
Win32 paths as targets/dependencies

Is it possible to have a GNU makefile with a target/dependent containing a win32 path name? I'm currently using the win32 3.81 version of GNU make, and it seems to have difficulties with drive letters. For example: C:\MyTarget.obj : c:\MySource.cpp cl /c C:\MySource.cpp The above makefile snippet will generate errors. In partic...

How to use "make" to use 64 bit libs because of ELFCLASS64 error

How can I use configure and make tools to specify to use 64 bit libraries ? I thought it was automatic, but I get wrong ELF Class I'm trying to compile xdebug for ubuntu 64 for use with lampp (xampp for linux) ./lampp start Failed loading /opt/lampp/lib/php/extensions/ /opt/lampp/lib/php/extensions/ wrong ELF c...

GNU make --jobs option in QMAKE

I am using qmake to generate MinGW32 Makefiles for a small Qt C++ app we are developing. My problem: all those dual/quad core CPUs are sitting there idly while only one thread is doing the building. In order to parallelize things I tried passing --jobs 4 to make, but the problem is that qmake generates a generic makefile inside of which ...

Using make to borrow compiler license from license server?

We are using recursive make in our project. We also use a commercial embedded compiler (diab) with a FlexLM license. We are currently adding license-borrowing as a dependency on the top-level targets in each directory. Like this: .PHONY: target target: borrow_compiler $(TARGETLIB) $(RETURN_COMPILER) .PHONY : borrow_compiler borro...

Forcing Eclipse to generate standard Unix makefiles

I have an Eclipse project I've been working on for some time now, and I'd like to open source it. But to do that I'd like to have a clean Makefile like the majority of other open source programs. I understand I could make my own, but it would be better if Eclipse could manage it for me. Getting Eclipse to generate a CMake file would be e...

Makefile calling other makefile with target, gives wrong target

I have a makefile with a target clean: clean: $(MAKE) -f <other makefile location> clean When I call make clean in this makefile, it tells me that in the other makefile there is no rule 'clean-linux'. Specifically here is the output. make -f /root/ovaldi-5.5.25-src/project/linux/Makefile clean make[1]: Entering directory '/root/o...

How do I make isolated dalvik

I am tracing the Dalvik machine source code. According that, I want to make Dalvik runnable. I have seem the dvk project. But there has many problem result in fault. Are there have any way to make dalvik only without all android. Because make android will take too much time (about many hour) thx for helping dvk project:

Read Makefile variable from console if not set

I'm updating a Makefile that accesses some resources from an external source, i.e. there is a rule of the form $(External)/% : cvs up $@ ...which works as expected for unrestricted resources. Now, there has been a feature drift, and the external resources requires a more complex login, so the rule has changed to something not too...

How to compile different c files with different CFLAGS using Makefile?

Hi, all. Let's say I have a program that contains a long list of C source files, A.c, B.c, ...., Z.c, now I want to compile A.c, B.c with certain CFLAGS, and compile the rest part of source files with a different CFLAGS value. How to write a Makefile to do the above described job? currently what I am doing in my Makefile is: OBJ=[all ...

how to use my own dynamic library in linux (Makefile)

Hi, all, I have a c++ project (g++/raw Makefile) designed for linux, I used to statically link everything which worked fine for ages. Now I want to build binaries both statically and dynamically linked. The following command is used in my Makefile to build the dynamic library (say libtest): $(CXX) -shared -Wl,-soname, -o l...

Store GNU make generated files elsewhere

How can I store GNU make & configure files elsewhere? I have a project I am working on that I get compiled using: ./configure --prefix=/usr && make && su -c 'make install' The thing is I don't want to pollute the current folder, which is a svn/git/hg/whatever sandbox with files generated by that command. I want to put those files in a...

Makefile in top level directory and sources in the subdirectories problem

I have a directory called "project". It contains two sub-directories called "client" and "server" and a makefile called "Makefile". client and server have got source files called "client.c" and "server.c" respectively. I dont have any separate makefiles in the subdirectories for sources belonging to that directory. All making is done by ...

Target-specific Variables as Prerequisites in a Makefile

I'm trying to write a GNU make Makefile which has a load of similar targets, where the build commands vary slightly between them. I'm trying to use target-specific variables to represent these variations. Some of these variable values refer to files I want to use as prerequisites. For example: target_1:special_filename=target1_prereq ta...

Building firefox error: c compiler cannot create executables

I'm trying to build firefox but I'm having some problems. I currently have Visual Studio 2008 Team Suite (trial if that matters). My mozconfig file: # Firefox ac_add_options --enable-application=browser mk_add_options MOZ_OBJDIR=/c/mozilla-build/mozilla-central/objdir-ff-release mk_add_options MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS="-j4" # Java XCOM ac_add_o...

Is it worth learning GNU Make?

I'm lately feeling the need to learn a build tool. I'm looking through StackOverflow for recommendations and Gnu Make gets barely mentioned. Instead I see Ant, Maven, CMake, Scon and many others. However, when I look at the little "rogue sources" (as in not-in-the-repo) that I sometimes have to compile, they all require the make && make ...

gmake compile all files in a directory

Hi All, we have some C++ code that we need to create a make file in. Each .h and .C pair create an object and then some objects are linked together to form a executable. Pretty standard stuff. This non-gnu make command just builds all the files into object in a directory %.o:%.C $(CC) $(CPFLAGS) -c $< What this does is for ea...

gvim :make command does not work

Hi all, I am under a Unix environment, working in C++. I'm opening gvim from a directory in which a makefile called "Makefile" exists. When I try to use ":make" from within vim, I get: shell returned 2 (1 of 1): make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. ...

Flat object file directory structure output with GNU Make

I have a C++ small project using GNU Make. I'd like to be able to turn the following source files: src/ a.cpp b/ b.cpp c/ c.cpp into the following output structure (I'm not concerned about duplicates at this point): build/ a.o b.o c.o So far I have the following, which unfortunately puts the .o and .d right next...

Makefile Error in Matlab Real-Time Workshop

I'm using Real-Time Workshop to auto-generate executables for VxWorks, but I am getting an error at the following command: J:\Tornado\tests\add\add_tornado_rtw>make -f GENERATE_REPORT=0 TMW_EXTMODE_TESTING=0 RTWCAPIPARAMS=0 RTWCAPISIGNALS=0 MODELLIB=addlib.lib RELATIVE_PATH_TO_ANCHOR=.. MODELREF_TARGET_TYPE=NONE **...

How can I build imagemagick without any asserts

Right now I'm using the following: export CFLAGS="-O2-isysroot/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk -arch i386 -I/sw/include/" export LDFLAGS="-Wl,-syslibroot,/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk,-L/sw/lib/" sudo ./configure --prefix=/sw --with-quantum-depth=16 --disable-dependency-tracking --with-x=no --without-perl --enable-static --disable-share...