
Dynamic UIImage Content Loading in UITableView code?

im trying to get a tutorial/sample code on how to dynamic download uiimage in uitableview. Just like native iTunes App loading artwork dynamically. its also called "lazy loading" I have been searching it online for a while. The only sample code that is available is: http://kosmaczewski.net/2009/03/08/asynchronous-loading-of-images...

Program crashes when releases UIImage after generating OpenGL ES texture

Right now, I have followed this tutorial: http://iphonedevelopment.blogspot.com/2009/05/opengl-es-from-ground-up-part-6%5F25.html It does not work if I tried to release UIImage: I will get a 'EXC_BAD_ACCESS'. Now, I made the UIImage to be instance variables and retain them. I do not make it autorelease. But the problem is sometimes I w...

Create UiImage from NSData

Below is code I copied (from this site) and modified only slightly since the original code would not compile. I want to manipulate the byte array for edge detection and eventually simple changes to colors, but first I wanted to get the basic code working. Currently, the system compiles and runs. It displays a badly drawn elephant on scre...

iphone UIImageView rotation

hi, Can anyone tell me how to rotate an image in circular motion ...

iPhone - UIImage imageScaledToSize Memory Issue

I have done research and tried several times to release the UIImage memory and have been unsuccessful. I saw one other post on the internet where someone else was having this same issue. Everytime imageScaledToSize is called, the ObjectAlloc continues to climb. In the following code I am pulling a local image from my resource directory...

iPhone - UIImage Leak, CGBitmapContextCreateImage Leak

Alright I am having a world of difficulty tracking down this memory leak. When running this script I do not see any memory leaking, but my objectalloc is climbing. Instruments points to CGBitmapContextCreateImage > create_bitmap_data_provider > malloc, this takes up 60% of my objectalloc. This code is called several times with a NSTim...

Does CGImageRelease() free UIImage's memory?

Hi, I have the following code: UIImage *originalImage; CGImageRef cgImage = [originalImage CGImage]; I know that CGImage is a read-only property of UIImage class. Does the line CGImageRelease(cgImage) free originalImage's memory? I'm tracing down a bug in my program and this line seems to be a hot candidate if I'm trying to acces...

iPhone - UIImage Leak, ObjectAlloc Building

Alright I am having a world of difficulty tracking down this memory leak. When running this script I do not see any memory leaking, but my objectalloc is climbing. Instruments points to CGBitmapContextCreateImage > create_bitmap_data_provider > malloc, this takes up 60% of my objectalloc. This code is called several times with a NSTimer...

iPhone - CGBitmapContextCreateImage Leak, Anyone else with this problem?

Has anyone else come across this problem? I am resizing images pretty often with an NSTimer. After using Instruments it does not show any memory leaks but my objectalloc just continues to climb. It points directly to CGBitmapContextCreateImage. Anyone know of a solution? or Even possible ideas? -(UIImage *) resizedImage:(UIImage *)i...

Streching and shrinking Image when pinching on the image

Hi, In my app i want to drag a image any where in the view and want to resize the image by pinching,gestures. I am able to drag the image any where by using - (void) touchesBeganNSSet*)touches withEventUIEvent*)event and - (void) touchesMovedNSSet*)touches withEventUIEvent*)event . But am not able to resize the image can any please he...

Another iPhone - CGBitmapContextCreateImage Leak

Like in this post: iPhone - UIImage Leak, ObjectAlloc Building I'm having a similar problem. The pointer from the malloc in create_bitmap_data_provider is never freed. I've verified that the associated image object is eventually released, just not the provider's allocation. Should I explicitly create a data provider and somehow man...

Saving a PNG (or good quality JPG) image to the Photos Library.

Scenario Saving a 320x480 view as an image in the user's saved photos album. Problem Always saves a 800x?, low quality JPG. Using the normal renderInContext/UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum method to save a view to the library. I've tried converting the UIImage to a PNGRepresentation then using that data to make a new UIImage - it still ...

iPhone - Multiple CGBitmapContextCreateImage Calls - ObjectAlloc climbing

Has anyone else come across this problem? ObjectAlloc climbs as a result of the CGBitmapContextCreateImage. Does Apple's software not fully releasing the objectalloc? I am resizing images 12 times a second with a NSTimer. During resizing of the image I am also adding a photoshop like Gaussian blur effect by including interpolationQuali...

Error with UIImageView

I have a compiler error and I just can't work out what is wrong. I am new to this so stuggling to decipher the error. In my .h I have... @interface LongViewController : UIViewController { IBOutlet UIImageView *loadImageInto; IBOutlet UIImageView *loadedInto; } -(void)fadeIt:(UIImageView*)imgNamed; And in my .m... -(voi...

UIImage Performance and Optimisation with UITableViews

Hi there, I'm using several images to style UITableViewCells and I want to make sure I'm doing things correctly, firstly to ensure good memory management, and secondly to make sure things are as fast as possible (I'm having troubles with the sluggyness of the scrolling!). I know that using [UIImage imageNamed:] will cache the images fo...

How can I draw tinted translucent images in iPhone SDK?

For the visuals in my iPhone application I'm compositing UIImages in a transparent UIView. I'd like the images to appear in their normal colors sometimes, but under other conditions I want them to be drawn tinted red. This is easy to do with opaque square images, but parts of my images are translucent, and I only want to tint the solid p...

Caching behavior of UIImage

Does UIImage ever removes images from its cache? Can I keep a pointer to an image I got from imageNamed: and use it as long as I like or must I always call imageNamed:? ...

Computing a UIImage to be saved to the photo album

I basically want to automatically create a tiled image from a bunch of source images, and then save that to the user's photo album. I'm not having any success drawing a bunch of small UIImage's into one big UIImage. What's the best way to accomplish this? Currently I'm using UIGraphicsBeginImageContext() and [UIImage drawAtPoint], etc. A...

UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum save as PNG with transparency?

I'm using UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum to save a UIImage to the user's photo album. The problem is that the image doesn't have transparency and is a JPG. I've got the pixel data set correctly to have transparency, but there doesn't seem to be a way to save in a transparency-supported format. Ideas? EDIT: There is no way to accomplish ...

how to pinch, swirl, stretch, uiimage using coregraphics?

how do we do stretch,pinch,swirl effect on uiimage using core graphics..? something like this .this screenshot was of application named PhotoTwist ...