
UITabBarController Initial View?

Hi, I'm wondering if it is possible to start my app with all my tabs in the "up" state and show a "landing" view to the user. Kind of like a welcome/quick start. When they select one of the tabs, it switches views as normal. Will you point me in the right direction? Kind of like this: ...

changing the tint color of navigation bar changes the size of the view

I have a tabbar based application in which the controller of each tabbar item is navigation controller. on the navigation controller I have an image view(added by the code) starting just below the navigation bar. The problem is when i changes the tint color of the navigation bar as self.navigationController.navigationBar.tintColor = [UI...

How to jump to 2nd level viewController on startup in navigation based iPhone app

Hi, I have a navigation based iPhone app. Normally you start on the RootViewController, there you can select a row from an UITableView which brings you to another ViewController, let's call it SecondLevelViewController. When the app is started I check if it was quit from SecondLevelViewController (via a parameter saved to the defaultUs...

[iPhone] How to display various texts with a background?

I have an app with a UITableView and Detail Views. Every detail view contains some text with a background and the text depends on the TableView row selected. The Table data is taken from a .plist. I have tried displaying the text from a .pages file in a UIWebView, but it takes too much time to load and it doesn't take the whole screen (w...

Why isn't UINavigationController popping UITableViewController when I touch the back button?

The navigationBar goes back, but the view stays the same. What gives? ...

ViewController displaced vertically by 20px after modal is dismissed: iOS4 Only. Example code included.

Hello - I hope someone can help... This issue has been discussed here and I have tried the solutions suggested but to no avail. My problem is best illustrated using the example project which can be downloaded from this URL: http://www.hitsalive.com/tmp/VCTest.zip In the example project I have a main viewcontroller with two buttons use...

Use custom background with UINavigationController default UIToolbar

Hi I want to use my self background for my UIToolbar. To do that with the UINavigationBar I've just used this category with the override of the drawRect method: @implementation UIToolbar (CustomImage) - (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect { UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed: @"nm010400.png"]; [image drawInRect:C...

How do I make NavigationItem UIBarButtonItems visually acknowledge a touch?

I have a UINavigationController where I initialize the NavigationBar as such (using MonoTouch): NavigationBar.BarStyle = UIBarStyle.Black; NavigationBar.TintColor = UIColor.Black; On a UIViewController that I subsequently push onto the navigation controller, I add a button as such: NavigationItem.RightBarButtonItem = new UIBarButtonI...

UINavigationController return to first view

I am using a UINavigationController to slide from a UITableViewController to another view. In that second view I have created a custom "Back" button which is attached to an action. What code do I use to return to dismiss the current view and slide back to my first view? I need something that is the equivalent to [super dismissModalVie...

UISearchBar frame making x hard to press

I have a UISearchBar in my UINavigationBar that also has a button in it. When you click the search field the button gets a bit larger to accommodate text and the search field gets smaller to make space for it. Although this looks perfect as far as visual UI is concerned the x to clear the search field is almost unclickable. I am settin...

hide modal tab bar controller - from within a view controller IN the tab bar controller

Hi there I have a first view which has a funky menu thing. Then when you select a menu item it does [self presentModalViewController:tbc animated:YES]; (tbc being a tab bar controller with 5 navigation controllers within it). In each of the navigation controllers I have a Home icon in the navigation bar. I want to be able to link this...

Background UIImageView that doesn't get rotated

I have this UINavigationController-based iPad app that supports all 4 orientations. When I rotate the device, I'd like the background image to stay still and only have the UI on top of it get rearranged/rotated. I've succeeeded by returning NO to the UIViewController shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation: and handle the orientation mys...

UINavigationBar Disappears using UISearchBar and SearchDisplayController

Here is my scenario: (1) I have a TabBarController with the following: (A) Navigation Controller (rootviewcontroller is a uitableviewcontroller) = Tab 0 (B) UIViewController = Tab 1 (2) The Navigation Controller is using a UISearchBar along with UISearchDisplayController (3) I click into and enter a search into the...

global ADBannerView in iPhone app

Is it possible with a standard UINavigationController-rooted app, to have a single ADBannerView visible at the bottom of the screen, below the view hierarchy? That is, without modifying each view-controller/view that can be pushed to the root UINavigationController, can I have a global ADBannerView be visible? I'm not sure how to set ...

UIAlertView Question

Hi, I have a small doubt. I have a NSObject class where I am trying to display an alert view. So after the alert view is displayed when I tap on OK button I want to push a navigation controller onto the stack. Can I push a navigation controller from general NSObject class? Please let me know guys..thanks for your time.. This is the code...

UITabbar CATransition Screen goes blank before push animation.

I'm making a TabBarApp. My first tab is a "main menu" (UINavigationController) some of the views in the menu is also available in the tabbar. I call [tabbarController setSelectedView:] instead of pushViewController when those spesific rows are selected. I want to use the same push animation as a NavigationController when calling [tab...

how to add uinavigation controller to tabbar based application

Hello everybody. i am making a tabbar based app. but the problem is i have several views like login view and a tableview that has to be shown before the tabbar view. My problem is if take a tabbar based application it dosnt have a navigation controller, so when i want to push the another viewcontroller from the tableview controller it is...

Full screen UIImage view

I have an application with a navigation bar and a tab bar. A user can navigate to a view which displays images in a scroll view. I'd like to have the same behavior as the iPhone photo app: Nav bar at the top, tool bar at the bottom, which will hide or show based upon a tap. I'm moving my view to the window object in order to achieve f...

NavigationController: Replacing a pushed UIViewController with another one

Hello, for a better understanding of the following question, here's a little drawing that illustrates the structure of my App: http://grab.by/6jXh So, basically I have a navigation-based App that uses NavigationController's "pushViewController" method to show Views A and B. What I'd like to accomplish is to make a transition from view...

UIView frame when navigation bar and tab bar controller exist

I am creating a UIView programatically in loadView. The application has a UITabBarController and UINavigationController. How do I create a view that automatically resizes when a tab bar and a navigation bar both exist? My current approach to this problem is calculating the heights of the navigation and tab bar controllers and subtracti...