
unable to successfully install... installation hangs while building red5 using ant

Hi, I am following step by step for installation of RED5 in Ubuntu 9.04. while i am giving ant command, it hangs at [ivy:resolve] :: resolving dependencies :: red5#server;working@satya-vbox4red5 [ivy:resolve] confs: [java6] in verbose mode, i saw that it is failing while searching for dependencies... verbose output can be found at h...

ivy: prevent downloading sources and .txt files

How to tell IVY to not download source and .txt files. I have a dependency and it downloads license.txt files with it, when i use soemthing like this <ivy:cachepath pathid="ivy-src-classpath" conf="compile"/> it put the .txt files in the classpath which errors out while using java task Unable to obtain resource from /home/muthiah/Wor...

Suggestions for big Client/Server project layout and Ivy setup

Hi all, I have a reasonably large (thousands of files) project which is divided between client (100% C#) and server (95% Java with a bit of C#). I have recently introduced Ivy as a test into the server only and it works fine, fetching dependencies and publishing. I could have another ivy config/setup for the client but I should reall...

Overriding an Ivy dependencies' revision

Hi all, I use Apache Ivy for handling library dependency. In my company we have a "core" project which is released/versioned periodically. We then have many "customer" projects which are for a particular client. Each customer project uses a particular version of the core project which we maintain in the ivy.xml of the customer projec...

Ivy deletion of unwanted (older) artifacts from Ivy cache

I have a local Artifactory repository in which I have two jars for commons-logging: one for version 1.0.4 and one for version 1.1.1. I'm experimenting with using Ivy to download the older one with an ant task (with the proper dependency tag in ivy.xml), and then I change the "rev" attribute of this dependency tag to 1.1.1. When using i...

Maven POM dependencies to ivy.xml file

Is there a maven plugin which i can use to convert the maven pom dependencies including transitive dependencies to an ivy.xml file? ...

Using Ivy to download/install ant-contrib, bsf, beanshell, commons-logging

I am building a project using Ant and Ivy. The build.xml file depends on ant-contrib, bean scripting framework, beanshell, and commons-logging. Ant searches for libraries in several places, including ${user.home}/.ant/lib. Is there any way in the build.xml file to have these libraries automatically download and install in the ${user.ho...

Managing multiple internal projects using Maven (Switching from ant/ivy)

Let me first explain our infrastructure. My company produces two enterprise software products (which each in turn include multiple servers). Lets call them ProductA and ProductB. ProductA is made up of 40 individual projects that are branched together, but are all built separately and treated as individual units. As each of these proje...

how do I get sbt to use a local maven proxy repository (Nexus)?

Hello, I've got an sbt (Scala) project that currently pulls artifacts from the web. We'd like to move towards a corporate-standardized Nexus repository that would cache artifacts. From the Nexus documentation, I understand how to do that for Maven projects. But sbt obviously uses a different approach. (I understand Ivy is involved someho...

How to mange dependencies for a Glassfish JavaEE client application?

JBoss has the jbossall-client.jar which can be used in client applications for JNDI lookups and more... It is available in the JBoss maven repository. How should one do it when using Glassfish 3 in a dependency managed environment? The FAQ says in step 3 that one should refer directly to gf-client.jar in the installation directoy of gl...

How to Represent an OSGi Runtime Configuration in Ivy?

In contrast to the POJO world where the runtime classpath is just an ordered list of containers, in OSGi, the containers from the runtime classpath itself can be ordered lists of container paths. How can/should such a structured runtime configuration be represented in an ivy.xml file? For terminology please see section 3.8 from OSGi Se...

Issue while publishing the artifacts (Ivy publishes multiple jars with different name but with same content).

Hi, I have a weird issue where in my publish task works perfectly fine of publishing multiple artifacts present within one ivy.xml onto repository but the content of those artifact are the same. In short ivy publishes multiple artifact with different name as in publish tag of ivy.xml but with same content in each of them. Following are ...

Is there an easier way to specify javadoc urls in intellij?

I have multiple modules in an IntelliJ project where each module's dependencies are managed by ivy. My problem is that for every single module, I have to specify the javadoc url of common 3rd party libraries through these tedious actions: Pick up the mouse Find the library's javadoc in google Right click on the module and select Modu...

Need presentation materials for convincing a customer to use Maven

My customer needs a more organized inventory of all 3rd-party libraries (such as JAR files) that are used in production for their projects. I am involved with a number of their Java-based projects. Their inventory has not been consistently maintained in the past and the time has come to account for all the libraries that are currently be...

Best ivy practice: Split code into multiple projects or use one project with multiple configurations?

At work we have a number of projects which need to share some common code. Some code is completely universal while some of the code is only shared by a subset of our projects. Should I split up the common code into two separate projects or use two different ivy configurations for a single project? Option 1 - Two separate projects. P...

Publish step to TomCat is too long (Ivy dependencies using) from Eclipse Helios

Hi, In my web project environment i use ivy (with ivyde plugin) to manage all my dependencies (about 40 .jar files). All is ok (dependencies resolve/retrieve - building - final running on my Tomcat server). But, when at each tomcat publishing operation (from Eclipse in the server view), this step is too long (> 10 seconds) because all...

Using Ivy to specify Web URL for javadoc

===Updated=== I'm going to try and re-word this to elicit more response. Does the javadoc artifact in Ivy have to be a jar or zip file? Or can I define the artifact to be a URL similar to http://download.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/api/? I know you can define an Ivy artifact as a url to download the file from, but that is not what I wa...

Ivy: Retrieving Snapshot published in Nexus and its dependencies

I am using Ivy to publish a snapshot of a built Jar to a locally hosted Nexus repository using the following Ant target. <target name="publish"> <ivy:publish resolver="nexus_snapshot" pubrevision="SNAPSHOT" overwrite="true"> <artifacts pattern="${dist.dir}/[artifact].[ext]" /> </ivy:publish> </target> This appears to w...

Using Ivy, Maven and the Issue with POMs

I have been looking at and playing around with IVY of late for a new project. I know that there are two camps on this topic and a lot of reasons people choose one or the other. This question is not focused on that. What I am interested in is when I use IVY to say get the Spring Frame using the Maven 2 repository I get a Ton of Jar file...

Echoing out ant fileset to screen for Debugging

I have this: <ivy:buildlist reference="build-path"> <fileset dir="${root.dir}"> <include name="*/build.xml" /> <include name="controllers/*/build.xml" /> </fileset> </ivy:buildlist> <subant buildpathref="build-path"> <target name="jar.all" /> <target name="publish-loc...