
How to get the CPU Temperature info from Bios using c# ?

How to get the CPU Temperature info from Bios using c# I gave a try to the code in But no luck. enumerator.Current threw an exception. How can i achieve this ? Thanks. Error : "This system doesn't support the required WMI objects(1) - check the exception file No...

How do I monitor a port for traffic in Windows?

I am trying to find a solution to monitor the traffic (in and out) through a specific port. It is not required to capture the packets, or do anyting else. What it does is to be a traffic listener to make sure there are messages sent to or received from this port every 10 minutes. It has to be running at the background all the time (like ...

Any one know of any good log summary/monitoring tools

I'm looking for a (preferable) opens source tool that gives me daily/hourly summaries of log files. It have multiple log files on multiple machines and I would like a email every day with a list of all the error for each of these. Does anyone know if there is something like that out there. We had one at my previous Job but it was built i...

Need a tool for PostgreSQL monitoring on Windows

I have Postgres running on Windows and I'm trying to investigate the strange behaviour: There are 17 postgres processes, 8 out of those 17 consume ~300K memory each. Does anybody know what such behavior is coused by? Does anybody know about a tool to investigate the problem? ...

Feedback requested for application / data monitoring solution

I am the primary developer on a very sensitive system for my company. This code is designed pretty well but there are a few flaws in it that make it a little unstable. We are of course working to fix the flaws that cause the stability issues but in the meantime we have some things go wrong from time to time. The "wrong" thing going "wron...

Automatically detect how bright a user's monitor is?

I have web application and have noticed that there exists a huge variation in users' monitor brightness settings. The brighter a user's monitor, the more washed about my web applications colors look. Is there a way to automatically detect the user's monitor brightness, without the user's involvement, so that I can programmatically adju...

nagios password in resource.cfg

in resource.cfg i'm storing the password for mysql nagios user. How can I encrypt the password in resource.cfg ? ...

Which tools and methodologies are you using for logging and auditing on SOA Ecosystems?

I'm not clear about this and I would like to hear from you about tools and methodologies that you're using for logging and auditing within SOA Ecosystem? Which directions can I go? I believe in the following strategy: UI applications should log user actions: this source is about all about administration issues with clear human message...

View large text files online in web browser (logs, linux)

Does anybody know any linux (php preferred) simple app to view large files online in browser? Like phpMyAdmin(MySQL) but for files. My php application writes some debug, error and informational events to logs. I know, I can log into database, but for me personally appending file seems as more reliable (because it simple) solution for th...

is it possible to monitor folder using java code?

hi all. is there anyone know how to monitor a folder using java? or anyone could gave me a point that how could i start this. here's my thought about it. start a thread to scan the folder changes,which could be create,delete,update files in this folder or something else happen,like last updated. but in this case, you have to contr...

Collecting Application Metrics in Java (optionally .Net)

I want to be able to expose various time and count based metrics dynamically from my applications. Perf4j works out pretty well for the time ones but does not allow for count in a straightforward way that I'm aware of. for instance I can do StopWatch dbWriteTime = new Log4JStopWatch("ServiceName:DBWrite"); dbWriteTime.start(); ... exec...

WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF): Alternatives?

Hi, WLDF (WebLogic Diagnostic Framework) allows many performance-related analyses - in particular resource demands tracking and tracing across classes and methods. In that sense, it is similar to a profiler - however, it works on the server side, and is bound to the particular product/vendor. Are there any other products (maybe even o...

delayed job and monit

Can't seem to get delayed job to get running with monit. here is my delayed_job.monitrc file.. check process delayed_job with pidfile /var/www/app/shared/pids/ start program = "cd /var/www/myapp/current && script/delayed_job start RAILS_ENV=production" as uid deploy and gid www-data stop program = "cd...

Any open source NAC "Network Access Control" impemented in C??

Heyy Everyone, I was just wondering if anyone knows any open source NAC system implemented in C/C++/Java/C# ?? I just came across Packetfence and Netreg but both of them are implemented in Perl and since I'm a novice to Perl hence unable to percept the code. I would highly appreciate your positive inputs. ...

A simple tool to monitor and trace my app

Hi, I have developed an app that runs as a windows service and regularly does a few tasks like synchronizing data sources and generating some statistics. I want to: 1) Get sms when the service stops for any reason. I don't want to deploy a fully fledged infrastructure monitoring system (like nagios). 2) Other people in my team (and p...

NHibernate for web app, count amount of lazy loading occurrences per request

I'm building a web application and using lazy-loading as default. I would like the application to keep going even if I "forgot" (or did it by purpose) to load some sub-entities. This will make the application robust enough to avoid NullReferenceException. BUT - I do want to count, somehow, the number of times lazy loading happened and l...

How to monitor Python files for changes?

I want to restart my Python web application, if code gets changed. But there could be a large number of files that could be changed, since files in imported modules could change ... How to get the actual file names from imported packages / modules? How can modified Python files be detected efficiently? Is there a library to do that? ...

Using wget to do monitoring probes

Before I bang my head against all the issues myself I thought I'd run it by you guys and see if you could point me somewhere or pass along some tips. I'm writing a really basic monitoring script to make sure some of my web applications are alive and answering. I'll fire it off out of cron and send alert emails if there's a problem. So ...

Starting Node with God with sudo

I need to start a Node.js server as the root user (using sudo) with a start param that looks like: w.start = "sudo node #{KTHXBYE_NODE_ROOT}/poll.js" As I am using Socket.IO and need the use of Flash Sockets (which requires Node.js to be run as root). However, whenever I startup God, it fails to start node. I've tried running God wit...

Cannot monitor iisprocess for leak in Debug Diagnostic Tool

I have an ASP.NET application that consumes a lot of memory. Therefore I want to use the Debug Diagnostic Tool to try to search if there might be a leak or something else. In DebugDiag on the process tab I right click the w3wp.exe process and the only options I get are: Terminate process Copy Only on some processes I get more op...