
Order of condition in WHERE statement could improve performances?

Hi, I have a question regarding performance and database. I use MS SQL 2008. I would like to know, if the order of condition in WHERE statement could increase or decrease performance for a SELECT operation. Example: WHERE cnt.IsPublished = 1 AND cnt.TypeContent = 'AR' AND cnt.ModeContent = 'AP' AND cnt.CategoryId = '7'; dfdfd WHE...

jquery parent descendant selector

Why is 1 faster than 2? $('#p1').find('span'); $('#p1 span'); ...

Reading material on writing optimal SQL database queries

I have no idea whether my database queries are at all clean, efficient, and so on. At best, I can get what I need from the DB but not much else. What books (or websitse) should I read to move forward? I want to know about performance costs of the various conditions and keywords that could potentially go into a query (e.g. JOIN, IN, WHER...

"Spike" profiler?

I'm writing a game, and while it's performance is good most of the time, it sometimes slows to a crawl. Normal profilers haven't been a help in this, as they record the whole time my game is running, and the important info in the laggy portions get diluted over all of the smooth sections. Are there any tools or libraries that can help me...

performance tuning of ASP.NET webpage

One of my ASP.NET webpage is taking more time to load and I want to optimize its performance. During debugging, I am not able to find where it is taking more time. It looks all fine. Is there any special way or any option with Visual Studio 2008 for performance tuning? ...

MySQL Multiple updates using PK or one single update using IN (Maximum IN Size?)

IdList = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 better: Foreach(id in IdList) Update MyTable set isDeleted = 1 where id = ?id or Update MyTable set isDeleted = 1 where id IN (?IdList) Forgive my pseudocode, but I think it should be clear. I know there are limits to the size of the list in an IN clause. It used to be 255 in Oracle. I'm thinki...

Tips for serving static files faster, like JavaScripts, CSS and images

I would like to get some tips from our SO users about serving static files on a website like JavaScript, CSS, images and Flash files faster. Any useful tips? ...

What's the fastest way to keep an ordered map in javascript ?

I use a javascript object as a map. Let's say I populate it like this: for (var i=0;i<100;i++) { var key = "A"+(i%10); oj[key] = i; } This creates a map with 10 keys. The value of 100 and 10 are just fictitious. it could be 10000 events which create a map of 3000 or similar. I now want to print the map alphabetically: // ...

Xperfview: What's the difference between CPU sampling and CPU Usage?

This question pertains to xperf and xperfview, utilities that are part of the Windows Performance Toolkit (in turn part of Windows SDK 7.1). Comparing two charts, "CPU sampling by thread" and "CPU Usage by thread", there are several differences I don't understand. I'll use audiodg.exe as an example. In the Threads pulldown, there is ...

possible ways of profiling an website in a production server?

I have an website up and running in my production server. I want to get the possible ways of profiling an website in a production server because my application is really slow? As i say slow i don't mean the delivery of static content but the database operations and my c# code? So any suggestion? ...

performance tuning for JSF

Can any one list out the tips to tune JSF WebApp @ its best. ...

Is the CPU bandwidth on Google App Engine just too expensive or it is my code?

I wanted to benchmark GAE read performance. Around 10,000 entities are being fetched from data store. These entities contain 3 properties name (around 16 chars), description (around 130 chars) and a time-stamp. Nothing unusually large. Here's what I see: On an average it takes around 11 seconds to read 10k entities. Not sure whether...

twitter4j on android performance tuning

I am creating an android app, part of which utilises the twitter4j library to retrieve information from twitter, however, the app runs very slowly on the twitter activities. I have not implemented caching yet, and am hoping that should improve the performance, does anyone have any advice for caching twitter4j calls on android? alternat...

Date Table/Dimension Querying and Indexes

I'm creating a robust date table want to know the best way to link to it. The Primary Key Clustered Index will be on the smart date integer key (per Kimball spec) with a name of DateID. Until now I have been running queries against it like so: select Foo.orderdate -- a bunch of fields from Foo ,DTE.FiscalYearName ,DTE.Fiscal...

Method call overhead

Hi I'd like to know what's the overhead of calling a method- in .Net -which returns inmediatly (because a condition which is the first code inside is not met). I'd argue that no matter how real-time your application is, that overhead is negligible and that in any case profiling should show the facts, being readability more important, ...

.NET Garbage Collection (GC) Tuning

Hello, I have situation when GC has not time to delete free objects, how to tune GC or may be are there best practices for tunning GC ? Thanks. code reads big document into memory and processes it, so in one of method presents loop where doing process of this document. If I stopped in this loop(in debug mode) or add GC.Collect() ...

Degraded performance on a production machine

On my development machine my application used up about 4-6MB of memory per request. After switching to a production machine those numbers went as high as 21+MB per request, without any speed improvement (0.30 - 1.2 seconds, which I really hoped to improve on my production machine). Some portions of application (like database bootstrappin...

How does Oracle process stored function calls in SQL?

Hi, guys. Say, I have a query: select t.value, my_stored_function(t.value) from my_table t where my_stored_function(t.value) = n_Some_Required_Value I have rewritten it in the following way: select value, func_value from (select t.value, my_stored_function(t.value) func_value from my_table t) subquery where subquery....

Is Class.forName prohibited inside the J2EE container in general and weblogic in particular?

I have performance problem while doing first API call to my J2EE applications. So I wanted to do Class.forName to preload the classes while doing application initialization. But I heard that it is prohibited by J2EE standard/BEA implementation (I might be completely wrong). Is it so? Are there any other limitation of doing forName in J2E...

Performance of an AVL Tree in C#

I have implemented an AVL tree in C# whose insertion matrix is as follows Number of Elements Time taken to insert (sec) ------------------------------------------------------ 10 0.067 100 0.073 200 0.112 500 0.388 900 ...