
Jquery Fade out Transparency In IE

I'm working on a site and I have run into a few problems. Here is the site: I have two divs. .slide and .cover. .cover fades in and out when hovered over displaying some text and a transparent background. This is done with Jqery and the transpareny is with CSS. This works fine on load in all ...

Set Transparency of a DIV and its contents using jQuery

Does anyone know the best way to set the transparency of a DIV and its contents using jQuery? Thank you in advance. ...

CSS transparent background fallback when images are disabled

I have a DIV with a transparent PNG background applied to it. Is there a way (use of JS is fine) for me to: Have the transparency effect when images are enabled Apply a normal solid background color to it when images are disabled ...

iPhone OpenGL ES: Applying a Depth Test on Textures that have transparent pixels for 2D game.

Currently, I have blending and depth testing turn on for a 2D game. When I draw my textures, the "upper" texture remove some portion of the lower textures if they intersect. Clearly, transparent pixels of the textures are taken into account of the depth test, and it clear out all the colors of the drawn lower textures if they intersect. ...

Issue with transparent images on a transparent background

I have a weird issue with a graphic with rounded corners. I have a HTML page with the body set to transparent (style="filter:alpha(opacity=100);opacity:100;background-color:transparent;") and within this body is a div with a PNG image with rounded corners, with transparency on the edges so that it transitions correctly with the backgrou...

How to put a transparent color on a form?

I have a form with an image as the background. Now I need to put several transparent dark color areas in several areas off the form. I need not to hide the background. How can I do this? ...

Set datagrid view beckground to transparent

i tried to set the background color of a data grid view to be "transparent" from prperties but it it said "not a valid property". How to do it.. ...

Displaying translucent / irregular-shaped windows with Qt

Is it possible to display translucent and/or irregular-shaped windows with Qt? (I'm assuming it ultimately depends on the capabilities of the underlying GUI system, but let's assume at least Windows XP / Mac OS X) If so, how does one accomplish this? ...

Windows application very slow when using transparency

I am writing a windows application with C# in visual studio .net 2005. In the form , there are some control with transparent Background; the form opens maximised and with full screen background. The application runs very slow with high CPU usage. Why is this? ...

Alpha transparent PNGs not displaying correctly in Mobile Safari

I'm using some semi-transparent PNGs as background-images on various websites. These are usually something like a 1x1 image with a 30-percent opaque white layer. I've noticed that Mobile Safari does not display them correctly, giving them a darker/grayish tint. I've created a couple test pages to illustrate. View them both in your norm...

VB6: Special-Draw transparent picture

Hello got a PictureBox (called i_MC) and i draw a simple image (m_ImgMCN) on it doing: Call i_MC.PaintPicture(m_ImgMCN, 0, 0, i_MC.width, i_MC.height) now i would like to put a transparent image on this picture, on a specific position. i found a sample code, which does the job quite well with one problem: parts of the image that shou...

How can I optimize drawing of multiple fullscreen transparent iPhone OpenGL ES layers?

Hi, I'm trying to optimize my iPhone OpenGL ES app. This is based on the GLSprite and GLPaint sample apps. I've factored out EAGLView into a base class, and I'm subclassing it in 3 different OpenGL views to make 3 transparent layers. The display parent for the 3 EAGLViews is a UIView, and that UIView is a child of the UIWindow. I'm...

Generate transparent PNG c#

I have below function to generate a sample logo. What I want to do is to return a transparent png or gif instead of white background. How can I do it? private Bitmap CreateLogo(string subdomain) { Bitmap objBmpImage = new Bitmap(1, 1); int intWidth = 0; int intHeight = 0; Font objFont = new Font("Arial", 13, System.Dra...

iPhone: Layering a transparent openGL view on top of a UIView?

I am working on iPhone app and I have an openGL view rendering on top of a regular UIView. It's working, but I can't seem to get the openGL view to have a transparent background that shows the UIView underneath. Instead, I get a big black box. I have tried setting the background color to UIColor clearColor, I've set opaque to NO, I've...

Transparency/Blending issues with OpenGL ES/iPhone

Hi everyone. I have a simple 16x16 particle that goes from being opaque to transparent. Unfortunately is appears different in my iPhone port and I can't see where the differences in the code are. Most of the code is essentially the same. I've uploaded an image to here to show the problem The particle on the left is the incorrectly rend...

Need a tool for webdevelopment

What tool can I use to displays a picture of a desgin with transparency right over my website? I need to check that my design fits, pixel by pixel, to the wishes of the designer. ...

Enabling transparency on a texture in O3D

I have a texture of a set of lungs and the heart that I am applying to a series of triangles. The texture is a .png file and has a transparent background but when I apply it in O3D it shows up with a white background. How would I get this to show up as transparent? ...

Windows form with a transparent background that cannot be clicked through

Using c# / windows forms. Trying to make a form's background transparent, without it losing its ability to receive clicks. this.Opacity makes the whole form transparent (not just the background BackColor = Color.Red; TransparencyKey = BackColor; makes the background of the form transparent and click through-able. I want the form t...

GDI RoundRect on Compact Framework: make rounded rectangle's outside transparent.

Hello! I'm using the RoundRect GDI function to draw a rounded rectangle following this example: .NET CF Custom Control: RoundedGroupBox Because all controls are square, it also draw the corners outside of the rounded rectangle. How can I make this space left outside the rectangle transparent? The OnPaint method is: protected override...

Transparent color works on the simulator but becomes black on the iPhone

Hi! I am trying to draw an image that has some transparent regions. I load the image using image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"testimage.png"]; and draw it using [image drawAtPoint:CGPointMake(0,0)]; The UIView on which I draw the image is not opaque (and it has a transparent background color). The problem is that everything works fin...