
Adding jQuery UI breaks jQuery show()

I have some jQuery code that runs fine until I add the jQuery UI library (1.7.2) and this causes the show() method to fail when I specify a callback. $('#main.home ul#promotions').show(function() { if (typeof f == "function") f(); }); It would seem that jQuery UI overrides show and now I need to specify an additional parameter for...

Checkbox shows hidden field - not working onload

I am using this probably ugly javascript to show a text box (in a li tag plus its label) if a checkbox is checked. $("#li-2-21").css("display","none"); $("#Languages-spoken-and-understood-8").click(function(){ if ($("#Languages-spoken-and-understood-8").is(":checked")) { $("#li-2-21").show("fast"); } else ...

Show field if certain option value is selected - must work on pageload

This genius code works fine for checkboxes: $(document).ready(function() { $("#Languages-spoken-and-understood-8").change(function() { $("#li-2-21")[$(this).is(":checked") ? 'show' : 'hide']("fast") }).change(); }); What I love about is that it works onload. I was trying to modify it for a select box. Code is autogenerated...

backgroudWorker and forms : weird hang

Hello everyone, I am stuck since few days on a bug in my app, and I require help. Main thread contains time consuming operation. To be more friendly with user, I created a static class Info, which contains to methods ShowInfo and StopInfo. ShowInfo basically start a backgroundWorker. backgroundWorker operation is : Create a form sh...

Can anyone tell me what's wrong with this switch statement (javascript)?

Hey all, its your typical slider - both automated and controlled by user click. Problem is when you click, if you are on last slide,it shouldn't show right arrow, and if you are on first slide, it shouldn't show left arrow. If you are anywhere else, it should show both arrows. However, when on last slide it still shows right arrow. Howev...

hide all visible <ul> when parent <li> is clicked

Good evening I've got a basic structure of ul, li and nested drop-down menus in the form of ul's. What I'm trying to do is that when the parent li is clicked, the child ul will show up. When the li is clicked again, the child ul hides. So this is what I've got so far $(document).ready(function() { $("ul#glass-buttons li").togg...

jquery: only show one div when hover

Hey guys, i'm having a problem with this little script. When i hover over the div "item" both divs shows the "dark-overlay". But i only want the dark-overlay there's inside the div i hover to show. How is that possible? thanks :) .item { position:relative; width:680px; height:140px; } .dark-overlay { position:absolute; width:680px; he...

android show context menu from code behind

Hi all, This might be a simple question, but i've been looking around and can't find the answer, well, as my title said, is there any code to show the context menu on the android from a code, instead press the menu button? eg. when i touch the screen then it'll call the context menu? Regards, AnD ...

Using jQuery cookie.js to remember hide/show element?

Hi guys, I have found a great tutorial on how to show and hide a certain div on a page. I got the code working fine, but I would like to extend is to that the show/hide is remembered on page loads. I've looked for a solution jQuery cookie was the answer.. if I'd knew how to write the actual code that is.. Here's the current snippet: <s...


show columns from (select * from (select * from my_table) as T) ????? I get a Syntax error... ...

Show "status" in SWT JFace Eclipse - Composite

hi I have a sash from component of a view which needs to be extended a little. The view lists accounts. The idea is to show a small notification on top of the component that a certain account is being viewed at the same time. The appropriate listeneres and methods are ready but i got not GUI skills... Could anybody help me out and sugge...

How to select an entire database and display all the information.

Is it possible to select all the tables from a database (not knowing their names) and displaying them? My friend has a mysql server but he doesn't have phpMyAdmin installed and he's begging me to transfer all his php-fusion accounts to his new WordPress blog. He doesn't understand a thing with mysql... Anyone got an idea? ...

Grails Controllers adding instances

Alright I asked a question before but wasn't quite sure about it. So I went ahead and waited till now to ask again. Main Question How do I add a new instance of the domain through the controller? I created a function named gather to read a file with data and then create a new Book with the specific information, however it is not adding...

Where should I put code to execute once after my Delphi app has finished initialising?

I have functions I want to perform after my app has finished initialising and the main form has been created. I did have the code (call it ProcedureX) in the forms OnShow event, but I have just noticed that it is being called twice, because OnShow is firing twice. It fires when the main program DPR calls: Application.CreateForm(TMainF...

Show box if radio button checked using jQuery

I have the following code: <fieldset> <legend>Do you currently have SolidWorks</legend> <ul> <li><label for=""><input type="radio" name="solidworks" value="Yes" id="rdYes" /> Yes</label></li> <li><label for=""><input type="radio" name="solidworks" value="No" id="rdNo" /> No</label></li> ...

Jquery/javsacript onclick display next row

I have a table that has a row that is hidden using display:none. I want to show the row when a button is clicked. How can I do this?? <table> <tr> <td> <button class="shownextrow">Show Next Row</button> </td> </tr> <tr style="display:none"> <input type="text" name="input"/> </tr> </table> ...

jQuery show / hide elements by select field

I have a select field that shows different elements of my form based on the selected value, I have three "classes" that each show the required portions of the filed. I currently have the selects bound to a .click() and it works fine except that if I want to load the page with the value preselected, it won't show the required parts of the...

Virtuemart: How to make link "Show Cart" dynamic?

I have link "Show cart" static now How can I make it dynamic, based on items added? ...

jquery append html show hide in IE.

Hello All, I need help with displaying images from a MySQL database. What I have is a an Dynamic PHP/HTML table that has multiple pages with a pagination link. The table layout is: Book Title, Author, Publisher, Category and image. I can connect to database with connection script - working OK. I can see all the information for the table ...

restrict child multiple select based on multiple select of parent with jquery

I need to create an interface that upon selection of a parent multi select, it updates a child multi select of options. It is intended that the parent multi select can have none, one or many options selected and the child element displays a union of items that both parents have (or falls back to all items). Take for example: When pare...