
How to use LINQ to filter property of child collection using (.Any())

How do I do the following SQL in LINQ? I am actually using LINQ to NHibernate (but maybe it's not possible in NHibernate LINQ due to embedded lambda expression I think). But I want to know generally how to do it in LINQ. I’ve never came across this situation before. SELECT c.CustomerID, c.CustomerName --etc FROM Customers c INN...

MySQL Cross Server Select Query

Hi, Is it possible to write a cross server select query using MySQL Client. Basically the setup is like follows. Server IP       Database ---------       --------       Test a.b.c.d       Test I want to write a query that will select rows from a table in the Test Database on and inse...

How to insert and update multiple rows to Sql database with same query?

I have counter for unique column in my table. Now I have list where I have column name (which is unique) and counter (which contains some integer value). I know that it is possible to insert multiple lines, I just could make query containing all those items on the list, but problem is that if there is already data in unique field. In th...

Optimizing MySQL Aggregation Query

Hi All, I've got a very large table (~100Million Records) in MySQL that contains information about files. One of the pieces of information is the modified date of each file. I need to write a query that will count the number of files that fit into specified date ranges. To do that I made a small table that specifies these ranges (all i...

Access DB do line item calculation on total of a column before knowing the total

[ edit ] For the record, here's the problem portion of the query, which is now working: SELECT m.groupNum, t.ea, ( t.ea - ( t.ea * m.margin )) AS estCost, (( t.ea - ( t.ea * m.margin )) * t.quantity ) AS salesSub, ((( t.ea - ( t.ea * m.margin )) * t.quantity ) / ( SELECT SUM(( t2.ea - ( t2.ea * m.margin )) * t2.quantity ...

Suggestions on retrieving related data across databases with different logins?

I have an array of user ids in a query from Database A, Table A (AA). I have the main user database in Database B, Table A (BA). For each user id returned in my result array from AA, I want to retrieve the first and last name of that user id from BA. Different user accounts control each database. Unfortunately each login cannot have ...

MySQL pagination without double-querying?

Hi all, I was wondering if there was a way to get the number of results from a MySQL query, and at the same time limit the results. The way pagination works (as I understand it), first I do something like query = SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `table` WHERE `some_condition` After I get the num_rows(query), I have the number of results. But th...

is there something faster than "having count" for large tables?

Here is my query: select word_id, count(sentence_id) from sentence_word group by word_id having count(sentence_id) > 100; The table sentenceword contains 3 fields, wordid, sentenceid and a primary key id. It has 350k+ rows. This query takes a whopping 85 seconds and I'm wondering (hoping, praying?) there is a faster way to find all...

Get the latest row inserted with the help of CreatedDate field

Hello all, I am trying to get the latest record inserted in a SQL table based on its CreatedDate. For instance, in the table below, I would like to get the third row. A B C 2009-05-04 19:30:52.847 A B D 2009-05-04 19:30:55.050 A B E 2009-05-04 19:30:57.003 I have a working query, but I am wondering if there is better way to ac...

How do I query the value of a server option in Sybase?

For example, if I wanted to know the current value of the quoted_identifier server option, is there a query that can give me this information? ...

Output of a query displaying as null

I am trying to trieve a list of files where a field ARTICLE_NO is a certain number. At the moment, I have a files table, with columns ARTICLE_NO, FILENAME and USERNAME. There is one record, with values 1, x.txt and user respectively. $pk is assigned to 1 in my php code. However, the following code only produces NULL, and I am unsure why....

Query xml from ASP without XSL

I have some very simple XML: <properties> <property> <name>BobFish</name> <explaination>Bob is a fish.</explaination> </property> <property> <name>DaveFish</name> <explaination>Dave is a fish.</explaination> </property> I want to query if from ASP. Something like: Response.Write (GetExplaination("BobFish")) This is the functi...

Can there be a database-agnostic SQL query to fetch top N rows?

We want to be able to select top N rows using a SQL Query. The target database could be Oracle or MySQL. Is there an elegant approach to this? (Needless to say, we're dealing with sorted data here.) ...

Is there a standard XML query encoding for SQL?

Is there a standard way of encoding SQL queries as XML? I mean something like select name from users where name like 'P%' group by name order by name desc might encode as (my 5-minute mockup, probably bobbins)... <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <query> <select> <table name="users"> <column name="name"/>...

.Net Database Querying Options Aside Linq

Hello, I've been doing a lot of implementation in Linq recently, and it suddenly occurred to me that as great as it is, I haven't really explored any other options. Any thoughts? ...

How can I optimize this SQL query?


Mysql Query : Where clause if Exists

Dear All I have a MySQL db and inside it a table called ProductMaster with 6 fields "Product_Id,Product_Name,Model,Opening_date,Closing_Date,Status". Opening_Date and Closing Date Can accept null values.So some records has values for this field I have the below query to display records from this table. "select Product_Id,Product_Name,...

Equivalents to SQL Server TOP

In SQL Server, TOP may be used to return the first n number of rows in a query. For example, SELECT TOP 100 * FROM users ORDER BY id might be used to return the first 100 people that registered for a site. (This is not necessarily the best way, I am just using it as an example). My question is - What is the equivalent to TOP in other da...

Slow but simple Query, how to make it quicker?

I have a database which is 6GB in size, with a multitude of tables however smaller queries seem to have the most problems, and want to know what can be done to optimise them for example there is a Stock, Items and Order Table. The Stock table is the items in stock this has around 100,000 records within with 25 fields storing ProductCode,...

TFS query (in Visual Studio) to get all check-ins

Hi, I'm trying to get a list of all check-ins (limited / ordered by date) via the TFS query editor in Visual Studio Team Explorer. I can make a query that lists all bugs, sprint backlog item or product backlog item, but I can't find the actual check-in. Is it's possible or should I make (SQL) queries directly on the database. Ideas?...