
TableView To Navigation Controller on the View-Based Application Project ?

I built an application. On the one my views I used TableView. So now I want to change this Table view to a navigation controller. 1- How can I change UITable view to Navigation Controller.؟ ...

UITableView Cell selected Color ?

I have created a custom UITableViewCell. The table view is showing data fine. What I am stuck in is when user touches cell of tableview, then I want to show the background color of the cell other than the default [blue color] values for highlighting the selection of cell. i use this code but doesn't happen anything : cell.selectedBackgr...

Howto call views inside another SELECT statement (SQL Server)?

I created a view. The view's Query works fine. Now I want to write another Query which uses the first one. As far as I know it should look like this: SELECT * FROM myView; Now there is an Error returned: "Ungültiger Objektname 'myView'" in English its something like "unvalid object name 'myView'. How do I refer to or call views the r...

iPhone dev question help forming array

Hi guys I've spent this morning searching google for this, but I just can't get what I want how i want it. I am creating a custom table view cell, with different icons down the side, in a sectioned table view. My problem is that I am having trouble reading these images from an array. I can do it like below, but can someone please help m...

Can I program a table to look like a table

Can I create a table (TableView) and have it display values for three Columns:- Col1,Col2,Col3 with N values under these three columns? Col1 Col2 Col3 Value1 Value1 Value1 Value2 Value2 value2 Value3 value3 value3 .... ... ... .... ... ... .... ... ... Va...

TabBarController switch views in TabBarItem

I have a app based off the default xcode "Tab Bar Application" template. It has 3 tabBar Items that each load their own xib FirstView.xib, SecondView.xib, and ThirdView.xib. What i would like is a UIButton on the FirstView.xib that loads the FirstAltView.xib where the FirstView.xib is. Can someone please post some sample code on how to d...

Minimum steps to display a table-view in Cocoa OSX

Hi I am trying to create a table-view programatically using a cocoa lisp bridge called clozure CL. Now I doubt many people are familiar with this package so I will not go into specifics of my code but I am getting some very strange errors when I try to call addSubview to add my tableView to my window. I have initialized it using InitWi...

iphone sdk - reload tableview data - from a separate class

hi guys I'd like to run the code [tableView reloadData], except I want to call it from a seperate class to the view controller I want to reload the data in. (Note. If there is something more effective to reload a tableview than reloadData, chime in). Say the view I want to reload is 'RootViewController', and I am currently in 'DetailV...

How do I build a table view for iphone in which when you save it adds a new row instead of replacing the row?

I built an app with a table view that holds frequencies and other data. I would like to select a row, edit it, and then add the new frequencies info to a new row right below the selected row without deleted the selected row. I'm using core data. Everything works fine using UIBarButtonItem *saveButton method. But it just replaces the ...

UISearchbar - How do I Display tableview only after Search is clicked

Hi, I am new to iPhone programming. How can I write a search view that does not display default tableview. It should display the tableview with the data only after search is clicked and if no match is found should display empty table view. I don't want to display all the records and the filter on it. Please help. Thanks in advance. ...

How to I make TableView Cells spanning over multiple rows?

Hi there, is there a way to create a tableview in which a cell may span over more than one row. As the two "X" here? 1 2 3 4 5 2 1 X 1 2 1 2 X 4 5 ...

PushViewController after presentModalViewController like in Apples Alarm Clock app

Hello together, my Question is quite simple. I have an add-button. When I tap on it --> presentmodelviewController presents a UIViewController, which contains a simple Table with cells. When I tap on a Cell, i want to display a new View using pushViewController, which automatically creates a "back Button". At the top of it in this n...

UITableView update via JSON, animate Row insertion

I have a UITableView that I am loading via JSON. So my logic goes like this: Fetch the JSON (NSOperation, calling back to main thread) In callback, parse the json, and insert new data into my table's data source array. Call reloadData on the TableView to show the new data. My question is: How can I ANIMATE the arrival of new rows in ...

How to display images in a tableview

I can display images in a tableview but can't transfer the application on to the iPhone. I am obviously not releasing some memory but can't figure out what. I have approx 30 pix that are each 250k in size. I have tried storing the images in SQLite as well as the filesystem and get the same problem for both; works in the simulator but ...

Exception when deleting row in TableView

Whenever I hit the DeleteRows code, I get an exception telling me that the number of rows before and after the update need to be the same. Here's the official text: Reason: Invalid update: invalid number of rows in section 0. The number of rows contained in an existing section after the update (3) must be equal to the number of rows co...

iPhone tableview does not create cell for added row

I have a SQLite DB containing tasks. Each task has a date, and there can be multiple tasks per date. My app loads the data for one month only into a mutable dictionary. The key of each dictionary item is a string of the day of the month (1, 2, 3 ... 31). The corresponding value is an array of tasks for that date. Thus, for each day of t...

Adding data to a tableview from another class

hi, like i posted earlier and it messed up. i need to add data to a tableview from another class but the problem is i got a tableviewcontroller class and a datacontroller class. So i need to add data to the array list in datacontroller and reload data in tableviewcontroller? Im not very good with implementation system so. Anyone know? ...

NSButtonCell inside custom NSCell

Hello everybody, in my cocoa application, I need a custom NSCell for an NSTableView. This NSCell subclass contains a custom NSButtonCell for handling a click (and two or three NSTextFieldCells for textual contents). You'll find a simplified example of my code below. @implementation TheCustomCell - (void)drawWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame ...

Populating a Searchbar from SQLite

I want to search my tableview with a UISearchBar. My tableview is populated from a sqlite database and has over 1800 rows. I have seen a lot of examples that show how it works from a plist or character array, but not a SQLite datasource. If there is an existing example on the web, I can't find it. An example of how to do this would he...

tableview new item detection

hi , i am working with iphone sdk and i got a tableview , when it detects a new item or when it remove an item, i need to do something special. thx ...