
Advice on a good Java build tool, well integrated with eclipse

Hi SO guys ! I am working in a small team (3 persons) on several modules (about 10 currently). The compilation, integration and management of build versions is becoming more and more tedious. I am looking for a good build / integration tool to replace / complete Ant. Here is the description of our current development environment : - S...

In Gradle, How do ignore the cache for a local ivy repository?

In my Gradle script (version 0.8), I have a local ivy repository which I use to publish a library, and I can't seem to get Gradle to ignore its cache. I'm accessing the local ivy repo. based on the recommendation in the Gradle manual. Here's there relevant code (with some variables renamed). dependencies{ // [several remote dependen...

How do I get Ivy to copy the dependencies to the lib directory when using it from the command line?

I have the following command: java -jar ...\ivy-2.2.0-rc1.jar -ivy ...\ivy.xml Which I am expecting to resolve the dependencies and copy them to the lib folder of my project. Ivy seems to resolve the dependencies but does not do the copy. If I run the ant task the copy happens correctly. Does anyone know why the copy to lib does no...

Problem resolving dependencies because of [organisation]

In my ivysettings.xml, I have a url resolver with the following artifact resolver: <artifact pattern="http://my-repo-server/my-repo/[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]"/&gt; Any organisation that has a "." in its name fails to resolve (such as org.apache.struts#struts-core;1.3.5). I've come to the conclusion...

Why doesn't ivy resolve my dependencies?

I have this dependency declared: <dependency org="org.jboss.jbossas" name="jboss-as-parent" rev=""/> And it just fetches the pom. Other dependencies are resolved just fine. I'm using ivy 2.2.0 rc1 and ant 1.6. ...

How to block a status from an Ivy resolve

Hello. At our company, we use a base ant file that is included by everyone to do their builds. It contains the things we want to define globally and uniform, like build-test, test-coverage, build-release, publish on ivy, etc. I would like to enforce that in the ivy resolve that is done for creating a release build, libraries that hav...

How should I use ivy in a CI environment?

I am using ant and Apache Ivy, and i have multiple plans in my CI server building the same source code, executing different types of tests. Ivy must be deleting myorg-myproject-runtime.xml file in my cache and recreating it because the CI build plans are being executed so many times. Eventually one of the CI build plans reads the file...

Verification of dependency authenticy in automated build systems

Hi everyone, I was just pointed to a very interesting article about a security problem called Cross Build Injection (XBI). Bascially it is a fancy name for smuggling bad code into an application at build time via automated build systems such as ant, maven or ivy. The problem could be alleviated by introducing a cryptographic signature ...

publish doxygen created docs directory

Possible Duplicate: Integrate ivy and doxygen I have a directory that is created by doxygen and I need this directory to be published to ivy. Is there a way to do this? Is there a way to publish a whole directory containing hundreds of html and png files? ...

Integrate ivy and doxygen

Is there a way to integrate ivy and doxygen? I want to publish my doxygen docs through ivy is that possible? And if so how? Is there documentation for how to? ...

IVY - transitive

All , I would like to override the defalut value of transitive in IVY . Thanks in advanced ...

Create project from maven archetype via Apache Ivy

If you want to create project with a Maven archetype you type mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=... -DarchetypeArtifactId=... \ -DarchetypeVersion=... -DgroupId=... -DartifactId=... \ -Dversion=... How this line would change if you are using Ivy? ...

gradle - how to declare a dependency of a jar in a jar

Using gradle, I am consuming a build from an archiva repository. One of the jars looks like this: javax.jms_1.1.0.200810061358.jar contents: about.html about_files LICENSE.txt jms.jar META-INF MANIFEST.MF The jar I need is actually the jms.jar inside this javax.jms_1.1.0.200810061358.jar The only way I've been able to consume this ...

what is the use of attribute "e:color" in ivy dependency

http://ant.apache.org/ivy/history/latest-milestone/concept.html Ivy dependency has an attribute called "color" What is the use of this attribute? How can we use it in realtime. can some one give me some example. ...

Classifiers not working in Maven Snapshot repo for IVY

So I have got my Maven build deploying both Java5 and Java6 versions to my snapshot repo (Nexus). I do this with build profiles and classifiers. All is good in the Maven side of things. However, if I try to resolve the Java5 dependency from my IVY based project it will not work if the most recent Maven deploy was for the Java6 profile/...

Ivy libs in WAS deployment

I have a war attached to an ear in RAD. I'm using Ivy to manage my project dependencies. My only problem is that when I deploy the ear to my dev instance of WAS through RAD, the deployment doesn't see any dependent libraries from ivy. How can I configure the project so that the ivy dependencies show up when the project is deployed to w...

Ivy custom url resolver

I am trying to create custom resolver in my ivysettings.xml file: <ivysettings> <settings defaultResolver="default"/> <resolvers> <chain name="default"> <url name="scala-tools"> <ivy pattern="http://scala-tools.org/repo-releases/[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/ivy-[revision].xml" /> ...

Dependency management by external tools versus IDE sugar

I'm using Intellij IDEA IDE. Instead of using it's internal build and dependency management tools I prefer external tools (ant+ivy if it matters). I want IDEA be able somehow catch on the flylibraries that were retrieved by dependency manager, index them and obviously provide ide sugar (code suggesting and so on). Is there plugin or any...

How to get sources for Grails dependencies

How can I get Ivy to download the sources for dependencies from within Grails? I tried editing all the ivy.xml files I could find as per [1], but no luck. ~/.grails/1.3.4/projects/workspace-sts/integration-files/ivy.xml /c/grails-1.3.4/src/grails/ant/ivy.xml I've been reading the grails source, and can't find any way to do this. Does...

Subant task and multiple resolve

I'm trying to do the following. I would like to use subant to resolve all ivy dependencies and then if not resolved do compile for only the unresolved dependencies, but what I'm getting is once ivy fails to resolve it goes through all dependent directories and does a publish without doing resolve first. Please help. Following is the t...