
MVVM pattern in wpf - one data model , multiple view models

I am currently designing simple editor as part of learning process. Its basicaly hierarchical tree structure of polygons-lines-points, that is implemented in data model. I need to display these data in two views First view: hierarchical data in tree view item Second view: rendered geometry on screen Following the MVVM pattern i have ...

google buzz php api to store multiple buzz accounts and post to all accounts

I have an application where i want to integrate multiple buzz accounts to the one site. So that when i publish something on the site i want it to go to all the buzz accounts. Is this possible?? If possible then can anybody provide some example code. ...

[WPF] moving multiple controls

Hi I need to move a multiple textboxes with a mouse cursor. I decided that I do it that way. If a textbox is clicked (and Control button is pressed) textbox is added to list of selected items. Then when button is still pressed and when mouse moves I do an operation of moving controls. However my code doesn't work well. Textboxes are movi...

How to use multiple Cameras with TouchLib

Hi there, has anyone ever used multiple cameras with the Touchlib? Seems to be working somehow, i found a blog article about the multi-camera setup by some guy called Alex Popovich in a blog entry. In the article, they are talking about custom PS3 Cam drivers, which sounds great because i am using PS3 Cams, too. But i started to think,...

javascript - sort by the order of a second array

Given: var a1 = [{name:'Scott'}, {name:'John'}, {name:'Albert'}]; var sortOrder = ['John', 'Scott', 'Albert']; How can I sort the first array (by property) based on the order specified in the second array. // result: [{name:'John'}, {name:'Scott'}, {name:'Albert'}] Thanks. ...

Can I capture Capslock / Shift key presses?

I just discovered that the caps lock and shift key (and probably some more of the keys) affect all of the keyboards connected to the computer. (one of the hazards of testing a program that I coded, I only have two hands so it took me ages to realize a problem like this) So separating the keystrokes is fine, but the shift/caps locks drive...

iPad netservice with more devices

Heey I want to make a netservice where more ipads can connect to at the same time. I made a one 1 iPad open a NSNetservice and open the in- and outputstream. I started a netservice on iPad A, When connecting with iPad B to iPad A this just works fine. But when iPad C tries to connect the following happens: - Tries to resolve the NSN...

Using jQuery set parent element css based on condition of multiple children element

<tr> <td class="cat" CategoryId="8">NoChange*: </td> <td><span class="itm" CategoryId="8">A</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="cat" CategoryId="9">Row should be red*: </td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="cat">Comments:</td> <td><span class="itm"></span></td> </tr>​ I want to set Validation for Category which d...

return multiple arrays from a query

i have 2 tables 1st table called services has id_service, name, date. description 2nd table called services_images has id_img, img_name,id_service Let's say now that I have to, with one query (if possible), return 2 arrays 1st array with fields from one specific id from table "services" 2nd array with fields from all the images relat...

In Java/Swing, is it ok to make new "main" JPanel objects when required by the user?

Hi folks, I am curious whether it is good practice to make a new main JPanel object every time a user wishes to return to that JPanel from a subsequent JPanel? FYI, my Swing application has a JFrame whose first object is a mainJPanel with three JButtons (one of them is a Review button). Let's say the user pushes the Review button. The...

Replace Button Text With Image?

I'm trying to find out how to replace the input text with a image. I can't use background: url(.../.../); because I am using CSS3 Gradients. I thought with using multiple backgrounds I am able to add another one that has a transparent image but then the rest of the background gradients disappear. Can anyone help me? ...

Gsoap multiple services on the same port

Trying to implement with gsoap multiple webservices listening to same port. I read through Gsoap user guide section 7.2.8 Where they provide a sample (below) that doesn't actualy work as 1. the soap object is changed after abc.serve so uvw cannot find the method 2. AND when the soap servce doe...

How to have multiple instances of a jQuery effect.

First, the disclaimer- I'm JUST starting out with jQuery. I apologize for my ineptness. :) My issue is that I'm attempting to use a jQuery rollover effect on a bunch of separate elements on a page. Right now, when I mouse over one, they all do the effect at once because they have the same class name, and jQuery is selecting all of them...

Drupal form validation marks other form fields as invalid

I have a problem with multiple forms in one page with inputs sharing the same key. I have a form in a page and another form in a block showing on the same page. Both forms have a field name exactly the key name (mail). I can't change those field's keys or I would break 2 modules. So, whenever I try to post the page form and the mail i...

ASP.Net MVC checkboxes in filter

I'm creating an action that will retrieve database records and filter these results based on one or more industries selected by the user using checkboxes. The form method is set to "get" and each checkbox has the same name. As a result, the querystring has a key/value pair for each selected industry id and I'm getting these IDs into the...

How to read file from Makefile?

I am using GNU Make to build a multiple-directory project. My question is how can I use single makefile to build multiple devices? e.g. My application has to run on various X,Y,Z mobile devices each having different properties like screensize, keyboard type, platform version etc. I have to pass make -f <makefilename> <targetname>. Here...

Java execute jar which depends on other jar from command line

Hi, I have an application that uses an external jar. I used eclipse and it works fine. I export as jar from eclipse, having created a Manifest file that has as Class-Path: ./cab.v1.jar I place both jars in the same directory. I run in command line: java -jar myApp.jar and get java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError for the classes in the cab.v1...

C# Threading - Multiple threads spawned, only 1 or 2 are executing others waiting

Hi, I've got this code below, where I spawn several threads, normally about 7, and join them to wait until all are done: List<Thread> threads = new List<Thread>(); Thread thread; foreach (int size in _parameterCombinations.Keys) { thread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThre...

Passing more than one argument to a callback function (using PHP 5.2)

I'm writing a content management system. The page admin enters content for a page and, when he enters a number surrounded by special characters, it's replaced by a database entry on the viewer's screen when parsed. To accomplish this in the parsing, I'm using preg_replace_callback(). However, I can't pass my database connection variab...

Can I turn the Capslock light on/off on individual keyboards?

I have a single pc with multiple keyboards, all the capslock lights turn on/off synchronously. (so if one user/keyboard turns on the capslock, everybody types in caps) I was thinking about saving each keyboard's capslock status in flags but I just realized that the lights won't correspond for each user/keyboard's capslock status. I ju...