
What makes a Winform position initially stale?

The code below demonstrates a very simple problem; I am hoping that I am just missing a setting that someone might be able to reveal. Goal (1) Launch main winform (MainForm). (2) Press button to display secondary winform (ShadowForm) that is semi-transparent and should exactly overlay MainForm. What Actually Happens Scenario 1: Launc...

Transparency with background image using GD

Using GD2 to fill in a transparent png with a solid colour, here is my code and the result. Basically as soon as the transparency begins, the fill colour stops abruptly instead of blending in with the transparency. private function GenerateImage() { $original = imagecreatefrompng($this->ImagePath()); $x = imagesx($original); $y = im...

example of using HTMLOverlay to workaround limitation in air with swf and transparency

hi, does anyone have an example of how to use the htmloverlay from here: to get around the issue with using the youtube chromeless player in an air application that has transparency set to true? I'm currently loading the html containing the e...

Transparent control over WM Player ActiveX component in .NET

I have a Windows media player activex component in my Form. On top of this WM player i have a picturebox with background color set to transparent. When i set an image for this picturebox , thought the image contains transparent areas it is displayed as black when the picturebox is above the WM player component. Where as if i place the P...

Transparent custom UITableViewCell

I've finally finished my first large application, the only problem is that I've focued a lot on design, and I'm using custom nibs as cells with transparent backgrounds. When I tried testing the application on my iPhone, the performance was terrible. Is there any way to get better scrolling performance while using transparent cells with ...

Wrongly semi transparent views in iPhone objective C.

Hi, I'm working on an iPhone game written in Objective C (which I'm new to). The problem is that the views which are used to draw the sprites on screen are semi transparent. I have set the alpha to 1.0 and the opacity to True. I have also used NSLog to confirm that the views' alphas are 1.0. I was using [self.view insertSubview:myView]; ...

.NET CF 2.0: Draw an PNG over a image with background transparency.

Hello! I want to draw an image over other without drawing its backgroud. The image that I want to draw it's a star. I want to put some stars over a map image. The problem is that the star's image has a white backgroud and when I draw over the map the white background appears. My method to draw the star is like this: Graphics graphics...

Pass mouse events to applications behind from a Java UI

Hi, The question I have is exactly same in requirement as , but I need the same for a Transparent Java UI. I can easily create a transparent Java UI using 6.0 but couldn't get any info about passing events through the app to any appl...

.NET Compact Framework 3.5 animated transparent wait cursor

I would like to display a "wait cursor" to the user when they have to wait for something to load. The cursor should be an animated series of bitmaps. I can use a UserControl that I can add to a form, but the UserControl is not itself transparent. I took the code sample available here (

Make text transparent in

Is there a way in Shoes to have text show up transparent? I have:{ para "Text", :stroke => rgb(1.0,0.0,0.0,0.5), :size => 100 } But it's just showing up 100% red. I know opacity works for fill, does it also work for stroke? (I am developing with Shoes Raisins Revision 1134 on Mac OS X 10.4.11) Thanks in advance ...

How to watermark GIF image with 24-bit PNG with transparency in PHP?

Hi! I am creating a script that can put a 24-bit transparent PNG image as a water mark on JPG/GIF/PNG images. So, far i had success with JPEG and PNG. But how can i achieve same with gif files? for GIF files, watermark do appear, but without transparency. Please help. Thanks, Anjan ...

Overlapping Panels in C#

I am using the GUI forms builder in c#. I have a TransparencyKey set, and the backGround color of the whole form is set to that Transparency key so the background of the form seems invisible. I also have a login panel that appears at first and after the user logs in it disappears and the other panels become visible. This all works except...

Draw transparent arcs, not images, in J2ME?

Hi all, I've been happily coding an opensource game for fun, but i just realized that Graphics.setColor() doesn't understand 0xAARRGGBB... I want to get a more and more transparent colour, in which I'd draw some arcs (discs). My goal was to make them shine though each other like in this image: (the logo ...

Use another control as an opacity mask in WPF?

Hi. I'm trying to use the OpacityMask property combined with a VisualBrush so that when you drag an image over another control (such as another image, rectangle, or any other control), the part of the image that is over the second control has a different opacity. That is, the image has some non-zero base opacity, and any part of the im...

Transparency Problem by Overlapped PictureBox's at C#

Hi to all, I'm displaying in a panel pictureboxs overlapped, because each picturebox is used as a layer. First time a picturebox is defined and added to panel its backgroundcolor is transparent, and its images are empty. The problem is, the bottom layer can not be seen, the transparent image, shows the panel's ground. Excepted is that...

Is it possible to adjust the opacity of the Visual Studio 2008 intellisense popups?

In VS2008, you can hit CTRL to make an intellisense popup partially transparent so you can read the code under it. Is it possible to adjust the degree of transparency somewhere? Like a registry key, for instance? I find the default translucency a bit too opaque and still struggle to read the code underneath. ...

Problem moving transparent image on another image

Hi to all, I have a transparent panel, which I have put on another panel, the problem occurs by moving the transparent panel. Because it holds the image part of bottom panel. The transparent panel is refreshed only by minimize and maximize the form window. The control.Refresh or control.Invalidate does not work ... How I can move an i...

Custom Controls via BitBlt / Alphablend Functions --- Help I'm confused

Platform: Windows Mobile 6 Classic / .NET CF 3.5 Problem: Custom Controls, that display alphablended images do not behave well with images on Parent control. Also, hidding and show such controls induces flicker when parent has many images to redraw. More Details: A custom button Control that displays an image with transparencies. I us...

can't I set transparency of a window by its handle in c#?

Hi, i am trying to set transparency of all windows. I have following code. public partial class Form1 : Form { [DllImport("user32.dll")] static extern int SetWindowLong(IntPtr hWnd, int nIndex, int dwNewLong); [DllImport("user32.dll")] static extern int GetWindowLong(IntPtr hWnd, int nIndex); [DllImport("user32.dl...

Transparent gif/black background?

I have the following, it works except the gif is suppose to be transparent and it is creating a black background, if I change all the (imagesavealpha, etc) stuff to the $container then it created a transparent background for the text I add to this image. How would I go about getting rid of the black background? Basically this is a signat...