
How do I write a correct micro-benchmark in Java?

As the title says. How do you write (and run) a correct micro-benchmark in Java? I'm looking here for code samples and comments illustrating various things to think about. Example: Should the benchmark measure time/iteration or iterations/time, and why? Near Duplicate of:

Java Paint Method Doesn't Paint?

I'm working on a simple little swing component, and I'm tearing out my hair trying to figure out why my paint method isn't working. The idea behind this component is that it's a small JPanel with a label. The background (behind the label) is supposed to be white, with a colored rectangle on the left-hand side indicating the ratio of two...

How do I mock a method with generic objects in JMockit?

This question is self explanatory if you know how to use JMockit: How do I mock a method that has generics on it? I want to mock this method: public T save(T entity) but it always throws an exception like this: mockit.RealMethodNotFoundForMockException: Corresponding real methods not found for the following mocks: Object save(Object) ...

Difference between Set and Collection in hibernate

What is the difference between using a Set or a Collection for @OneToMany or @ManyToMany properties on my hibernate entity objects? Does Hibernate map things differently depending on which one you choose? ...

Maven FindBugs plugin

You have usage: <project> [...] <reporting> [...] <plugin> <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> <artifactId>findbugs-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>1.2.1</version> <configuration> <xmlOutput>true|false</xmlOutput> <xmlOutput...

How to handle escape sequences in string literals in ANTLR 3?

I've been looking through the ANTLR v3 documentation (and my trusty copy of "The Definitive ANTLR reference"), and I can't seem to find a clean way to implement escape sequences in string literals (I'm currently using the Java target). I had hoped to be able to do something like: fragment ESCAPE_SEQUENCE : '\\' '\'' { setText("'")...

is there a way to make a previous version latest without doing another commit in teamprise?

The title more or less sums it up. We use MS TFS as our version control which integrates to eclipse via the teamprise plug-in (Corp standard, primarily an MS shop. I wish we could just use SVN, because frankly the Teamprise plug-in is rather atrocious). Suppose that someone commits a file with changes that we want to keep, just not ye...

Is it possible to have a MouseMotionListener listen to all system mouse motion events?

My boilerplate listener: class MyMouseMotionListener implements MouseMotionListener { public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { System.out.println("Dragged..."); } public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { System.out.println("Moved..."); }} Simple enough, but what do I add it to in order to listen to system-wide events? I've been resea...

Big XML file and OutOfMemoryError

Hello, I’m trying to parse a XML file up to 500 mb in java. I tried to use SAX but it gives me this error java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space at Source) Can you help me? Thanks a lot. P.S. Smaller XML files works just fine ...

How are Java interfaces actually used?

So lets say I have this interface: public interface IBox { public void setSize(int size); public int getSize(); public int getArea(); //...and so on } And I have a class that implements it: public class Rectangle implements IBox { private int size; //Methods here } If I wanted to use the interface IBox, i can't act...

Adding fields to a WebService

I have a SOAP service that exposes a method TradeDetail getTradeDetail() TradeDetail stores 5 fields, transaction number, dates etc I need to add a couple of fields to TradeDetail. I want to keep backward compatibility (for a while) and it looks as if my options are limited to creating a new class with the extra fields TradeDetail2 ...

Java on mainframes

I work for a large corporation that runs a lot of x86 based servers on which we run JVMs. We have experimented successfully with VMWare ESX to get better usage out of our data center. But these still consume a lot of power per processing unit. I had a mad idea that we should resurrect mainframes, we could host either lots of JVMs or v...

Custom widget shapes in SWT

I'm trying to work out how to make SWT widgets (e.g. Label, Frame) be some shape other than rectangular. I've made a custom shaped main window using the setRegion() method. Now I would like the widgets in the window to follow the same shape. I've tried using the setRegion() method on the widgets themselves (they inherit it) but nothing ...

Using Condition in Regular Expressions

eg: Text: <!-- Nav bar --> <TD> <A HREF="/home"><IMG SRC="/images/home.gif"></A> <IMG SRC="/images/spacer.gif"> <A HREF="/search"><IMG SRC="/images/search.gif"></A> <IMG SRC="/images/spacer.gif"> <A HREF="/help"><IMG SRC="/images/help.gif"></A> </TD> Regex: (<[Aa]\s+[^>]+>\s*)?<[Ii][Mm][Gg]\s+[^>]+>(?(1)\s*</[Aa]>) Resul...

How to count occurrence of an element in a List

I have an ArrayList a collection class of java as follows. ArrayList<String>animals = new ArrayList<String>(); animals.add("bat"); animals.add("owl"); animals.add("bat"); animals.add("bat"); As you can see the animals ArrayList consists of 3 bat elements and one owl element. I was wondering if there is any API in collection framework ...

Java and MSMQ

Hi everyone, I was curious if anyone had any suggestions on a Java library that provides access to MSMQ? I've downloaded the trial of the J-Integra Java-COM library and have built and run their MSMQ example app, but I was curious if there were any good (free :)) alternatives. I've run across a few JNI implementations like jMSMQ and a f...

How to specify backup domain controller for JCIFS in web.xml?

Hi, We are using NTLM authentication using JCIFS in our web application. In the web.xml file, we are specifying the domain controller server name, like this: <!-- NTLM code --> <init-param> <param-name>jcifs.http.domainController</param-name> <param-value>SERVERNAME</param-value> </init-param> my question here is: Is there ...

How can I check if a single character appears in a string?

In Java is there a way to check the condition: "Does this single character appear at all in string x" without using a loop? Thank you, ...

Runtime class in java

How to execute a java program with the help of Runtime.getRuntime().exec(). For example we shall have the java file path as c:/java/ Please help me with the code. ...

Building a Texas Hold'em playing AI..from scratch.

I'm interested in building a Texas Hold 'Em AI engine in Java. This is a long term project, one in which I plan to invest at least two years. I'm still at college, haven't build anything ambitious yet and wanting to tackle a problem that will hold my interest in the long term. I'm new to the field of AI. From my data structures class at ...