
Swapping UIImages causing 'unrecognized selector sent to instance' ?

Error: [__NSCFDate drawAtPoint:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0xd251e0 Termininating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException' Scenario: for the most part this works. But I notice this error, even on the simulator, when I swapping UIImages, slowly, but consistently. For example, I have a retained reference t...

Is this an efficient use of UIImage?

Let's say I have an object called Person. Person internally loaded an UIImage called "person.png". In my app i create many Person objects, creating and even deleting them at runtime. Since a Person object internally has a retained reference to UIImage, does this mean each Person has a unique memory allocation for the image? Or do all ...

Release a retain UIImage property loaded via imageNamed?

In my class object i've defined a (nonatomic, retain) property for UIImage. I assigned this property with an image loaded via [UIImage imageNamed:@"file.png"]; If at some point I want to reassign this property to another image, should I have to release the prior reference? I am confused because by the retain property I know i should ...

Image in UITableViewCell of flexible height

I have a table view cell of variable height.How can I place an image at the middle (vertically) of the table cell ? Is there any way to set from IB ? or can i do it in codes ? ...

uiimage draws vertically flipped?

I am creating a drawing application in iphone.i have subclassed uiview to show selection rectangle.here is an image for this.... but when i create a rect using touch points. and when modify uiimage it just modifies vertically flipped.tried CGContextScalCTM with CGContextTranslateCTM but nothing happens.unable to figure it out.does som...

How do I make a UIScrollView zoom to size of UIImage ?

Right now, when I double tap the UIScrollView I run this code (taken from Apple's own example code): #define ZOOM_STEP 1.5 float newScale = [imageScrollView zoomScale] * ZOOM_STEP; CGRect zoomRect = [self zoomRectForScale:newScale withCenter:tapPoint]; [imageScrollView zoomToRect:zoomRect animated:YES]; However, I have set the maximum...

Sharing Memory Between CGImageRef and UIImage

Is there any way to create a UIImage object from an offscreen surface without copying the underlying pixel data? I would like to do something like this: // These numbers are made up obviously... CGContextRef offscreenContext = MyCreateBitmapContext(width, height); // Draw into the offscreen buffer // Draw commands not relevant... // ...

UIButton with image losing its newly set image

I've got a UIButton (custom, with image) set up in IB which is an IBOutlet in my code. In my viewDidLoad method in the viewController, I am trying to change the existing image of the UIButton UIImage *newbuttonimage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"newbuttonimage.png"]; testbutton.imageView.image = newbuttonimage; OK, that works when starting...

how to mask an image using coregraphics?

i want to create an app in which i shoot a person from camera.then take only body of person not the background.i know that i need to use image masking.but don't know how to use it.could someone post a sample to do this. ...

how to detect body in image in objective-c?

is there a way we can detect a person's body in the image and cut the only body part of the image. ...

UIImage Memory problems becoz of caching

Hi, I googled for the memory issue associated with UIImage and came across many threads talking about the problem but no real help or solution. I know when we use -imageNamed: the object is being cached so it's better to use initWithData:. When we use drawRect: and UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext(), does the image goes to cac...

How can I get the standard iPhone Copy bubble to appear on a UIImage?

In iPhoto, I can simply hold my finger over an image to get a "Copy" popup (like the popup you see in text boxes). In my UIImageView's, this is not t he case. How can I enable it? ...

Adding a UIImage on a touch event iPhone

OK i am really struggling with this! I know had to add an image to the view, i know how to record a touch event. But combining the two is proving to be an issue. There are lots of tutorials out there on how to move an image with touch events. But Could anyone suggest how i might complete the following: Add an image to the view on t...

iPhone Development - Access Apple's default Icon images

Can i get system provided icons/images in a UIImage. I'm referring to the icons/images referenced here. ...

Drawing UIImage at multiple locations in UIImageView

I'm kind of lost in between UIImage, UIImageView, CG, layers... I want to draw the same UIImage multiple times in the same UIImageView. I don't want to have a separate subview for each of those objects. It's enough to have a flat image. How do I do that? ...

Exif and iPhone files

Im using a library for extracting EXIF data from google code. I assume with iPhone OS 3 that you can use UIImagepicker to do it. I just want to be able to extract the f-Stop, Shutter Speed and ISO data from the image. I want to discard the image and just use the information that I store up. Would I end up extracting the tag data in the...

Draw selected areas of a UIImage

I have a UIImage containing an image with a whole bunch of smaller pictures on the image (essentially an image strip containing sprites). I'd like to draw a single sprite onto an area of my UIView. I can't seem to find a way draw only part of the UIImage onto the view. Is there a method that does this? ...

UIImage within Thread not being Released / Overwritten

This appears to be the the classic method for scanning images from the iPhone. I have a thread that is dispatched from the main thread to go and scan for Codes. It essentially creates a new UIImage each time then removes it. NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; { while (![thread isCancelled]) { #ifdef DE...

Adding UIImage with the same image multiple times and removing it all in one code.

Hi. Im having a bit of trouble right now adding the same image multiple times and removing it all at one time after the gamelooop. I manage to add the image by creating 1 UIImageview for every image but i know thats its not the practical way memory wise since im allocating a lot of uiimageview with the same image. I use this code to load...

View showed delay

My viewDidAppear methods is in below. My view has a activieIndicator that is animating and a imageView. In viewDidAppear I load an image from my server which will be used as an image of the above imageView. I want until my image is fully loaded, my view will show the animating indicator. But I can not do it. Until full image load, i can ...