
Combining Two SQLite Stores Into One

Say I have two SQLite files in my application documents directory. How would I go about combining the two together and saving them as a single file that contained all the information from both? Do I literally have to create two persistent store coordinators and manually coordinate the process between the two, or is there some more effici...

provisioning profile hell

once in a while I run across a problem with provisioning a device with a dev version of an app . The error message is usually "a valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found". I have followed all the Apple instructions: I have a valid dev certificate, the developer provisioning profile includes the device ID of the devi...

Mipmapping in a scalable view similar to google maps?

I have a huge map image (8192x6144px) which I'd like to display at scales ranging from 1x to 0.1x. At 1x this is about 24 mb using PVR 4-bpp compression--a little too much. So I'd like to load them at varying resolutions, depending on the map scale. Does mipmapping accomplish what I need, which is to load/unload levels of mipmaps based...

Application is working in iOS4.0 or higher but it's crashing immediately after launch on device 3.1.3 or lower.

I've an application which is working fine on iOS 4.0 or higher but keep crashing immediately after launch on device 3.1.3 or lower. I've set "Base SDK" to "4.1" and "Deployment Target" to "3.0". Crash Log - Dyld Error Message: Symbol not found: _UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey Referenced from: /var/mobile/Applications/FE470A03-6285-...

Weird EXC_BAD_ACCESS, what am I doing wrong?

Hi, I have a UITabBarController. One of the tab shows application "bookmarks", these bookmarks are basicly search types saved to a Core Data (SQLLite) database. When I load my application, go to the bookmark view (bookmarksViewController), it loads a function in my appDelegate (getBookmarks) and shows the result in an table. This work...

Ruby iphone develop

Hey you guys :-) Recently Apple, made an announcement about you now can code in other programming languages. So well i thought nice! Finally i can make iphone apps.. But i can't figure how to code the apps i Ruby.. So i googled - a lot! and did'nt find anything.. so if someone out there know anything.. tell me! :-)! /Oluf Nielsen ...

Get a list of all contacts on iOS

Hey I want to get a list of all contacts of an iPhone. I checked "Address Book" reference, I may missed something but I didn't see it provides a method to get a list of contacts. ...

iPhone Full screen camera uiimagepickercontroller preview

In iOS3 to get a full screen preview a scale of 1.12412 was enough. CGFloat cameraTransformX = 1.12412; CGFloat cameraTransformY = 1.12412; picker.cameraViewTransform = CGAffineTransformScale(picker.cameraViewTransform, cameraTransformX, cameraTransformY); } Scaling x and y to avoid distortion. In iOS4 using this scaling leaves a b...

UITextView in a UITableViewCell smooth auto-resize

Hi everyone, I have a UITextView in a UITableViewCell contentview and allow the cell to autoresize so that the entered text is fully shown - what I am trying to accomplish is an autoresizing cell like the native iOS4 Contacts app has, when you enter "notes" for contact - i.e. when the contentSize of the textView changes - I call reloadRo...

iPad/iOS modalView jumps left on dismiss

Hi, I added a modalView to my App, everything working fine, but on closing the modal, the whole modalView jumps about 1-2 centimeters to left while it disappears. I did not find any reason for it yet, so here is the code regarding modal: AppController: - (void) showNameModal:(Player *)player { namesModal = [[PlayerModalView allo...

MPMoviePlayerController worked fine up to iOS 4.0 now just plays sound, no video

The code below is more or less taken from the example MPMoviePlayerController sample code. In an app I wrote last year, it used to play videos fullscreen without an issue. Since iOS 4.0, there's just audio in the background. It's like the movie player doesn't have a view or the view is behind my app. I can still interact with my app, eve...

iPhone/iPad application storage

Hello all, So as a learning exercise, I am trying to make a simple file browser that interfaces with a file storage mechanism. (Think dropbox or I want to add a feature that would allow the user to flag a file for local storage so they could view it when they were not connected to the network. Is there an apple API that allo...

MKReverseGeocoder causing EXC_BAD_ACCESS?

I have an app that is exhibiting an intermittent crash. The crash logs are showing a stack trace that is tough for me to decipher, so hoping that someone else has seen this and can point me in the right direction. Basically the app does a reverse geocoding request at startup to show the user's location in a label. Additionally, I do a...

MPMoviePlayerController pause in pre and post ios4?

I have a bunch of apps that play video with an overlay. I built it originally in iOS 3.0, and used the undocumented but functional -[MPMovieController pause] on my own set of controls. Now that iOS4 came along (and having tried to submit a new app with the same code), I've been rejected and I've got to update all my old ones. The frustr...

Can I have a timer running during iOS 4.0+ multi-tasking?

So I have just managed to build a timer on my iOS app I'm working on, and it works great! Except for the fact that the whole point of the timer is to be able to multi-task with it. Meaning, I want to be able to be in my app, set a timer, hit go, have it start ticking down to 0, and allow users to switch over to another app, and do that ...

Quick one about Updates in App Store...

I've got an app that works in ios3 (3.0 - 3.1.3), but they've deprecated some of the code in ios4. The problem is, if I update to the ios4 code (3.2 -) it will no longer work in the older phones. If I release an update that is for ios4, what happens to people who have the ios3 version? Does it say "sorry you can't have it"? Does it let ...

Creating a tableView similar to the final address book page...

Hi All, I am trying to make a details page similar to the address book app on the iphone, but am having trouble, organising the data and also the view. I am currently going down this route, but there has to be an easier way: - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { i...

Bug in UITabBarController?

Hey guys, Something very strange is happening to me. I've been double and triple checking myself. I'm using a UITabBarController, and initializing it with 4 different view controllers. However, for some reason, when the application starts, only the first tab bar image is displayed. It's only when I touch the blank part of the tab bar - ...

How to display high resolution images in iOS4 using UIImageView

Hello All, I wanted to know how should I use high res images in iOS4 sdk using UIImaageView. blackBox = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"alert_bg.png"]]; blackBox.frame = CGRectMake(98.0f, 310.0f, 573.0f, 177.0f); When I use this code I get strange results... the image does not get the correct size. It is look...

How to keep an iPhone app running on background fully operational.

Hi, first of all, I know there is only support for voip, audio and location apps to run in background and that they will run just while the audio is been played or while using location services, etc. What I want to know is if there is a way to keep my app running on background fully operational, doesn't matter the impact on battery's li...