
applicationIconBadgeNumber - How to display with empty value ?

How to I make a red number indicators without any number inside it ? Or anyone have any ideas that help user know if the App is running on background or not ? Thanks for helping me Tung Do ...

UIApplication & the UIActionSheetDelegate protocol

After looking over the UIApplication class reference, I noticed that the singleton conforms to the UIActionSheetDelegate protocol. Why does it conform to that protocol in particular? And why not say to the alert view delegate...or any other protocols for that matter? ...

iphone open photos app programmatically

hi is it possible to launch the "Photos" application out of an iphone app? Similar to launching mail? [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:url]; ...

System ignore iPhone rotation

Hey all, Is there a function like beginIgnoringInteractionEvents in UIApplication that ignores rotation instead of touches? I need my app NOT to rotate just in an MPMovePlayerViewController that I present. Thanks [UPDATE] Here's my code -- MPMoviePlayerViewController *mpViewController = [[MPMoviePlayerViewController alloc] initWith...

Sending email from iPhone with predefined email address

Hi, I'd like to make it so the user can send an email address which comes from a predefined email address. So the user does not specify the email address. However, I'd like it so they do define the recipient's email and the content of the email address. This is what I tried using earlier, which goes through the Mail client: NSString ...

How to mock property/internal value of UIApplication?

I'm writing unit tests. And I cannot test one function, because it calls keyWindow UIWindow* window = [UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow; And keyWindow returns nil (I don't have any window). But I need to return anything, but nil. I used category to manually set keyWindow value, but this didn't work @interface UIApplication...

NSTimer doesn't work without UIApplication?

I have a custom iPhone application which doesn't rely on UIKit in any way (it is not linked to UIKit). This means that I'm not using UIApplication and therefore not calling UIApplicationMain. The problem is that when I create a timer it never fires. The timer is created like that: [NSTimer timerWithTimeInterval:10 target:self selector:...

Restarting iPhone application after [UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL

Hi, As title says I'd like to know how to restart my iPhone app after doing this: [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL UrlWithString:@"tel://0123456789"]] It seems pretty simple as I saw many topics also talking about restoring the very state of the application when openURL is called, but I can't find how to simply restar...

[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow] is nil ?

Hi, I want to convert a CGPoint from my UIView to UIWindow coordinates and have realized that UIApplication keyWindow is always nil, how come is this? I have tried convertPoint:toView: method form UIView. Please see this sample code I tried in the view controller in a template of Xcode (View application): - (void)viewDidLoad { [...

[Iphone] Is it possible to subclass UiApplicationDelegate protocol?

To be honest I don't know how to call it, so I'll try to describe it. UIApplicationDelegate protocol has "application:handleOpenURL:" method. And if I implement this method in my ApplicationDelegate class, it will be called when somebody opens my urls. details: http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/documentation/uikit/reference/UIA...

objective C Basic question

hi friends, i made a simple application using view based template.and i put only nslog inside view didload method in viewController file and also inside applicationDidFinishLaunch method (in appDelegate )to checked which class file called first. after the run i got: viewController Run first and then appdelegate ..but i think appdele...

Is NSMainNibFile a required setting?

If I plan to programmatically create my views, can I build an iOS application without a main nib file? If so, how do I tell UIApplication what my app delegate is? ...

iPhoneOS, using applicationWillResignActive

Hi Everybody, I want to use this function applicationWillResignActive perform some tasks. before the application shuts down due to incoming call, message or user close it manually. Can i send an email message/in app sms using this function ? Will those tasks would be performed or the application would immediately quit due to the above ...

Loading animation for iphone OS 4

i just converted my old app(2.1.3) into new app(4.0).I got some error in loading animation. Can any one have the code which works on iphone OS 4.0? ...

how to get my UIWindow using UIApplication?

Hello I have only one window and I tried UIWindow* mWindow = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow]; but this returned nil. I also tried: UIWindow* mWindow = (UIWindow*)[[UIApplication sharedApplication].windows objectAtIndex:0]; But this raised an exception and the app closed, when I tried to print out [[UIApplication sh...

How do you deal with singleton objects in your app?

The first approach that comes to my mind is to put the singleton object in the appDelegate object as property. In this way you can access it from anywhere using #import "myAppDelegate.h" // ... [[(myAppDelegate *)[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] SingletonObj] The downside is you have to explicitly cast and import the header...

iPhone: Quitting aplication using [[UIApplication sharedApplication] terminateWithSuccess];

I have built a small app that gets informations from a database on a website. the first thing the app does is to fetch an rss feed and then display it. Apple guidelines tell to let the user decide if he/she wants to connect to the Internet, so I have placed an alert at the beginning showing "The app will connect to the Internet. Continu...

Slow app launch

Hi! My iphone app is launching very slowly, and I have no idea why. My application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: isn't really heavy, I'm just setting the managedObjectContext for each of my five view controllers of my tab bar controller. Does anybody have an idea what causes the slow launch? Thanks. - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication ...