I'm trying to use the KirbyBase (in Ruby) in server/client mode and having some problems...
Here's the setup (I'm working with a speacilized embedded linux system (explained at the bottom of post) but; I'll call those PC for the arguments sake)
2 PCs using an NFS mounted NAS drive on network (mounted on /mnt/sharedSpace), one will be s...
Can anyone tell me how to detect faces in a static picture using Ruby or Javascript?
Hi everybody,
it seems that all entities are killed using
tags = "<p>test umlauts ö</p>"
<p>test umlauts </p>
The above method calls Nokogiri::XML::DocumentFragment.parse(tags) and that methods calls
Nokogiri::XML::DocumentFragment.new(XML::Document.new, tags).
In relation to the nokogir...
I have an object now:
class Items
attr_accessor :item_id, :name, :description, :rating
def initialize(options = {})
options.each {
self.send( "#{k.to_s}=".intern, v)
I have it being assigned as individual objects into an array...
@result = []
some loop>>
@result << Items.new(opt...
Xcode's syntax colouring is poor at best and textmate's looks great, but I like Xcode, since I program in C++, too. I'd like to keep everything in one place and take advantage of other Xcode features.
Has anyone already done this or is there an easy way to do it?
I have a datetime column in a model and I want to display the form for this as separate text_fields for the time instead of the datetime_select helper drop down menus.
I know I will somehow have to validate and recreate the date to go back to the DB, but I am not sure how.
Should I use virtual attributes getter and setter methods? EG.....
I'm doing some graphics programming using the Gosu gem. The thing is, when I create a Window my mouse pointer is hidden. I can guess where the mouse is at a certain moment, and I can intuitively click, but my users may not.
Is there a way to show the pointer?
I'm using SASS to generate a @font-face mixin, however this:
=remotefont(!name, !url)
font-family = !name
src = url(!url + ".eot")
src = local(!name), url(!url + ".ttf") format("truetype")
+remotefont("My font", "/myfont.ttf")
becomes this:
@font-face {
font-family: My font;
src: url(/myfont.ttf.eot);
I'm having trouble connecting to a SQL Server 2005 install from this very simple Ruby app:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'sequel'
Sequel.odbc('dev04')['select top 1 * from users'].all
The dev04 DSN points to my odbc.ini file entry:
Driver = FreeTDS
Description = ODBC connection via FreeTDS
Trace =...
I'm using rake to create a Table of contents from a bunch of static HTML files.
The question is how do I insert it into all files from within rake?
I have a <ul id="toc"> in each file to aim for. The entire content of that I want to replace.
I was thinking about using Nokogiri or similar to parse the document and replace the DOM node...
If I remember correctly Python ships with Tk as it's standard framework. What's Ruby's default?
When I download something using gem I'd like to be able to just download the gem, and then choose whether or not I want to install it. I'm asking this because I'd like to install a particular gem on more than one computers ( without installing from the internet on each one ).
I'm planning to build a website that will be a simple CMS where users submit and view postings with videos, photos and text.
One decision I want to make is choosing between Ruby Enterprise Edition and Ruby 1.9.
Think I care about in order:
1- Performance & Scalability
2- Compatibility with existing gems/plugins/open source project...
Hi, I am using I18n internationnalization plugin, but it's not translating 1 piece of information :
In one of my controller, I have a verify method like this :
# Verify user is authenticated
verify :only => [ :destroy, :create, :update, :new, :comment ],
:session => :user_id,
:add_flash => { :error => I18n.t(:'Exceptions....
class Bar
def do_things
Foo.some_method(x) do |x|
y = x.do_somethign
return y_is_bad if y.bad? # how do i tell it to stop and return do_things?
here is Foo#some_method.
class Foo
def self.some_method(targets, &bloc...
I have been trying, quite unsuccessfully, to run henrik's fork of the jekyll static blog generator on ubuntu 64 bit. I just can't seem to figure this out and I've tried a bunch of different things. Thanks!!
The base stats of my machine: Ubuntu 9.04, 64 bit, ruby 1.8.7 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 72) [x86_64-linux], rubygems 1.3.1.
When I ...
In my application I need to show a list of songs. Right now I'm doing this:
Song.all.sort {|x,y| x.artist.name <=> y.artist.name }
Unfortunately, this means that "The Notorious B.I.G" will sort with the T's while I want him to sort with the N's (i.e., I want to ignore articles -- "the", "a", and "an" -- for the purposes of sorting.
how can i get 2 pages, and output the difference between those. getting the pages not a problem, but stuck on how to get the difference....i need a library for ruby OR php
thank you.
I've figured out how to silence the contents of an action by wrapping everything inside the action's method in a logger.silence block.
However, I still get the call to the action showing up in the log file.
Processing DashboardController#update (for at 2009-09-09 19:03:27) [GET]
Parameters: {"todos"=>{"user"=>"25"...
I am new to haml and want to do some inheritance, but I don't know whether it is possible with haml or not.
I have 2 separate haml files as below
=== file1.haml
This is haml1
=== file2.haml
This is haml2
*** I want to have a file.haml which inherit from file1.haml and file2.haml.
Is it possible to do it with haml?