
Reference third party dll in Visual Studio 2010 gives original dll path?

I'd like to add a third party dll from Blend 4 to my source control, so taht I don't have to install Blend (or perhaps just til SDK) on my TFS Build server, in order to have a succesfull build. I've copied the dll (Microsoft.Expression.Interactions.dll) from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Expression\Blend.NETFramework\v4.0\Librar...

Combine third party advertisements javascripts into one

I've a blog where I run third party ads and I refer them from my page similar to following format http://www.<advertising_network>.com/delivery/fp?u=<username>&i=<adv>_region_11111&z=11111&n=3 If I want to show these ads at three places I have to place three such lines on my code and then browser makes th...

Check if third-party cookies are enabled

I have an application that needs to check whether the client browser has third-party-cookies enabled. Does anyone know how to do this in Javascript? ...

How to link third party libraries like fftw3 and sndfile to an iPhone project in Xcode?

I'm trying to link third party libraries like fftw3 and sndfile to my iPhone project in Xcode3.2. I got it working in a regular Mac project by setting the "Header Search Path" to "/usr/local/include" and the "Other Linker Flags" to "-lfftw3 -lsndfile" under the project build configuration. However, it gave me "library not found for -lfft...

What is the problem in using admob in iOS 4

As per the guideline, Apple has blocked third party ad engines like admob to be used in applications of iOS4. But i still can see the admob running on OS 4 without any problem. Has apple not blocked the service yet? can i use admob on my OS 4 application for revenue? ...

Using threads to address memory leak in third party iphone libraries

Hello, I currently have implemented a third party library into my XCode project. The problem is that there are memory leaks which originate from the library which I found using Instruments. My question is is it possible to kick off the API function which is leaking in a separate thread using the autorelease pool in order for that thre...

Telerik RadTreeView visual cue

Hello. We're building this visual cue control to use with a RadTreeView control. The idea is that the visual cue should indicate the currently selected item, when clicking the VisualCue, it should bring up and show the selected item when the items parents are collapsed, or when the items get scrolled out of view. Basically, clicking it w...

Is it permissable to repackage a third-party application as an RPM?

A Linux application we have developed relies upon the presence of licensed, third-party applications to which we defer some internal processing. Our customer has requested that we package our software as RPMs for deployment in their environment --- the question is how best to handle the third-party dependencies which do not provide RPMs....

How does a program work which gathers data from another (not open source) program?

I play an MMORPG and there exists a third party program that can add things to the game's GUI. It can display your HP as a number (as opposed to the green bar), display how long until a power recharges, and other such nifty things. What I can't understand is how on earth the third party program can extract this data? The MMORPG is not ...

Using GPL code on a server.

I got a task to integrate a third-party API into our web application. It's fairy complex and I though that there might be some kind of wrapper in my language-of-choice to consume it. I found a library that does just what I need. The only catch is that it's under GPL. As far as I know GPL allows us to use the code on a server side withou...

Non-Android Market distributers, who's legit and who's not?

I recently logged into my Gmail account which is tied to my Android Developer account and I found two emails regarding distribution of my application through markets other than the Android Market. The first was from "Ubinuri, Inc., a distributor of Android-based mobile applications through local app stores in Korea" which wanted me to ...

This is my OAuth and TripIt controller. Is this sane?

I am working on integrating the TripIt API into a project of mine. I'm new to OAuth so I'm learning this as I go. The following controller seems to be working. However, I want to make sure I'm not leaving any glaring security holes or just being stupid. What do you guys/gals think? If anyone had a better example, I would certainly s...

Exposing WCF Services from Azure to Third Parties

Hello everyone, I have a situation where I am hosting a WCF service in Azure and I want to be able to expose that service to third-party developers around the world. From the research I have done, I see that there have been bugs (or maybe "features") in Azure due to internal architecture that has made it difficult to add proper service...

deployment of application using third party libraries in java

I have seen many people asking this but not a clear answer. I guess that it would depend on each case, so here is my situation: My application performs encryption and decryption using the methods provided by the default JRE installation. I decided to use Bouncy Castle (BC) as a provider, so I would need to include their jars in my appli...