
writeToFile Output .plist not writing correct values

Hi Guys I've been trying to write a simple shopping list program but when i try to write the modified values back to a plist file i only get the original values that were in the file to start with. My original plist file is one large array (dataArray) of dictionaries with only two fields in each dictionary one bool and one string when ...

Facebook's iPhone application -- User Interface for Inbox

I am trying to figure out implement a Compose New Message view that works in the same way the Facebook iPhone application does theirs. It's very similar to MFMailCompose and MFMessageCompose but both of those are already set to search through the iPhone's contacts. Facebook's application looks exactly the same except theirs searches thro...

Reduce a table view's cell padding or margin

I'm using a Table View. I'd like to remove the cell padding (or margin) so I can squeeze more cells in less space. How can this be achieved? The cells size is set to 32 pixels on QT designer, if I set it smaller, the cells contents don't show and an ellipsis appears. (...) ...

UITableView IndexPath.row out of scope

Hello, I am implementing the following tableview method: - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView commitEditingStyle:(UITableViewCellEditingStyle)editingStyle forRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath The problem is, when this gets hit, indexpath.row is showing up as out of scope. I am trying to handle the delete button for this...

iphone SDK: Arbitrary tableview row reordering with core data

What is the best way to implement arbitrary row reordering in a tableview that uses core data? The approach that seems obvious to me is to add a rowOrder attribute of type Int16 to the entity that is being reordered in the tableview and manually iterate through the entity updating the rowOrder attributes of all the rows whenever the user...

reloading table view works just by scrolling outside the visible area.

Hi, normally, the way to update a tableView is calling self.tableView reloadData (or setNeedsDisplay), but my (visible) tableView doesn't reload by calling this method. My context is, that I've got a Navigation-Bar and a TableView and by clicking a button on the Navigationbar, the method "aktualisieren" starts. This method also works ...

Swiping a row in a tableview, clicking other, selects swiped.

Hey guys, I have a tableview, and whenever I swipe a row in section A and after that select a row in section B, it thinks I selected the swiped row in section A! I placed a breakpoint to verify and am 100% sure that it thinks it's that cell AND that it calls it when I select the row in section B. By swipe I mean that you place your fi...

moving table view in navigation controller programatically

i have a table view in my root view of navigation controller.. if iam hiding my navigation bar my table view gets moving top but i want to fix that position to old posotion or it should be fixed from beging... i have try with creating frame and moving but that does not solve my purpose... ...

iPhone Three20 TTTableMoreButton Loading More Rows

Hey there, I've got an app called AppAdvice that seems to be using Three20. I've noticed they have a mechanism in place within most of the tableviews that will automatically load more results when you scroll down to the bottom of the list and reveal the last row. The also have an indicator in the last row that tells the user more it...

is therea method like did select section in table view

i want to show data of section in a separate view if user touches that particular section.. can any body tell me how to do that? ...

How do I get a callback within my TableViewCell, inherited from UITableViewCell, when the device orientation changes?

Hello, I'm in the following situation: I created my own TableViewCell (inherited from UITableViewCell) with new labels. It works really good when the device is in portrait mode (I designed the frames of the labels based on 320x480). Now the problem is when I turn the device in landscape orientation I haven't got a method which adjusts t...

how to convert the value of nsarray to integer value

Hi friend, I working on grouped table view based work in that in that i want to convert the value of NSarray into integer for specifing to section value of numberOfRowsInSection but it throws expection on putting following code. - (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section { int sec; if (...

Easiest Fix for iOS 4's TableView cell deletion error

The title kinda asks for it all. The function: - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView commitEditingStyle:(UITableViewCellEditingStyle)editingStyle forRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { if (editingStyle == UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete) { // Delete the row from the data source. [tableView deleteRowsAtI...

TableViewController doesn't flash scroll indicators even if the table is bigger that the view.

Hello, I've got a weird problem with a TableViewController. In the doc it says that a tableViewController deals also with the method -flashScrollIndicators when the table is "oversized" respect the visible area. My app consists in 3 nav controller loaded in a tab controller. Each nav controller has as root view controller a subclass of...

how to detect a user tap on table view

i want to detect user touch on table view so that i can pass that particular section information to the next view to display it ... how can i do it ...

hiding table view data loaded from local path before completely loaded from web server

Hi friends, how to hide table view data before loading. because my tableview shows immediately the local image that i have put in cellForRowAtIndexPath tableview that is in local path(show 20 more message) even before NSURLConnection. Thanks in advance for your suggestion Regards, sathish ...

Set up UITableView in a view based applicaiton

Hi! So, I have a View Based Application where i want to add a UITableView but i don't know how i can do it. :/ thanks for your help ! ...

iPhone - creating a tableview sectioned and in alphabetical order

I am pretty new to programming any sort of device and am on a steep learning curve, so please forgive me if this doesnt make too much sense or the code in the question is awful - we all ave to start somewhere, and beleive me, i have read and read and read! I am creating a table from a plist which is an array of dictionarys - i need it i...

Are PostgreSQL VIEWS created newly each time they are queried against?

I am creating a web app which has some complex underlying associations. In order to solve several issues I was having I created a UNION View. There are probably a lot of other ways this could be solved. But I am now considering the efficiency of my design, and I wanted to know if a VIEW is newly created each time it is queried, or is it...

iPhone tableview: adding new row on top without scrolling up

Hi guys, I'm wondering how to add rows to the top of tableview without roll the tableview back to the top? Just like the way Twitter did, after reloading, the tableview will be stationary. I've tried to use the following two without animation insertRowsAtIndexPaths: withRowAnimation: scrollToRowAtIndexPath: atScrollPosition:U animate...