
iOS 4.1 OpenGL ES 1.1 not drawing Texture

For some reason my texture are not drawing, even though my code looks exactly the same as an old project that did. So far, the vertexes and TexCoords look fine, as I am having white squares being drawn, where the texture should be drawn instead. The process so far goes, I load up a Contoller and in loadView, I glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); ...

Hidden CATransition animations on iOS 4 (camera iris animation)

I'm trying to achieve the camera iris animation from the Apple camera app. It is also found in numerous other apps like RedLaser, Sudoku Grab, so it seems to be fine with Apples rules even thou it's private. The hidden CATransition animations are dokumented here for example: Howev...

UIModalPresentationFormSheet With Square (0 Radius) Corners?

By default iPad modal form sheets get rounded corners. In a couple of Apple's apps, such as iTunes, the form sheets have perfectly square corners. Is there a relatively easy way to remove the corner radius that won't get me rejected from the App Store? ...

Startup image in webapp for Retina display?

Anybody know how to get iOS to display higher resolution startup image when using ? Currently I'm stuck with 460x380 image which obviously looks horrible when displayed on iPhone 4's high dpi display. I tried the @2x trick but didn't seem to work. Any ideas or workarounds? ...

ManagedObjectContext seems to change after save and can't be changed by some other ViewController

Hi all I have a MOC created in my AppDelegate class. I have a MOC property in my RootView which is set by the AppDelegate with something like: rootView.managedObjectContext = self.managedObjectContext; This rootView creates at some time a ModalView and sets there a MOC property also by the same way. Everything works fine. I can crea...

iPhone app detecting wifi network while running in the background

Hi, does anyone know if there is a way for an iPhone app to continuously detect the presence of WiFi networks while running in the background? What are the limitations? Cheers, Marko ...

Is it possible to have a repeating horizontal background image and a background colour for a UIView?

I'm developing an iPhone 4 app using iOS 4 SDK and am trying to add a small gradient image to a UIView object. I want to the background to repeat horizontally but not vertically. I then want the rest of the UIView to be filled with a background colour. Is this possible? ...

iPad problems with view rotation

Hello all, So I am presenting a full screen modal view when the user selects an item from a popover containing a table. The problem is when the modal view is displayed and the iPad is rotated, the status bar spins, but the view stays in whatever orientation it was in before. It looks very strange. Because I am presenting it from a pop...

iPad popover view rotation

Hello all, So I have a popover being presented from a barbutton. However I am having some rotation issues when a modal view is being displayed over it. The view inside the popover is not rotating properly. I have all of the delegates set to yes, so it should automatically handle this. This is only happening when that modal view is b...

PhotoLibrary/Camera does not activate on in iPhone app

I've this method for opening the photoLibrary/camera in my view controller. But nothing happens when I call it (both simulator and device). I've implemented the delegate methods. No errors/warnings. I'm missing something? - (IBAction) doButton { UIImagePickerController *picker = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init]; picker.del...

Multitasking and termination

Is there any possiblity for reacting to the event that a user kills your app via the multitasking bar if it has moved to the background? According to my observations, applicationWillTerminate: does NOT get called. It seems to me that there is no possiblity for cleaning up before quitting in this case. ...

How to hide one of the two Right buttons in the navigation bar

Dear all I have implemented two buttons in the navigation bar on the right side on top of a text view as; UIToolbar* toolbar = [[UIToolbar alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 112, 44.5)]; // toolbar style is the default style // create an array for the buttons NSMutableArray* buttons = [[NSMutableArray alloc] ...

iPhone UIAutomation button tap does not fire

I am trying to use UIAutomation in Instruments with the iPhone Simulator and the latest iOS SDK 4.1. Here is the snippet of javascript that is having a problem: // there are sufficient delays here to make sure the view is loaded UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp().logElementTree(); main.buttons()["theButton"].tap(); UIALogger.logMes...

Framework Recommendation for developing distributed iPhone / iPad applications

Is there a distributed application framework (commercial is okay as well) that supports iPhone / iPad ? What I'm looking for in the framework: Allows me to focus on the application logic I don't have to code "low-level" network programming (I've done it too many times that I dont wanna do it again =p) Should be actively maintained (po...

[Books] Searching for a good book about iPhone/iPad development

Hi @ll I am currently searching for a good book about iPhone and iPad development. It should cover the current API and should also include best practice methods and some examples for developing apps. Also important for me is that not so common APIs like the AV Foundation are also handled in the book. A beginners guide is not needed (I c...

Subclass MKAnnotationView

Hi all again Did somebody ever override successfully the method setDragState in MKAnnotationView? If I try to google for it with "mkannotationview setDragState" I only get three hits! One of them is my other post on stackoverflow ;) The reference says that when subclassing MKAnnotationView the subclass has to care about the dragstate....

iPhone Noob, needs suggestions on how to communicate with the internets via iOS

Hi, we were asked to develop an iphone app like the one in the figure. The problem is: we have no experience in IOS development. For the basic part I can handle the learning curve, but i need suggestions, best practices on the UIKit model and controls. This is a newspaper app. The accordion control shows/hides content based on catego...

Multiple MPMoviePlayerControllers on iOS 3.2/4.0

Hi guys, The question is can I have two instances of MPMoviePlayerController simultaneously in one UIViewController? I'm trying to create a smooth transition between two movies in iPad app, but when I create the second MPMoviePlayerController the playback of first one is stopped and can't be resumed. I didn't found any restriction for h...

NSDate format in iOS 4.1

Hi All, [NSDate date]in iOS 4.0 used to return date in the format: 2010-09-15 09:28:26 +0530 but now in iOS 4.1 it returns the date in the format: 2010-09-15 09:28:26 GMT In my application it is leading to lots of problems. Does anyone know how to fix this? Thanks in advance, YPK ...

Shipping Documents Items with an iPhone App

My iPhone app uses a small database to store its settings and saved files. How can I ensure that the default database, with its default settings, gets distributed to anyone who downloads it along with the application files? EDIT Sorry, I was in a rush when I posted this. I forgot to mention that the database needs to end up in the 'Docu...