
Nesting quotes in JavaScript/HTML

How do you nest quotes in HTML beyond the second level? As far as I know, there are only 2 types of quotes - single(') and double("). I am aware of escaping using slashes - you have to escape in the code but that escaping won't work at the browser level. What is the accepted method to get around something like the following? <p onc...

JavaScript within an <a> tag, nested, quote problem

Here is simple <a> tag, which links to an exe file. The onClick JavaScript event redirects the user to another webpage after 3 seconds. <a href="http://www.example.com/download.exe" onClick="setTimeout('window.location="/downloading.html"',3000);return true;"> LINK</a> So it doesn't work because there are too many nested quotes. The ...

PHP mail: use quotes in $to and in from mail header or NOT?

Do we need to use quotes in $to and in from/cc/bcc mail headers when using PHP mail function? I mean, let's say I want to send mail to: User One <[email protected]> Do I have to call: mail("\"User One\" <[email protected]>", ... OR mail("User One <[email protected]>", ... I suppoose once you give me an answer for the $to, it is going...

Wrap an ASP.NET control with double quotes

I'm working in a Repeater over blog posts and I'm displaying a ShareThis JavaScript piece at the bottom. The Title and URL of the post are being sent to JS. In one test case, the title of a post has a single quote, e.g. Mark's test post Since I need to preserve that single quote when being sent to ShareThis, I need to wrap that Jav...

Error handling in asp.net mvc url

How to handle links with quotes? For example, http://samplesite.com/Users/" I want to redirect user to error page, but I see the page with exception. In every link of the form "http://somesite.com/SomeController/SomeAction/" " (double quotes at the beginning of path) Text of exception: Server Error in '/' Application. Illegal characte...

Regex to match all unicode quotation marks

Is there a simple regular expression to match all unicode quotes? Or does one have to hand-code it like this: quotes = ur"[\"'\u2018\u2019\u201c\u201d]" Thank you for reading. Brian ...

Seeking quoted string generator

Does anyone know of a free website or program which will take a string and render it quoted with the appropriate escape characters? Let's say, for instance, that I want to quote It's often said that "devs don't know how to quote nested "quoted strings"". And I would like to specify whether that gets enclosed in single or double quo...

Need Help Inserting Double or Single Quotes

Hi everyone, I have a long list of names that I need to have quotes around (it can be double or single quotes) and I have about 8,000 of them. I have them in Excel without any quotes and I can copy all of the names and paste them no problem but there are still no quotes. I have looked and looked for an Excel formula to add quotes to the ...

Difference between single quotes and double quotes in Javascript

I know that in PHP the only difference between double quotes and single quotes is the interpretation of variable inside a string. Well, in jQuery Javascript, I often see doublequotes used in jQuery selectors, or in strings, is there a particular reason for that or is single quotes just the exact same as doublequotes? ...

special Characters in Perl

I'm creating a CGI form to update a Sybase stored procedure. qq {execute procedure test(123,45,date,'$note');}; the $note variable is information obtained from a textbox that contains trouble ticket log information. As such people who enter such information can, and most likely will use special characters such as '|"{} etc. Im curious...

How to suppress quotes output as HTML entities?

$selected = ' selected="selected"' # or $selected = qq( selected="selected") is returned as: selected=&quot;selected&quot; which is an invalid HTML attribute, ofcourse. How do I fix it? Edited to add: <select name="alignment" class="select" <%== param('feature') ? '' : 'disabled'; %> > % foreach (keys %al) { % my $selected...

Using single 'smart quote' in my JSON data is breaking PHP script

Hi folks, I've got a PHP script that is reading in some JSON data provided by a client. The JSON data provided had a single 'smart quote' in it. Example: { "title" : "Lorem Ipsum’s Dolar" } In my script I'm using a small function to get the json data: public function getJson($url) { $filePath = $url; $fh = fopen...

Objective c quotes and variables

I'm trying to do something like this: NSAppleScript *sendCharlieImput = [[NSAppleScript alloc] initWithSource:@"tell application \"terminal\" to do script " charlieImputSelf " in front window"]; [sendCharlieImput executeAndReturnError:nil]; The variable charlieImputSelf is going to be put into the terminal window as a command. BUT I n...

javascript JSON and Array elements, help me understand the rule about quotes

When using a returned value to determine the number of an element in an array, does javascript throw quotes around it? Example : This tallys the number of times unique characters are used. var uniques = {}; function charFreq(s) { for(var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { if(isNaN(uniques[s.charAt(i)])) uniques[s.charAt(i)] ...

preg replace to remove bbcode quote

Could someone give me an example of how to I can remove [QUOTE=author;3095231] Author being the authors name, and 3095231 being the post. I want to use preg replace, or anything similar but not sure how and was wondering for an example, I believe it would be something like [QUOTE=(.+?)] and i don't know the rest. ...

Preserving quotes in bash function parameters

What I'd like to do is take, as an input to a function, a line that may include quotes (single or double) and echo that line exactly as it was provided to the function. For instance: function doit { printf "%s " ${@} eval "${@}" printf " # [%3d]\n" ${?} } Which, given the following input doit VAR=42 doit echo 'single quote ...

Help With Argument Exception in asp.net vb

Dim id as integer = 1 Dim command as sqlcommand Dim reader as idatareader command = db.GetSqlStringCommand("select id, image, caption from profile where id = @id and image IS NOT NULL Order By NEWID()") db.AddInParameter(command, "@id", DbType.Int32, id) reader = db.ExecuteReader(Command) The code is throwing an error i've never seen ...

PHP - single quotes or double quotes for variable concatenation?

Is it better to concatenate a variable (say, $name) into an existing string (say, $string) like this: $string='Hi, my name is '.$name or like this: $string="Hi, my name is $name"; or like this: $string=sprintf("Hi, my name is %s",$name); in terms of processor time/efficiency. ...

Return string of html with an embedded php echo statement

Hi there, I'm attempting to return a string of html with an some php code within the html and I'm experiencing a bit of difficulty doing so. Example below: return '//bunch of html here <div id="test"> <?php if (isset($_COOKIE[\"cannycookie\"])) { echo "<a class=\"reply\" href=\"#\" id=\"deletelink-'.$d['id'].'\">Delete</a>...

How to use single quotes inside single quotes?

Hello. Can anyone explain how to make this code work? echo '<div id="panel1-under">Welcome <?php echo "$_SESSION['username']"; ?></div>'; I've tried removing the single quotes so it's like this: - "$_SESSION[username]" but it doesn't work. Appreciate any help. Thanks! ...