
browser waiting for server indefinitely

I have an issue with a long-running page. ASP.NET page takes about 20 minutes to get generated and served to the browser. Server successfully completes the response (according to logs and ASP.NET web trace) and I assume sends it to the browser. However, browser never recieves the page. It (IE8 & Firefox 3 both) keeps spinning and spinni...

Timeout a command in bash without unnecessary delay

This answer to a similar question proposes a 1-line method to timeout a long-running command from the bash command line: ( /path/to/slow command with options ) & sleep 5 ; kill $! But it's possible that a given "long-running" command may finish earlier than the timeout. (Let's call it a "typically-long-running-but-sometimes-fast" comm...

Javascript: Popup with movie from images in main window

Hi everyone, I'm a mostly-newbie Javascript'er and I'm trying it on a webpage which, upon pressing a button, pops up a window which shows a cyclic "movie" with the images from the main window. From what I've tried Googling around I can sense I'm pretty close, but something is eluding me. I know what follows results in two separate que...

How to set HttpResponse timeout for Android in Java

I have created the following function for checking the connection status: private void checkConnectionStatus() { HttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(); try { String url = "http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8000/GaitLink/" + strSessionString + "/ConnectionStatus"; Log.d("phobos", "performing get " +...

How to force a 20 minute time-out for sessions?

I'm very confused when it comes to what actually decides the session time-out. The web app needs to allow for a 20 minute "idle time" before logging (or throwing) users out. I've tried different setting on both sessionState and Recycle worker processes in IIS. The time-out remains too short and, as far as my quit-n-dirty, primitive tes...

CLR Debugger, ASP.NET -- how to increase timeout?

I'm trying to debug a problem (exception being thrown) in an ASP.NET MVC program using the Microsoft CLR Debugger. It works pretty well, except after a minute or two, the debugger gets detached (the web request times out or something?) and I can no longer inspect its state. This is extremely frustrating. How can I make the server/debu...

What raises HTTP 503 and how to change timeout?

I have inherited an application (internal to my company) that uses javascript running in Internet Explorer which makes Ajax calls to a Struts-based application running in WebLogic Server v10. Certain server-side operations in the system are taking longer than 3 minutes. Users consistently noticed that the Ajax call returns 503 error at...

Setting Timeout Value For .NET Web Service

I have a web service written in C# that is living on a SharePoint site. I have modified the web.config with the following code: (configuration) (system.web) (httpRuntime executionTimeout="360" /) ... for the IIS Inetpub file, the SP ISAPI web.config file and the SP layouts web.config. I have also modified the machine.config file ...

Remoting connection over TCP

I've got a remoting server and client built. The server is set up as such: BinaryServerFormatterSinkProvider serverProv = new BinaryServerFormatterSinkProvider(); serverProv.TypeFilterLevel = TypeFilterLevel.Full; BinaryClientFormatterSinkProvider clientProv = new BinaryClientFormatterSinkProvider(); IDictionary props = new H...

How to properly timeout when communicating with a serial-port device?

I am using a serial port communication C# windows application. I wrote a program to get the data from the port, to manipulate it and write through the serial port. My question is in case the unit is not powered on, the power supply is disconnected, or the unit is not responding to commands for a long time, how will I know? In my program...

SQL Server Connection and Vista 64 bit?

I just upgraded to Vista 64bit. I was running the 32bit version without any issues. For some reason my connection to my SQL server times out. If I go to the server, everything seems to be ok there. I have unlimited conenctions to it and I can connect locally via the Management console. I have a web app running .net 3.5. Is I use the clie...

Oracle - OCI query timeout

Is there any way to set a timeout on Oracle OCI calls (OCIStmtExecute for example) ? Thanks ...

git push/pull times out

I can't git push/pull to github from my corporate vpn: git push origin master ssh: connect to host github.com port 22: Connection timed out fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly I assume this is a firewall issue, b/c if I disconnect from the vpn it works. Is there anything I can do to work around it? Or am I stuck disconnecting f...

SqlDataAdapter.Fill() Timeout - Underlying Sproc Returns Quickly

Hello, I have a SqlDataAdapter that is being populated with 21 rows of data (4 columns). The sproc that drives it returns in a couple seconds in SQL Mgmt Studio, but the .Fill() takes 5 minutes. ArrayList ret = new ArrayList(); SqlDataAdapter da = null; SqlCommand cmd = null; cmd = base.GetStoredProc("usp_dsp_Stuf...

Apache 2.2 CGI timeout configuration

I have a default Apache 2.2 system setup with a Perl CGI script directory configured like so: ScriptAlias /jarvis/ "/opt/jarvis/cgi-bin/" Nothing fancy in here except one of my scripts takes over 10 minutes to process, and due to various reasons, prints out nothing during this time. Apache appears to have a timeframe of 10 minutes (6...

A problem setting timeout feature in with Jquery AJAX.

Hello, I have a jquery HTML page which loads a form. The form has a bunch of settings, but eventually the form gets submitted using a post command (see below) which returns an HTML page built by a script running on the server. This works fine, except when the script runs longer than 5 minutes. The post command just returns nothing. I...

C# How do I stop a tcpClient.Connect() process when i'm ready for the program to end? It just sits there for like 10 seconds!

This is one of my first issues. Whenever I exit out the program, tcpClient.Connect() takes forever to close. I've tried a ton of things, and none of them seem to work. Take a look at the CreateConnection() thread, if the client isn't connected yet... and I close the program, it takes forever to close. If it IS connected, it closes immed...

Why does Sql Server connection TimesOut

Hi I am using Enterprise Library Data for my Sql database. I am using version 3.1. I am using this code to execute a long running sp (about 1 min). Dim db As SqlDatabase = New SqlDatabase(System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("portalConnection").ConnectionString) db.ExecuteNonQuery("spna...

Forcing a query timeout in SQL Server

We have had an issue with a block of code that responds poorly in the face of slow databases (It craps the bed on a query timeout). We have created a patch, and are in the process of running it through regression. We can't get a timeout. I've opened a transaction from SQL Mgmt Studio and updated every row to lock them, but that doesn't ...

WCF Timing out from Windows Services but not Web Applications

Hi All I am currently having an issue calling a WCF service from a windows service. My Application Solution looks like this. Web Administration Console (Web Project) Central Control (Windows Service) WCF service so the Web Administration Console can connect to it and configure it Several Calls to use WCF on the Node (Window Service) ...