. Apple is not currently accepting applications built with this version of the SDK 4.2

Dear Concerned, My base sdk is 4.2 deployment sdk is 3.1.2 I had done the following steps - Build the .app bundle for distribution for "Device" and "Distribution" in the drop down menu of the main XCode screen. - In the "Project Settings" the base SDK is 4.2 and your deployment target SDK to 3.1.2 both settings are found in that "Bu...

loading and manipulating a multi component UIPicker with Plist

In detail code, can someone please show me a way to populate a multiple component UIPicker with data from a plist? The reason I choose Plist as my datasource mainly is because it is much easier to manage visually and edit at the later stage. I want to create a simple app that have Picker with 4 components (lets call it component A, B,...

Coordinates of bottom-left corner of a mapView off by a few pixels

Hi, I'm trying to put an Annotation the lower left corner of currently visible map region, although the following code CLLocationCoordinate2D origin = getOriginOfRegion(mapView.region); [[[SimpleAnnotation alloc] initWithCoords:origin] autorelease]; ... extern CLLocationCoordinate2D getOriginOfRegion(MKCoordinateRegion region){ retu...

iphone: applicationDidFinishLaunching method & iOS 4.0+

I currently have an iPhone application that makes a call to an API to obtain an Access Token. This function is currently executed in my -applicationDidFinishLaunching method in the AppDelegate.m file. However, with iOS4.0 and its ability to multitask, does this method get called each time the app is opened? If not, is there a special...

UIImagePickerController crashes on iOS4.

When trying to show the UIImagePickerController I had strange problems with my app crashing on iOS4. Here's the output from log: malloc: *** error for object 0x550ba20: pointer being freed was not allocated *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug Setting breakpoints, trying to spy the name of the object 0x550ba20 (with pri...