
Convert NSString with a number to appropriate phone number localization format

Hello everyone. NSString *phoneNumber = @"2310234432"; I would like to create a new string out of the above but format the phone number according to the current localization. Is there a "native" way I can do this or do I have to write my own methods to return it for every locale ? Thanx ...

Forcing NSDate to return 24-hour time regardless of locale

I'm trying to store today's date in a sqlite table as a string in a 24-hour time format regardless of the user's locale. Because NSDate honours the user's locale, this code returns different results depending on the user's location: NSLog(@"The date is %@", [NSDate date]); If their locale is set to the United Kingdom, where 24-hour ti...

Simple iPhone image viewer howto

I need to develop simple image viewer, much like the default iPhone Photos application, but for images located on remote server. I don't have any point where to start as I don't have any experience yet with such task (how to make a slideshow and how to handle animations when user slides photos with his finger etc.) Can you please point ...

Which UI element for day-switching bar?

In the Calendar app on the iPhone, when displaying a day, you can switch to the next an previous day with a gray bar at the top. My question is: which interface element would you use for that? UIToolbar, UITabbar or a UINavigationBar? UINavigationBar provides pretty much what I need: the possibility to add a button at the left and at t...

Why MKMapView region is different than requested?

Greetings! I'm saving map region into user defaults when my iPhone app is closing like this: MKCoordinateRegion region = mapView.region; [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setDouble:region.center.latitude forKey:@"map.location.center.latitude"]; [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setDouble:region.center.longitude forKey:@"map....

Can an iPhone app call another app?

Example: "Contacts" in iPhone does not organize contacts into groups (mailing lists). You could write an app that maintains a database on the phone itself. Groups could be "Co-workers", "Party friends", "Relatives" etc. From another app it would be nice to call up this app. Imagine an app named "TellMyFriends". This app can summon ...

Not include temporary objects in fetch requests

Hi, I've got a fetched results controller handling a table view, and I'm having a problem that it is also showing new managed objects that have been created in the context but not saved to the store. I only want to list objects that have been saved. I have tried setting the setIncludesPendingChanges to NO in the fetch request but it's ...

how to display the directory listing of an webserver in iphone native application

Hi all, how to fetch files and directories names on iphone native application from the web server. Thanks in advance ...

iPhone SDK UIProgressView tint color and App Store Rejection

Hello All, I've written an iPhone application that is just about ready to be submitted to the Apple Store. My app uses a UIProgressView to indicate the progress of a download. I noticed that the only customization is the aqua blue or default style. I found some code and info on the web that lets me set the tint color of a sub-classed UI...

Transforming string in Objective-C for iPhone

Given the following sequence: "normal %(b)BOLD% normal" I want to transform this into the following string: "0000000%(b)bbbb%0000000" In other words, '%(b)' specifies that all characters up until the next '%' should be 'b'. All other characters should be '0'. I have tried numerous approaches, including using the RegexKitLite regu...

Can I stop a UITableViewCell from shrinking when I enter edit mode?

When you enter edit mode for a UITableView (grouped but I believe this applies for the other types as well), the cells shrink to the right to accommodate the delete selection buttons. For cells that I dont wish to add/insert/delete any content, is there anyway to stop this behavior? ie. the width remains fixed. I've tried setting access...

"Conforms to" stands for in Iphone terminology?

What does "conform to" means in IPhone Development? This word is extensively used but I can't find a satisfactory definition of it. Let's say If we have 3 classes - A,B & C If A inherits B & If A conforms to C What does that means? Also, Why does most classes,protocols conforms to NSObject. ...

Core Data: Quickest way to delete all instances of an entity

I'm using Core Data to locally persist results from a Web Services call. The web service returns the full object model for, let's say, "Cars" - could be about 2000 of them (and I can't make the Web Service return anything less than 1 or ALL cars. The next time I open my application, I want to refresh the Core Data persisted copy by call...

How to make a iPhone keyboard not visible as it rises?

When my iPhone app starts up, the main screen has a keyboard. Currently the keyboard rises as soon as the rest of the interface is displayed and this is visually distracting. How can I have the view display with the keyboard already up? Since I am already faking some of the rest of the screen during startup so that the user sees what t...

Loop an UIScrollView

Hi, I've got an UIScrollView and in it different images(about 30). I'd like to make it possible, when user reaches the last image to show the first one after it and so on. And I want to implement the same feature with the first image(to go to the last one). I'd like to loop the images smoothly that user won't even notice that he is maki...

video playback problems in iphone

I have downloaded sample code from apple center. I also have gone through following questionhttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/370245/iphone-video-playback-coding Let me explain what my problem is.. I executes Downloaded code first time Video runs perfectly without any blinking (smooth playing) I press done button on top-left corner o...

create chain of views in navigation item without showing them actually

How can i create a chain of viewcontrollers and push them into navigation item without showing them? On the other side is it possible to move backward on the viewcontrollers stack of the navigation item without activating and showing viewcontrollers? Thanks, Nava ...

Draw polygon to clip texture to be transparent where polygon is openGL(EL)

I have two layers being drawn. A static background texture and a texture(png) with transparent parts. I can correctly see the background with no problems. What I would like to do is modify the top layer by drawing a polygon(rectangle) with size that will change at run time to make that portion of the top layer transparent so you just see...

Sampling audio levels with OpenAL

Is it possible to sample the audio playback volume in real-time with OpenAL? Specifically, I'm using OpenAL in the iPhone SDK. ...

I'm looking for a code signing tutorial for the iphone SDK

I'm having trouble understanding the apple tutorial on codesigning. I'm looking for a simpler explanation. http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/Security/Conceptual/CodeSigningGuide/Introduction/Introduction.html ...