
Creating a subversion repository for website.

What is the best practice for creating a website repository? Is the repository the live on the and does not require moving files from the repo? Or do you need to move files from the server repository to the web server? ...

Unable to use Apache Archiva as Mirror

Hi I think this was supposed to be a simple task, but I've been unable to accomplish it. I've set an archiva repository as this: 2 Internal Maven1 repos (old projects) 1 Internal Maven2 repo 7 Remote repos (central,,, etc.) For each internal repo I've created a proxy connection with each remote repo. I've adde...

How to replace git repo?

I created a git repo and updated it with some stuff. Later I created a new directory for this project and initialized new git for it. Now I want to push changes and replace the old ones in repo. When I do git push origin master I get ! [rejected] master -> master (non-fast-forward) error: failed to push some refs to 'git@github...

Are there good ways to have branching documents repository?

I am interested in doing the following. I would like to maintain one master copy of a document, and then have branches for that document that could include minor modifications. I want modifications in the branches of this document to be merged with any changes I make with the major document. It is like being able to update a "template" ...

Shared directories in Mercurial

I have a development project in Mercurial. In the project I have multiple directories scattered about which all should contain the same basic files (CSS, images, etc). I'd like to have all of the directories point to the same underlying directory, so that if I edit a file in one place, it is updated everywhere else. Basically a UNIX so...

Lazy Git repository updater

I'm using Git as the repository for my hosted-server web application. I know the way you're supposed to use a local repository with a remote project is to copy each file you edit to your local machine and add it to the repository to keep changes up to date. My question is: If I usually edit or create lots of new files every day, is th...

how to access svn repository over internet

Hi i have set up svn repository and i was to access it over internet. i have done in svn dir... svnserve -d -r path but it says [~/svnrepo]# svnserve -d -r /home2/alohamor/svnrepo/ svnserve: Can't bind server socket: Address already in use Pls help what to do ...

How to build a generic repository

I'm developing a web application in ASP.NET MVC with NHibernate. Based in articles and tutorials I've found at Google, I'm using Repository for my classes. I have 10 classes and 10 repositories. Today I figured out that 90% of mine repositories are exactly equal each other, except for the class. This is one example: public class Promo...

Sonatype nexus snapshot deploy into hosted repository - snapshot request doesn't translate into timestamp

Hey, I created hosted snapshot repo, deployed snapshot artifact, added to the public repo...and now maven http request cant get the artifact-1.5.-SNAPSHOT.jar. It's there, but the request is not translated into the timestamp instead of SNAPSHOT. Metadata contains correct values. public/org/exist/exist-core/1.5-SNAPSHOT/exist-core-1.5-20...

Is it possible to Merge 2 repository via Xcode SCM ?

i ever use TortoiseSVN it can merge but it dont have client on MAC ...

Repositories Management options

I am looking for THE BEST solution for the organization. What are every ones thoughts about Repositories Management -Some Extreme and in-between options are: Repository Per Project One Repository Organization wide Repository by target verticals - web & mobile Repository by size of initiative - web, desktop, shared, customApp, etc.... ...

Mercurial Repository structure for features, stable releases, etc.

I will be more specific with a question if I need to be, or make this into a community wiki if you all think that's where it fits, but my question is: My dev team has recently started using Mercurial (moved from subversion) and we love it so far. I'm wondering if there is a 'best practices' resource out there about repository architect...

Freeing up space in my SVN repository

I have an SVN repository hosted on a freemium site with a maximum repository size. As I approach this capacity I am aware of files I've checked in that I know I can remove permanently to free up disk space. How do I tell SVN that a file can not only be deleted, but it's history as well? ...

DDD and ASP.NET - where do you use repositories?

Hi, I'm new to DDD. I have an existing ASP.NET application (not MVC) and I would like to start implementing a domain driven design. However, I'm not sure where I should call the repository from. For example if I had a customer repository with a Save method, my understanding is that I should not call the Save method from the customer en...

How to create a subversion repository with standard layout?

Is it possible to create a new SVN repository which is automatically structured by the SVN standard repository layout (trunk, branches, tags) via commandline (svnadmin create)? Or do I always have to create thos directories manually? ...

Eclipse keeps setting incorrect repository root

I have a project here: svn+ssh://[email protected]/folder/ProjectName The repository root is svn+ssh://[email protected]/folder No matter how many times or how many ways I try checking out ProjectName, eclipse always helpfully tells me that the repository root is svn+ssh://[email protected]. I have another project in another repository: s...

LINQtoSQL , repository pattern and lazy load

How do you use LINQtoSQL with the repository pattern? I’m new to L2S and find its lazy loading to be a real impediment to using the repo pattern. Usually, I think of the repository pattern like this: var myCustomer = null; using (var myRepo = new Repo()){ myCustomer = myRepo.GetCustomerForCustomerId(123); } if(myCustomer.Or...

Need presentation materials for convincing a customer to use Maven

My customer needs a more organized inventory of all 3rd-party libraries (such as JAR files) that are used in production for their projects. I am involved with a number of their Java-based projects. Their inventory has not been consistently maintained in the past and the time has come to account for all the libraries that are currently be...

Mercurial - how to push unfinished branches?

We converted everything to Mercurial coming from CVS and so far so good. An issue we encountered today though is this situation. Before the move to Mercurial I had a few pending changes from a while back, features that were started and later postponed for various reason. Odds are that someone else will finish those features months fro...

Git: move existing repository from PC to server, clone from server

I have an existing Git repository on my local machine. I would like to move that repository to my web server, then git clone on my local machine to check out my repository from the server. I'm planning on then developing on my local machine and pushing updates back to the server. I can ssh from my local machine to the server, but not ...