master visibility of an element in master page

Hi, I need to set visibility for an option called SVN in a navigation bar for a web form as false. this is its code in the master page.... if (page.CurrentUser.Permissions.SVN()) ctrlLinkBar.AddLink("SVN", "SVN.aspx"); how do i do that? ...

where is onet.xml ?

i create the site collection by central administration , i want see its ONET.XML. where is that exist ? Also as per my knowledge the master page declaration is declare in onet.xml right ? i want to change my master pages names , how to do that? please don't suggest sharepoint designer use. I used it & really it is best . but what is the...

How do I pull from my "public" git server to bring my broken local "master" up to date?

Hi All, I have a bit of a predicament. Basically I have a local "master" git repository. Every few hours, I 'git push' my changes to a server from which I then pull to my client machines. Well, being the genius I am, I accidentally used GITK to roll back my local "master" repository one version too far. What are the steps to pull th...

Ninject and Master Page injection

First off, I'm using Ninject 2.0 I have my master page which I would like to inject into but I'm not quite sure how. What I tried was created a class that derives from System.Web.Mvc.ViewMasterPage and then I create my properties: [Inject] public ICacheService<List<Category>> Categories { get; set; } [Inject] public IConfigurationSetti...

Master data validation & enumerations

At a high level my question is like the following - I am doing a data sync, using web services, between two different systems. To validate the mater data, I depended on creating enums and tried to validate; which I though will ease my job of comparison. But evetually, I ended up comparing as enum.ToString() (which I feel not a good pra...

How to get controls on page in master detail page ?

Hi I have master page & its content page. I want to get the textboxes situated on Content page. How can i get them in C# code behind of Content page? ...

postback via MasterPage - ASP.Net, c#

I have a master page and have included a search text box. User is on default.aspx user enters a search value in the search text box, which is part of master page. Via javascript the form, in MP, is submitted to my search functionality page, search.aspx and the code behind search.aspx.cs obtains the form post and gets the data. Searc...

Using GIT with GIT GUI - Master and Branching

I am trying out GIT, and using the GIT GUI (from msysgit) with it. I am trying to make a new branch, but somehow it keeps taking over the master branch. The master branch still appears, but not as the actual master. As a result, I also can't merge my new branch into the master, but it requests me to do the opposite (master into new bran...

Adding a detail record in a master-detail window view

I'll preface with "Brand new to Cocoa" -- I have a master/detail page on my app: Students that may have one or several contacts (i.e. parents, relatives, etc). I have a Student entity and a Contact entity with a relationship field called "contact" in the Student entity and another relationship field called "student" in the Contact enti...

WPF Master -Detail Binding XElement

I have a XElement that has the following structure <document num="1"> <pages> <page /> <page /> </pages> </document/> I have one Listbox named "documents" that is bound to an XElement in the following manner: ItemsSource="{Binding Path=TheXElement.Elements[document]}" I want to have a second ListBox named "pages" whose Ite...

WPF Observablecollection master detail scenario

Hi, any help with this would be great. I have a model public class Master { ... public Detail[] Details {get; set;} } I am populating my view model from a WCF service which returns my collection of Master objects. I have configured the service reference to return observablecollection so I can use it easily in my view model. M...

Which of one is more important to a career: Certification(s) or a Master Degree?

Which of one is more important to a career: Certifications like Java, Oracle and Linux or a Master Degree on computer science? I know that if I go to the academic area the Master Degree would be better, but a Master Degree will be valued by my company too. Both are good for the curriculum. So, what is more important? ...

set a variable in mutliple places in a master page

I am trying to grab a string of text from the .vb file of my master page. I need to render this text out as part of the class definitions. E.g. <div id="######ContentArea"> I need to replace the ###### with a string I have created in the .vb file. How do you do this? Or is there an easier way = NEWBIE here! ...

Is there a way to implement a core code template in WCF?

Hi, I am working on a WCF based web services project. We have like 50 different services which provide get,create, update and delete operations. My problem is when I find a bug in an operation, let's say in get operation, that is common on all the services, i need to open and replace all the code in all the 50 services. My question is, ...

ASP.NET How to Post a Master-Detail Views

I need to post the data from an Order-Details Page.. I have a page with fields for Order Info. Inside it is a user control for the Details Info. New rows can be added to the details info. Here are the fields: Order Customer (textbox) Order Date (textbox) Details(multiple) Description (textbox) Qty (textbox) Price (textbox) Amount (...

Merging changes from master into all branches using Git?

I use git to maintain multiple working copies of my code. The idea is that I can check out any branch, build and run it to see how the branch's feature x fits in with the current state of the code. Git's master branch is the Trunk and the other git branches are features or things I would like to try out. Therefore, my typical usage is ...

How to tell Git to always pull the master branch?

Find find git docs very cryptic regarding this issue. I want to do a simple thing, but it seems doing it is not simple at all. I have the following situation: $ git remote -v origin git:// stick /mnt/titanium/podaci/repos I can use git pull to fetch and merge from origin, and that works fine: $ git pull Alr...

MVC - Remove Master Page of a nested master Page

Hi, I would like to know if there is a way to programatically remove a master page of a nested master page. Lets say i have the following: Master A << Master B << View I am using the master pages actually like a wrapper for my View; they are containing javascript code. In some cases I don't need the Master Page A and I would like ...

catch method name of controller

i have master mage, in bottom i have such menu <div class="footMenu"> <ul> <li class="active"><a href="">test1</a> </li> <li><a href="">test2</a></li> <li><a href="">test3</a></li> </ul> </div> so in depends of view load a need to put class...

How to implement a master/watchdog script in python?

I need it to open 10 processes, and each time one of them finishes I want to wait few seconds and start another one. It seems pretty simple, but somehow I can't get it to work. ...