
Add a sub-view to a DetailView UIView in iPad

I'm creating a split view controller app, the detail view has a segmented control in a navigation bar at the top. Clicking on a segment will add a new view to the detail view with the appropriate information on it (covering up the DetailViewController's default UIView). I've created two new UIViews, corresponding to each segment, and I'...

Randomize object position

hey everyone, I'm making a little quiz-style application but I've got a few issues. I random the questions from a NSMutableArray using arc4random(), then I populate the view with 3 buttons, one which includes a correct answer and the other 2 include two wrong answers what I need to do is to randomize the X coordinate (position) of the...

CSS: box with position: absolute and no top/left has offset

Consider the following: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> <style type="text/css"> ...

CSS and position little problem

hello so i have a content box and this menu box.. now the menu box moves when you have the browser in normal fullsize, and if you change size of the browser... here is picture: What do i do wrong? Here is my code: #menu { position: absolute; background: #FFF; text-decoration: none; border: 1px solid #000; color: #000; padding-left:...

ListView - Index and Position Behavior upon restart()

I am using a ListView with an ArrayAdapter that holds objects. When I select an item, I am capturing the position and index of the selected item. If I scroll down prior to selection, the position and index represent the location of the item in the list. Selecting that items takes me to another activity. When I use the back button to retu...

Getting mouse position in major internet browswers with javascript

I read this article regarding creating popup notes with javascript and css The problem is that this one works only in IE since window.event is undefined in Firefox. // assigns X,Y mouse coordinates to note element note.style.left=event.clientX; note.style.top=event.clientY; So could you point me a fully working example? Or at least, ...

Horizontally-centering an absolute position to match a relative position

I'm trying to make a div box, containing various elements, fixed at the top of the page once the page has been scrolled so that the box would normally be out of view, but scroll normally until that point (like the behaviour at http://perldoc.perl.org/perl.html). The conditionally-fixed part is pretty simple to implement (set the positio...

Unable to use opacity animation w/ position:relative on children

Consider the following (applies to all IE6+ browsers -- including IE8): <div id="picture"> <div class="thumb" style="position: relative;"><img .. /></div> <p>Some description</p> </div> When I animate the opacity down to 0 it only works if I change the .thumb class to position: static. This has bigger problems because I use that...

PHP controllable menubar position

I'm an admin for a page and I want to give certain users dynamic control of the menubar layout. The ideal would be a page with a list with menu items and arrows pointing up and down with each item and when you click them the item is reordered. I have a pretty basic idea of how I can do it but I would like some suggestions. The items are...

How to position an element next to another an element of undefined position?

Hi, I am very new to html/xml/css and I'm trying my best to teach myself. However, I have run into a problem that a Google search could not solve. I would like to position a small image in a fixed location relative to another element(?) I believe this is the code of the element i want to position the second element relative to. <styl...

How to position a div at the bottom of the viewport in standard and in quirks mode ??

Hi, I need to position a div to the bottom of my viewport. I start using position:fixed; bottom:0px; and that work just fine. But the thing that I'm working on gets injected via javascript in different pages. And some of the pages doesn't have a doctype defined, so in IE gets rendered like quircks mode, so the div doesn't get positioned...

In C, is it possible do free only an array first or last position?

Hi there! I've an array, but I don't need its first (or last) position. So I point a new variable to the rest of the array, but I should free the array first/last position. For instance: p = read_csv_file(); q = p + 1; // I don't need the first CSV file field // Here I'd like to free only the first position of p return q; Otherwise I...

UINavigationController change position of pushed UIViewController view

I tried to solve this in so many ways but always failed. Basically what I need is a NavigationController with a customized NavigationBar (different height and smaller back Button) which I already achieved. This creats two problems. If I use the default NavigationBar of the NavigationController, I have a smaller NavigationBar but the v...

jQuery window scroll and elements in position problem

I'm using the $(window).scroll(function() to set classes on the navigation of a site. When a section rolls into view the navigation class changes to 'current'. $(window).scroll(function() { var top = 0; top = $(window).scrollTop(); if(top < 1000){ $("a[href='#uk']").p...

Is it possible to put a toolbar button on the right side of it using wxpython?

Hello, I'm making a toolbar using wxpython and I want to put the Quit button on the right side of it, I don't want to put them sequencially. Is it possible to define this position? Thanks in advance! ...

UIActionView Opens Higher than it Should

I have an Action Sheet that is called from my root view controller using the code below. That view has a Toolbar on the bottom of the view measuring 44 pixels high. The problem is when the Action Sheet opens it's not at the bottom of the view, the bottom of the Action View is about 20 or so pixels above the bottom of the view so some of ...

Scroll bar not maintaining its position in ListView (ASP.net)

Hi I have a listview inside a DIV which shows the scroll bars. At one time, let's say, 10 rows can be seen. I scroll down and click Edit on 25 row. To my surprise, the scroll goes to the first row (although if I go back to 25th row, the row is in edit mode) My issue, how I can make sure that the scroll bar maintains its position to 25th...

Java Sound Clip Looping Frame Position

Hi, I have a little problem with a loopting clip: If you have a soundfile e.g. 20000 samples long, the frame position will not reset after looping, so I get values that are "out of bounds" of the original soundfile. As I want to draw a position marker on my waveform, I'm a bit confused how to achive. At this time I just get myClip.getLo...

MSGBOX position in WSH/VBS

Hello, here is my next question and i hope some one can help me :-) Is it possible to position a msgbox in wsh/vbs? I need the msgbox everytime in the foreground. I know that how to position a inputbox, but not a msgbox. Thanks for help. Greetings, matthias ...

XSL template structure for choosing latest event.

I have a list grouped by Region and it currently shows all the items for each city. I want to reduce to only the most recent advisory for each city. I have tried to use an xsl:for-each statement but I am messing up the names/parameters. List is called mlc The list contains the fields: Title City Region Advisory DateCreated TT (calcula...