
PlaceHolder In C#

Actually I am new here and not familiar about placeholder. Just hear about it and find generally in ASP.Net. my question is PlaceHolder is not available in local C# is there any similar control is there or not then how to access the PlaceHolder in local C# Application. Guide me Please. ...

IE8 says it "cannot display the webpage" when using a dynamic PlaceHolder

I have a ASP.NET page using a PlaceHolder. Grids are build programmatically and added to this PlaceHolder when the page is run. Example: ASPX Code: <asp:PlaceHolder ID="myPlaceHolder" runat="server" /> Code behind: foreach (var country in Tables.Countries()) { var nGrid = BuildGrid(country.Code); if (nGrid.Rows.Count > 0) { ...

input and textarea fading value

I want to be able to do something like <input type="text" name="txtField" value="" title="input your text" /> <textarea name="areaField" title="input your long text"></textarea> And the title will auto fade out and back in as the field value, unlike the "search" here in stackoverflow (right on the top, it only fade out). I could come...

Object placeholder in CKEditor

I'm trying to write a little ckEditor plugin to implement the flv-player. After the code is implemented in the content area the CKEDitor just place a placeholder if there is a embed tag in the object tag, but I don't want to use embed tag. I made a dirty hack (wich does not update the params width and height on resize) in ckEdiotr.js but...

Question on App Store Review Guidelines

Hi, In Apple new release "App Store Review Guidelines" I am confused with section 3.2 that stated "Apps with placeholder text will be rejected". Does it means app should NOT use the placeholder property of UITextField? Thanks. ...

What are the best characters to use for placeholders in file names (on Windows) AND URLs?

I am writing an application in C# that will need to find placeholders in URLs and/or file names, and substitute in a value, much like this: C:\files\file{number} => C:\files\file1 Unfortunately for that example, curly braces are allowed in file names and URLs. Can anyone please suggest some characters that I can use to denote placeholde...

can we give capital letter and underscore in pdo named placeholder.

Hi, Can we give capital letter and underscore in PDO named place holder. Below Is my query: insert into product_pepe (Type_Class, ID_Alias, Sort_order_Position, DaysBeforeReminder, DaysForNxtVaccination, IsSitemapple_IsSitemappable, NoFollowUpVaccinations, NoOfReminders_NoOfReminders, NoVaccinationsInPacket, RRP_RRP, ...

client-side values of dynamic control on postback

My custom control contains a repeater that adds a dynamic control into a placeholder on ItemDatabound. I'm having an issue accessing the updated value of the dynamic control, I am already taking care of rebuilding the dynamic controls on Load but I first need to get to the changes made by the user. I'm just having some trouble understan...

CKeditor - Custom tags and symbols inside the editorwindow.

When you insert a flash object into the CKeditor the editor window will show this symbol: I was wondering. Is it possible to do something similar when users inserts this tag into the editor (using regex {formbuilder=(\d+)}/ ): {formbuilder=2} If so, could someone please explain how to? :) UPDATE: I've been looking at the PageBreak...

What do the placeholders foo, bar and baz mean?

Possible Duplicate: Using Foo and Bar in examples Often enough, you see the words "foo", "bar" and "baz" as placeholders for variables etc. in code. What are the origin or origins of these words? All explanations I've seen so far seem to me to be popular etymologies rather than scientifc facts. Does anyone know the origin or o...

What are the origins of foo, bar and baz?

Possible Duplicates: Using Foo and Bar in examples What do the placeholders foo, bar and baz mean? What are the origins of the placeholders "foo", "bar" and "baz"? Does anyone know for sure? ...

jquery ui sortable placeholder and forcePlaceholderSize

I have a list with floated thumbnails. See (Don't mind the favorites feature) When I use placeholder and forcePlaceholderSize, I get strange styling behavior. Can you tell me why? EDIT: okay I just found out.. I used a border (outside) for my placeholder class, which caused the thumbnails to squeeze out th...

How to restrict a anonymous function's boundary?

I saw a below code: Map(1 -> "one", 2 -> "two") map _._1 this return a Iterable[Int], but if I want to do nothing with map, how to do it? I want to do something like below, but the below code can't compile, I know because it a object instance not a function, but how to create a function to do x => x and use placeholder: Map(1 -> "on...

Make Spring replace placeholders in different file type (other than Spring's configs)

is there a way to make spring (v.3.0) parse placeholders in file that are not .properties? I know I can write my own PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer but I was looking for a "cleaner" way to do it. Thank you :) EDIT : To be realy clear, what I want to do is to replace placeholders that are in .sql files. So the values of the placeholders ...

Changing the "placeholder" attribute of HTML5 input elements dynamically using Javascript

I'm trying to dynamically update the HTML5 placeholder attribute of a text field using jQuery. $("textarea").attr("placeholder", "New placeholder text"); From Firebug, I can observe that the placeholder attribute is indeed changing. But in the rendered textarea element, it stays the same. Any suggestions? ...

jQuery: How to test is the browser supports the native placeholder attribute?

Hi, I'm trying to write a simple placeholder jQuery plugin for a site of mine but of course I only want to fire the function if the native placeholder attribute isn't supported… How can I test for native support of the placeholder attribute? Thanks for stopping by. ...

PHPlist - when sending to a list, placeholder is ignored.

Hello. I have a problem: I have modified sendemaillib.php code in order to check for a custom placeholder in the message. The code checks for [AVAILABLESPACE] like this if (eregi("\[AVAILABLESPACE\]",$htmlmessage)) { and if found it queries one table to get the current number of available space so that I can write in my emails "Regis...

How to use asp:placeholder inside a repeater

I have a HTML table that is built with a repeater. Sometimes the table has 5 rows, sometimes it has 8 rows. It was easy to add the header rows. <asp:PlaceHolder runat="server" ID="additionalHeaderColumns" /> In code behind I added controls (htmlheadercells) to the contentholder: Dim tableHeaderCell As New TableHeaderCell() ...

HTML Placeholder

Hey simple stupid question that I am too lazy to research. Can anyone tell me what browsers support the placeholder html tag for text inputs? Does Internet Explorer support it? Because I have a javascript form of a placeholder for the browsers that do not support. <input type=TEXT placeholder="placeholder here" /> ...

ASP.NET WebForms Placeholder for NVelocity View Engine

Is there any way to use placeholder similar to WebForms in NVelocity View Engine (.vm files)? Today I've got a component containing everything for the <head>, but I wish to specify additional tags from each view page like it can easily be done in ASP.NET WebForms / MVC: <asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="head" runat="ser...