
text search too slow on sqlite db on tableview on iphone

hi, I have a large table of around 2500 entries. I am displaying it on tableview. however the search bar is too slow while doing dynamic search. ie I am filtering the table everytime the user puts in a character on search bar. following is the code: - (void)searchBar:(UISearchBar *)theSearchBar textDidChange:(NSString *)searchText { ...

iPhone: Removing rounded corners from table view cell

Hello all, i have a table view in my application which shows rounded corners by default. Is there any way to remove the rounded corners. I have #import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h> in place and included the frame work as well. eve the following code does not work self.clipsToBounds = NO; self.table.layer.cornerRadius = 0.0; can an...

Adding a animated view

I have a tableview and a normal view (let's say view 2) inside a normal view. All made in Interface builder. View 2 is above the tableview and needs to appear animated from above at the loading of the view. When pressing a button, the view disappears again. How can i do this? thanks ...

populating the uitableview in xcode.

i am working on an application, and i found this customized table view at "" but the problem is that i dont know how to populate the table view. You can download the xcode project form that site, and look at it. you can email me at [email protected]... please no...

iphone : SDK disclosure button not response from first TableView to second detail TableView ?

How can I pass the first tableview row data to second detail view row I use [cell setAccessoryType:UITableViewCellAccessoryDetailDisclosureButton]; or cell.accessoryType = UITableViewCellAccessoryDetailDisclosureButton; to show up disclosure button in each cells it can ,I also add actions in - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableV...

Objective-C TableView Select Item Troubles...

Hello! I'm having trouble having my app respond when an Item is selected in the table view. I'm running everything from my app delegate (the table functions that is like dataSource and TitleForHeaderAtSection etc) which are all being called fine. However it is not calling my selection method when I tap on a item in the list. I even put ...

Forcing strict sizes for Android tables

I have a table in XML which has 6 columns and 9 rows. Each cell is filled with exactly one ImageView, forming a 6x9 grid. The images inserted into each ImageView are strictly 48x48 pixels, making the whole thing 288px wide and 432px tall. I want to insert a new image which is 96x96 pixels (taking up 2x2 cells), and I want it to automati...

UITextField Delegate in UITableView

G'day guys, I'm building an application that allows users to rapidly input numbers into a table view. I've currently built the framework, but I'm having a bit of a hitch hooking up the view to have the keyboard load and make the text in the cell editable from a user action. I remember there being an iOS example in the dev code somewher...

Iphone SDK:A bug or my logic error ,tableview can't scrolling down ????

It's happened Intermittently Check my code and compare the print result maybe someone can know what's wrong with my code... 1.I load a plist data from an URL - (void)viewDidLoad { NSURLRequest *theRequest=[NSURLRequestrequestWithURL:[NSURLURLWithString:@""] ...

self.tableView.delegate = self and self.table.dataSource = self memory leak

Hello everyone, I have following codes, which have memory leak on device, could you please kindly help check it? Thanks. @interface NewsListViewController : UIViewController<UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate> { @private UITableView *tableView; NSFetchedResultsController *fetchedResultsController; ...... } @property (non...

iPhone SDK: Modal Table View List Picker

Hi, here is a strange one: I created an overlay view to mimic a list picker like the Bluetooth device picker from Apple. It looks and works exactly like that one now, so no issues here. It contains a title, table view and cancel button and everything works fine. Now comes the part I can't resolve. As soon as I want to make it a modal di...

TextView in TableRow is partially hidden

Hi, I am trying to display some ImageView and TextView in a TableLayout. However, for the TextView (in the second column), it is partially hidden and does not go to the next line. A screen capture is attached here. <TableLayout android:id="@+id/RestTable" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" an...

Iphone SDK:Compiler Bug or Logic Error ?

I create a grouped style tableview and the table has 5 sections ,and each section has different numbers of rows Here is my code 1.Set how many sections in a table - (NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)tableView { // Return the number of sections. return 5; } 2.Set each rows in a section - (NSInteger)tabl...

iphone SDK:How to use the checkmark to delete the row is checked ???

hello everyone I only know the first step is to check a row next I think is use a NSMutableArray to record which row is been checked and this is my code : - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { if ([[tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:indexPath] accessoryType] == UITableView...

iPhone : Plain table issue. Cell background image not appearing

Hi there I have a some code that changes the background image of a cell which works perfectly in a grouped table view. However, does not in a plain table. Does anyone know why these behave differently? All I want to do is add a background image to a table cell (plain) This works perfectly on a grouped table view. Do I need a custom...

How to make an never ending UITableView?

I have some options in an UITableView and want that the user can scroll forever. When the end is reached, I want to append the begginning so the user can continue to scroll. How would I do that? ...

[RESOLVED] Reload TableView Data if user allow or decline get current location.

Hi everyone. I have CLLocationManager in app. So what i need is method to know did a user allow or decline current location. According users answer TableController adding value in table in specific way. I tried to [sightsTableView reloadData]; in - (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateToLocation:(CLLocation *)newLo...

iPhone Problem with custom cell

I try this code but it's a mistake because i have a repetition of title and description... Someone can help me please? - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { static NSString *CellIdentifier = @"Cell"; CustomCell *cell=(CustomCell *)[tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIden...

Is it possible to refresh a portion of the ui table view without refresh other cells?

Hi friends, Is it possible to refresh some cells without refreshing other cells in a table view? I need to delete and insert and add some cells simultaneously. For that i want to refresh the table frequently. [self.tableView reloadData]; This code is used to refresh all the cells in table i think. I'm not sure about this. Because m...

How to only make one cell selectable

In my normal tableview I got a bunch of switches and segments, and I dont wont them to be selectable, so I set: tableView.allowsSelection = FALSE; Now one of the cells, I wont to point to a new view, and thereby make it selectable. But there's no cell.allowSelection or anything, how do I solve this. How do I make it, so that it can be...