
How can I automatically escape quotes in content when exporting from MySql to an sql file?

We have a Joomla website which we want to copy over to another host website. So far everything has been copied except for the database. The problem we're experiencing is as follows: After exporting the database information from our old website into an .sql file and trying to import it into an empty database on our new host, it seems tex...

escape quotes inside quotes in TSQL string

I'm trying to run the following TSQL statement on Microsoft SQL 2008 DECLARE @tmpMessage nvarchar(max) SET @tmpMessage = 'select * from openquery(GLive,''select ID from Links WHERE [HREF] LIKE ''test'''')'; exec sp_executesql @tmpMessage the above code doesnt work because the single quotes before test closes the main quotes around t...

How can I use regular expressions and javascript to split the following command into tokens:

filter -n ""function(file) { return file.owner == "john"; }"" should be parsed into the following array: [ 'filter', '-n', 'function(file) { return file.owner == "john"; }' ] ...

App Engine: Datastore quota reached, thou data ≈ 200 MB -- ?

Hi. I've written an app that scans the internet and saves some data it retrieves from there. After a while the percentage of Datastore quota (Total stored data) jumped from 7% to 99%. I stopped my robot, but the figure raised to 100% after some time. The Datastore stats, though, says that the total volume of data stored in the datastore ...

Not working mysql_query in php (quotation marks probs)

$ikona = "layout/achiv/a_icon.png"; //$opis = string of text without quotation marks $addit = '<img src="'.$ikona.'" onclick="alert(/'On day '.date("Y-m-d H:i:s").' user has '.htmlspecialchars($opis).'/'); ">'; mysql_query("UPDATE `accounts` SET `this_damn_cell`='".$addit."' WHERE id='".$_POST["id"]."' ") or die(mysql_error()); //error...

How does Java drag C++ coders "halfway to Lisp?"

Possible Duplicate: How is Java inspired by Lisp? From Paul Graham: "We were after the C++ programmers. We managed to drag a lot of them about halfway to Lisp." Guy Steele, co-author of the Java spec I've thought about this, and it just doesn't make any sense. Out of all the "Lisp-ish" features on Graham'...

A monad is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors, what's the problem?

Who first said A monad is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors, what's the problem? and on a less important note is this true and if so could you give an explanation(hopefully one that can be understood by someone who doesn't have much haskell experience). ...

JYaml refuses to cast a number as a string, regardless of quotes or !!str

Hi everyone! Has anyone else had a problem with JYaml 1.3 where on Yaml.load it is casting a number (like 102) as an Integer, even if you put it in quotes? For example, here's a small snippet from my yaml file: . . . listValues: "102": Joe "101": John . . . The 102 and 101 get constructed into the object created by Yam...

Regex polish: how not to include quotes on quoted substrings in search

I've written a regex to split a search string into its component parts. Features include: Operators: +, -, AND, OR Word grouping by quotes (single and double for now) Correctly ignoring apostrophes So: ((?<=^|\s)(?:[\+\-]?"[^"]+"(?=\s|$)|[\+\-]?'[^']+'(?=\s|$)|[\+\-]?\S+|AND|and|OR|or)(?=$|\s)) What is the easiest way to exclude ...

PHP file() adding slashes to single quotes

I have a PHP installation running 5.3.3 and when I use the code below: $sql = file('sql.txt'); var_dump($sql); All my single quotes are escaped. Why would this be happening. Magic quotes is enabled on the server (for some reason, it is out of my control) however I thought that magic quotes was only applied to GET POST COOKIE...

gVim + US-International: Not combining dead keys with space

Hi, I am using "United States-International" on Windows 7, which courses problems in combination with gVim 7.3. In the US-International keyboard layout the keys " and ' are dead keys, that means, you can combine them with another key. For example pressing "+a results in ä and the keys '+a in á. In order to insert one double quote you s...

Java : Socket programming example

What is wrong with the following program to fetch time from time server. public class SocketTest { public static void main(String[] args) { Socket s = new Socket(“time-A.timefreq.bldrdoc.gov”, 13); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(s.getInputStream())); S...

Quotes in command line arguments passed to Java main()

I run a Java program with the following command line (Edit: in NetBeans 6.8 project properties) toto has:"tutu titi" args is an array of 2 Strings toto has:tutu titi I want (two arguments indeed, the second) args[1] to be has:"tutu titi" How should I do that? Edit: I have already tried escaping the quotes with backslash from "...


Here is line 37; $write = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `trial' VALUES (" '', '".$ip."', '1' ") or die(mysql_error()); The error may be coming from further up.. But I'm not quite sure :S I am trying to block the ip of a ...

Are single/double quotes allowed inside HTML attribute values ?

I'm trying to set attribute value that contains a single quote: var attr_value = "It's not working"; var html = "<label my_attr='" + attr_value + "'>Text</label>"; $('body').html(html); However, I get the following result: <label working="" not="" s="" my_attr="It">Text</label> How could I fix this ? Are double quotes allowed insi...

can't encode single quote (&#39;) using django's render_to_string

hello, i have a problem with django's render_to_string and encoding single quotes. ... = render_to_string('dummy.txt', {'request':request, 'text':text,}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))) why are only these quotes translated to '#39;' and all other special characters not? ...

Replacing string in textfile with quotes and doublequotes with sed

Hello, Lets say I want to replace the following string within a textfile: document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + \ + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); I came up with this sed command, but surprisingly nothing happens at all. sed -i "s/document.write(unescape(\"%3Cscript src=\"\' + \\ + \"go...

quotes in javascript function

I need a bit of help with quotes in javascript function function jsNewWindow(value){ //window.open ("http://www.javascript-coder.com","mywindow"); window.open("rpt_Distance.php?POST_IN1="+value+","mywindow","width=800,height=600") ; } thanks! ...

Regular Expression to escape double quotes inside single quotes

Hi people. I would need a regular expression that escapes or captures (if not already escaped) ALL the double quote characters INSIDE a single quoted string and then convert the opening single quotes to double quotes! We are refactoring files that have a lot (and i mean a lot!) of single quoted strings in either PHP and also JS files. ...

Need to send two kinds of quotes in a string via jQuery

I'm sending some html via jQuery, and in this html are various values that need to be quoted, and in one instance, there's a nested value, so I have to be able to send both kinds of quotes. Here's some mock code: var myVar = "<tag value='foo' value2="config={'bar':null, 'foo2':true}" />"; How can in ensure that the double quotes are s...